Sisterhood HCP Week 2



  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Okay, I feel the need for some serious intervention... If I superglue my mouth together, how long do you think it will take before the adhesive wears off? My parents are having fight night at their house, and are planning on ordering pizza, having chips and dip, and asked me to make my homemade chocolate chip cookies. I made sure that my mom at least ordered a vegetarian pizza, but I don't know if I'm going to make it through the night!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    OH NO! That sounds like a tough night ahead of you! Do you have any veggies to bring for that dip at least? And drink lots of water! Maybe eat something sensible before you go so you will limit yourself to one piece of pizza. Oh god, I've been in that situation - dunno what to tell you... just do your best and remember why you're fighting for this weight loss! Good luck!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    ok the first thing you do is make sure you eat before you leave that way even if your still hungry or get hungry it wont be so bad. :bigsmile: then take something with you the veggies and dip is a good idea or fruit just take something :bigsmile: The pizza is tempting so is the cookies and other food but just remember its not worth it not after all your hard work and you know what they say a minute on your lips a lifetime on your hips :laugh: But seriously just take something good with you and in the end if you are still tempting have a small amount and fill the rest of your plate with healthy stuff....still not convinced? well if it still happens worse worse case scenerio excercise a ton the next day :devil:

    hope that helps that really sucks but just try to remember its just not worth all the hard work you have done and are doing :flowerforyou: I believe in you :smooched:
  • abullock
    abullock Posts: 36 Member
    So I know that the group weighs-in on Tuesday but I started MFP doing my weigh-ins on Saturday so here are my results:

    I lost 3 pounds this week - but more importanly I was able to button my goal jeans!! The aren't my final goal jeans but they are they next step. So this morning I went through all of the jeans at the top of my closet (none of which fit me on Jan 1), and I have three "new" pants that I haven't been able to wear in almost 2 years that now fit!

    And . . . I started the push-up challenge two weeks ago only able to do 13 girl push-ups and today when I did my 2 week evaluation I was able to do 40!! I can't believe it!

    Today was a very good day!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    So I know that the group weighs-in on Tuesday but I started MFP doing my weigh-ins on Saturday so here are my results:

    I lost 3 pounds this week - but more importanly I was able to button my goal jeans!! The aren't my final goal jeans but they are they next step. So this morning I went through all of the jeans at the top of my closet (none of which fit me on Jan 1), and I have three "new" pants that I haven't been able to wear in almost 2 years that now fit!

    And . . . I started the push-up challenge two weeks ago only able to do 13 girl push-ups and today when I did my 2 week evaluation I was able to do 40!! I can't believe it!

    Today was a very good day!

    omg congrats on the three pounds and on the pants both are sooooo great and the push up challenge thats awesome keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • So I know that the group weighs-in on Tuesday but I started MFP doing my weigh-ins on Saturday so here are my results:

    I lost 3 pounds this week - but more importanly I was able to button my goal jeans!! The aren't my final goal jeans but they are they next step. So this morning I went through all of the jeans at the top of my closet (none of which fit me on Jan 1), and I have three "new" pants that I haven't been able to wear in almost 2 years that now fit!

    And . . . I started the push-up challenge two weeks ago only able to do 13 girl push-ups and today when I did my 2 week evaluation I was able to do 40!! I can't believe it!

    Today was a very good day!

    Thats so awesome!! Way to go!:bigsmile:
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    Okay wait... you went from 13 to 40 push ups in two weeks? That's awesome! Enjoy your jeans too btw! Congrats on your accomplishments!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Gosh I go to bed and so much happens!
    Abullock- Hey I am glad someone else is doing the push up challenge. I am doing both the push up and sit up. I will start week two on Monday. Congrats on your weightloss and fitting into some more clothes.

    dsangel- Congrats on the inches lost! I measure both weight and inches and I am always surprised at how many inches come off. I actually officially weigh and atpe today so I will update you later.

    MissResa- I hope you stayed away from temptation but just remember tomorrow is a new day! Glad your hubby will get to come home.

    MissMez- I hope you had a good day out! Eveyone needs to treat them selves once in a while. I was thinking I shuold get a pedicure the othe day or something to treat myself.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Ok so I know we weigh in on Tuesday but I had to share my success with Everyone! I started my weight loss journey on January 5th. Today is the end of the 4th week. I have lost 16lbs, gone down 2.6 in my BMI, lost 2 inches in my waist, 1 inch in my chest, 1.5 inches of my hips, and 3 inches off of my problem area right above the navel. I took some pictures today just because I can see such a difference in my side view. I have two more months until my orignial goal. I wanted to be at 195 by then. Well that is only 10 lbs away so I think I will for sure reach my goal. Anyway I was just so excited, Thank you all for your support.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OH yeah and pumpkinheadsMomma- I looked at the chicken on here and I was inputting it wrong. I was putting it as a whole breast when I was eating a half chicken breast. So it was really only 120 calroies vs 240! Opps!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey chicky, just wanted to write you a quick note and tell you how great you're doing!!! I hope that the rest of the weekend goes just as well-my kids are in bed now, so I have to do my evening workout. Yay me!!! Yeah, right!!!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey chicky, just wanted to write you a quick note and tell you how great you're doing!!! I hope that the rest of the weekend goes just as well-my kids are in bed now, so I have to do my evening workout. Yay me!!! Yeah, right!!!
    So what time is it where you are? I know I am 6 hours ahead of the east coast. How did you do with your temptation? Don't sweat it. Hey I ate BK on Friday and I have lost 1 lb since. So you can eat unhealthy just not every day. Yeah I always do a 30 min workout video once my girls are sleeping. Well I am off to sell some more girl scout cookies. I am hoping that we sell the rest at our booth sale today because I am tired of hauling them up and down my steps. Hey maybe I should count that as a workout, lol. I have also been so good. We have only opened 3 boxes in the last 2 weeks, and still have some in the one box left.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Right now it is 1:45 am. I am sooooo tired, but I'm doing P90X and it takes around an hour to an hour and a half for me to get through everything on a normal day. My husband called me around 12:45, so it took me a little bit longer. I am drinking a small recovery drink and then getting ready to go to bed. I also did pretty good... I gave myself some extra calories with exercise earlier on today so that I could eat a little junk without feeling terrible about myself later... The fights were awesome, and I was able to splurge and have TWO slices of vegetarian pizza and TWO whole chocolate chip cookies without feeling like I wanted to get some duct tape for my mouth. I also took the advice of the people from this thread and ate a healthy snack before I went to have some pizza... It really did help me curb how much I ate. I feel so much more in control of what I eat now that I have to enter everything into my food journal. It makes you feel so much more aware of just how much you eat!!! Anyway, off to bed with me... I have to get at least 6 hours if I want to function tomorrow. I mean, today!!!:yawn:
  • Good Sunday Morning! Wow I missed a bunch yesterday when I was gone. Congrats to those who have lost inches and pounds and gained pants!
    I know this might sound silly, but I feel like such a proud momma to all of you. When I first started this group I was afraid I'd have to poke and prod it along to keep everybody alive. I'd seen other groups fizzle out before. That's why I'm so happy about the people that have joined, everyone is so helpful and uplifting it's almost sickening:laugh: . If someone needs help or a boost, everyone else comes running! That is so great, and that's why I think this is a wonderful group, full of amazing ladies (and of course our not-to-be-forgotten Mister Sister:wink: ) that will be able to stay for the long haul. :happy:
    I know the official weigh-in is Tuesday, but I kinda like that we have a couple that weigh-in on other days. It is a little boost for me to hear their success stories and gives me that extra little kick in the butt to stay strong till the weigh-in. Those last couple of days are usually my hardest to find motivation. :wink: I'm so glad everyone is here!!!!:bigsmile:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    So PumkinHeadsMomma- How was your trip into town? So is that the drive you said is like 2.5 hours away? I know I am not in the boonies but I feel that way sometimes. I miss the states so bad! I miss all the convienece's that it offers. Also you are so right, about our group. I had joined two others and no one posted at all. So I have just stuck with this one. I love everyone here!
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    This was the first group I joined and it seems like I joined the right one by the sounds of it! Happy Sunday to all of you! I started out with a not-so-good breakfast but that's normal for Sundays in my house. My boys like it when I make bacon and eggs and hashbrowns. I'm certainly not going to eat oatmeal while smelling their bacon! Oh well, more sensible lunch and dinner and must get my butt moving in order to balance that out!

    Big congrats to thompsons81702 for your weight loss so far! I started this journey the same time as you, but haven't lost much yet. It's my own fault though - I make the cold weather a big excuse for not getting out, and we have such a small house I really don't have anywhere to try to do anything inside. I know it's excuses only but that's where I am right now. I'm having a really hard time this winter. It's cold everywhere but it's the first time I've lived on the prairies in 15 years. I was on the beautiful west coast before and I am really going into shock with this winter thing!

    At least I can officially say goodbye to January for another year! That helps! haha!:bigsmile:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    This was the first group I joined and it seems like I joined the right one by the sounds of it! Happy Sunday to all of you! I started out with a not-so-good breakfast but that's normal for Sundays in my house. My boys like it when I make bacon and eggs and hashbrowns. I'm certainly not going to eat oatmeal while smelling their bacon! Oh well, more sensible lunch and dinner and must get my butt moving in order to balance that out!

    Big congrats to thompsons81702 for your weight loss so far! I started this journey the same time as you, but haven't lost much yet. It's my own fault though - I make the cold weather a big excuse for not getting out, and we have such a small house I really don't have anywhere to try to do anything inside. I know it's excuses only but that's where I am right now. I'm having a really hard time this winter. It's cold everywhere but it's the first time I've lived on the prairies in 15 years. I was on the beautiful west coast before and I am really going into shock with this winter thing!

    At least I can officially say goodbye to January for another year! That helps! haha!:bigsmile:
    Oh thanks! It is so great to hear congrats. It really helps me keep going. I just can't wait to get out of the 200's. Yeah we have lived in cold area's pretty much the last 6 years. We were in upstate NY for 4 years and have been in Germany for the last year. I have gotten very used to working out at home. I have a Walk Away the Pounds DVD. I do at least one time a day. It is in home walking. I like to do the 2 mile walk. I only need my tv and about 4 feet of space. I do it as soon as I put my girls to bed or sometimes in the day when my oldest is at school and my baby is naping. Hopefully you will find something to help kickstart your weightloss. I also try to do 90 crunches ever night, and I am doing the 200 sit up challenge and the 100 push up challenge.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Okay Sisters (and Mister), I need some serious cheering section. I am going to run my first ever 5K on Sunday and I am scared! I have been training for it since Thanksgiving, doing better some weeks, doing crappy some weeks, but I have drastically increased the length of time that I can run. But I am still sooo scared that I will be dragging across the finish line! I KNOW I will finish, I just don't want to kill myself doing it:laugh:

    I'll be in Golden Gate Park Sunday Morning at about 8:45 (hopefully that's when I will be crossing the finish line) just in case there are any local friends who wanna come see!!

    Cross your fingers for me!

    So I am not sure what time it is where you are but I hope the 5K went GREAT! I was thinking of you. I just found this program online called couch to 5K and it is to train you to run a 5k in 9 weeks. I am going to try cause our area shuold be having a 5k run sometime in March. I am nervouse cause I can not run at all maybe 1/4 mile.
  • Happy Sunday!! :smile: I hope that everyone has had a good weekend thus far! I worked out today and DID NOT want to!!!!! :sad: :sad: :noway: :cry: But I did it and I am glad that I did. It was in no way my best work out but I got it done!! And that is all that matters! I hope you all have a productive day!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hello, Sisters!!!! I hope everything is going well for you all... So far, it sounds as though everyone is doing great!! I am so impressed by everyone's successes, and it keeps me motivated to push on through. I have been having my ups and downs lately, especially with last night's party situation, but have managed to lose another pound!!! This is the lowest that my weight has been in a veeeeerrrrrryyyy long time, and I am so happy!!! Thank you everyone for giving me advice on the evil food situation; it really did help. I went online before the festivities began, and I checked the nutritional info on the pizza that we ordered. I found out that even the vegetarian pizza had THREE HUNDRED calories per slice. That definitely made me watch how much I ate!!!:tongue:
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