Sisterhood HCP Week 2



  • I haven't stopped in for a couple of days...I have been busy with work and getting our house finished. We're in the process of building a new house and it's going so slow!!! I just didn't want anyone to think I had forgotten about you gals! Keep up the good work!

    Also, I know we are weighing in on Tuesdays, but I wanted to give everyone a little heads up. I am not going to be down any more weight from before. just a few days ago my work announced they were going to be doing a biggest loser competition from the 6th of Feb until June. The winner gets $500 and the person with the most weight kept off at the end of the year gets another $500 bucks. They won't let me use any of the weight I have already with that said I'm kind of in a holding pattern until then. I PROMISE you ladies, once the 6th gets here, IT"S GONNA BE ON!!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good for you, Mister Sister!!! We want updates, so you better keep us posted!!!!:tongue:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I haven't stopped in for a couple of days...I have been busy with work and getting our house finished. We're in the process of building a new house and it's going so slow!!! I just didn't want anyone to think I had forgotten about you gals! Keep up the good work!

    Also, I know we are weighing in on Tuesdays, but I wanted to give everyone a little heads up. I am not going to be down any more weight from before. just a few days ago my work announced they were going to be doing a biggest loser competition from the 6th of Feb until June. The winner gets $500 and the person with the most weight kept off at the end of the year gets another $500 bucks. They won't let me use any of the weight I have already with that said I'm kind of in a holding pattern until then. I PROMISE you ladies, once the 6th gets here, IT"S GONNA BE ON!!!
    That is so exciting. Hey I would be tempted to gain some weight back, jk! How much have you lost already? So many companies are trying to get their employee's to lose weight and they are doing things like this. I think it is so great.I wish you luck in winning some money while getting healthy! I know that would make me want to do it even more. Especially since you and your wife have a little one on the way.
  • I don't blame you man. Take the money and run!!! Afterall, you'll have diapers to buy:wink: Nah, take your wife out and spend some time together before baby comes, you'll be glad you did.:happy: Just keep in touch ok? Don't forget us:frown:
  • Well from Jan 1 I have lost a total Of 13 lbs. But I have already gone down one pant size and 2 belt loops. It's weird, My shoes don't fit as well as they used to. Anyone else had that problem? I have had to stop putting in what I eat into MFP every day like I was. Not that I am trying to get away from using it but I know if I do then I will be a whole lot more aware. I have not gained any since last week. I'm still being really cautious of what i eat. I'm trying to use MFP as what gets me jump started next week....I know it works because it has helped me already!!!!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    congrats tid that amazing and an insperation to me i dont have the shoe problem ur feet may be swollen though or retaining water may want unless tehy are to big then ignore what i just i must vent a bit to my lovely support group :bigsmile: as much as i didnt want to i got up and went on the treadmill why do i hate cardio so much???:devil: So im going at 3.5 walking along watching the view and martha (cause i was to lazy to pop a dvd in) and the mat starts lifting the one you walk on so i immediatly get off :sad: my mother says wait till my dad gets home to look at it meanwhile i was going to go back on if fixed when i got home from school but thats late and i know me....i think im going to take my mothers suggestion walk to the park and back (30 minutes total) ok ill let you guys know when im done :love: hope this works cause i hate walking outside its boring thank god i got an ipod :bigsmile:
  • I lost 60 pounds 2 years ago and one shoe size! I guess once all that fat isn't pushing on them they shrink with the rest of you. I thought it was weird too.
  • Hang in there Pepamint, it's only 30 minutes. Pick 8 of your favorite tunes and it'll be over before you know it!:wink:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Okay Sisters (and Mister), I need some serious cheering section. I am going to run my first ever 5K on Sunday and I am scared! I have been training for it since Thanksgiving, doing better some weeks, doing crappy some weeks, but I have drastically increased the length of time that I can run. But I am still sooo scared that I will be dragging across the finish line! I KNOW I will finish, I just don't want to kill myself doing it:laugh:

    I'll be in Golden Gate Park Sunday Morning at about 8:45 (hopefully that's when I will be crossing the finish line) just in case there are any local friends who wanna come see!!

    Cross your fingers for me!

    So I am not sure what time it is where you are but I hope the 5K went GREAT! I was thinking of you. I just found this program online called couch to 5K and it is to train you to run a 5k in 9 weeks. I am going to try cause our area shuold be having a 5k run sometime in March. I am nervouse cause I can not run at all maybe 1/4 mile.

    I DID IT!!!!!! I ran the whole thing, and I am sore today, but I feel so proud and accomplished. It took me 38:43, but I did it and I did not walk at all. It was a really good experience, and as soon as the soreness dies down a little, I will be back out there running again. The next one I want to do in under 30 minutes. After I can reduce my time, I will then start adding distance. I think that's the best way to stay psychologically motivated.

    When I started, around Thanksgiving, I was in the same spot. I could not run at all without getting heavily winded and side aches and the whole thing. I did not get a side ache for the whole race and I kept going for almost 40 minutes. So you can tell fromt he time I wasn't sprinting or anything close to it, but a nice steady jog was enough for me to really feel accomplished and invigorated to do it again! You can do it!! I will find the couch to 5K 12-week program I used and will post it. It is very do-able.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Hang in there Pepamint, it's only 30 minutes. Pick 8 of your favorite tunes and it'll be over before you know it!:wink:

    its funny yesterday my mother decided to go outside for her walk (she usually walks outside but its been a weird ny winter with snow and ice) so i lent her my ipod (and which has made her decide to get one :bigsmile: ) and i put 64 walking songs on it....i used that when i walked and i did it 32 minutes i went to the park then the long way home but wasnt ready to go home ( i know shocked me too :huh: ) and just took the longest way possible home. unfortunetly i couldnt keep going because i got to get ready to go to school but i have never felt this way after a treadmill workout. :love: dare i say i may do it again tomorrow morning and :noway: go earlier so i can try to go longer :huh: we shall see i promise to report (while i love the treamill with the tv to make the time go faster outside i was in fresh air and up and down hills it was actially a nice change :drinker:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hang in there Pepamint, it's only 30 minutes. Pick 8 of your favorite tunes and it'll be over before you know it!:wink:

    its funny yesterday my mother decided to go outside for her walk (she usually walks outside but its been a weird ny winter with snow and ice) so i lent her my ipod (and which has made her decide to get one :bigsmile: ) and i put 64 walking songs on it....i used that when i walked and i did it 32 minutes i went to the park then the long way home but wasnt ready to go home ( i know shocked me too :huh: ) and just took the longest way possible home. unfortunetly i couldnt keep going because i got to get ready to go to school but i have never felt this way after a treadmill workout. :love: dare i say i may do it again tomorrow morning and :noway: go earlier so i can try to go longer :huh: we shall see i promise to report (while i love the treamill with the tv to make the time go faster outside i was in fresh air and up and down hills it was actially a nice change :drinker:

    Yay! I am glad you decided to take a walk outside. What time do you go to school or shall What time do you get up to take a walk? I love walking outside. I like it so much better than walking inside. When I am inside on a tredmil, I think to myself I can stop now I have done enough. When I am outside I am like you and could keep walking. We were in upstate NY before we moved here. The winters were horrible. I never walked outside in the winter.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Okay Sisters (and Mister), I need some serious cheering section. I am going to run my first ever 5K on Sunday and I am scared! I have been training for it since Thanksgiving, doing better some weeks, doing crappy some weeks, but I have drastically increased the length of time that I can run. But I am still sooo scared that I will be dragging across the finish line! I KNOW I will finish, I just don't want to kill myself doing it:laugh:

    I'll be in Golden Gate Park Sunday Morning at about 8:45 (hopefully that's when I will be crossing the finish line) just in case there are any local friends who wanna come see!!

    Cross your fingers for me!

    So I am not sure what time it is where you are but I hope the 5K went GREAT! I was thinking of you. I just found this program online called couch to 5K and it is to train you to run a 5k in 9 weeks. I am going to try cause our area shuold be having a 5k run sometime in March. I am nervouse cause I can not run at all maybe 1/4 mile.

    I DID IT!!!!!! I ran the whole thing, and I am sore today, but I feel so proud and accomplished. It took me 38:43, but I did it and I did not walk at all. It was a really good experience, and as soon as the soreness dies down a little, I will be back out there running again. The next one I want to do in under 30 minutes. After I can reduce my time, I will then start adding distance. I think that's the best way to stay psychologically motivated.

    When I started, around Thanksgiving, I was in the same spot. I could not run at all without getting heavily winded and side aches and the whole thing. I did not get a side ache for the whole race and I kept going for almost 40 minutes. So you can tell fromt he time I wasn't sprinting or anything close to it, but a nice steady jog was enough for me to really feel accomplished and invigorated to do it again! You can do it!! I will find the couch to 5K 12-week program I used and will post it. It is very do-able.
    Yay! Congrats! That is so great! I am not worried about speed. Last time I did a 5K I walked with the stroller and actually did it in 50 min but I think when you run/job no matter what the speed that you can burn so many more calories. You are my inspiration. I asked at the gym and they said that in March or April they should have another 5K so I think I am going to give it a try. I don't think I will ever love running but I just wish I could run and not dye because I can not breath. I swear I am out of breath so fast. My hubby said it is cause I have to breath in and out at the same speed and nice and slow. I just start huffing and puffing and feel like I am going to die.
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    Okay Sisters (and Mister), I need some serious cheering section. I am going to run my first ever 5K on Sunday and I am scared! I have been training for it since Thanksgiving, doing better some weeks, doing crappy some weeks, but I have drastically increased the length of time that I can run. But I am still sooo scared that I will be dragging across the finish line! I KNOW I will finish, I just don't want to kill myself doing it:laugh:

    I'll be in Golden Gate Park Sunday Morning at about 8:45 (hopefully that's when I will be crossing the finish line) just in case there are any local friends who wanna come see!!

    Cross your fingers for me!

    So I am not sure what time it is where you are but I hope the 5K went GREAT! I was thinking of you. I just found this program online called couch to 5K and it is to train you to run a 5k in 9 weeks. I am going to try cause our area shuold be having a 5k run sometime in March. I am nervouse cause I can not run at all maybe 1/4 mile.

    I DID IT!!!!!! I ran the whole thing, and I am sore today, but I feel so proud and accomplished. It took me 38:43, but I did it and I did not walk at all. It was a really good experience, and as soon as the soreness dies down a little, I will be back out there running again. The next one I want to do in under 30 minutes. After I can reduce my time, I will then start adding distance. I think that's the best way to stay psychologically motivated.

    When I started, around Thanksgiving, I was in the same spot. I could not run at all without getting heavily winded and side aches and the whole thing. I did not get a side ache for the whole race and I kept going for almost 40 minutes. So you can tell fromt he time I wasn't sprinting or anything close to it, but a nice steady jog was enough for me to really feel accomplished and invigorated to do it again! You can do it!! I will find the couch to 5K 12-week program I used and will post it. It is very do-able.

    That is amazing..I cant even run 5 minutes...Id love to see that program!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Okay Sisters (and Mister), I need some serious cheering section. I am going to run my first ever 5K on Sunday and I am scared! I have been training for it since Thanksgiving, doing better some weeks, doing crappy some weeks, but I have drastically increased the length of time that I can run. But I am still sooo scared that I will be dragging across the finish line! I KNOW I will finish, I just don't want to kill myself doing it:laugh:

    I'll be in Golden Gate Park Sunday Morning at about 8:45 (hopefully that's when I will be crossing the finish line) just in case there are any local friends who wanna come see!!

    Cross your fingers for me!
    This is the couch to 5 k program that I started last week. I assume it is similar to the one she used.
    So I am not sure what time it is where you are but I hope the 5K went GREAT! I was thinking of you. I just found this program online called couch to 5K and it is to train you to run a 5k in 9 weeks. I am going to try cause our area shuold be having a 5k run sometime in March. I am nervouse cause I can not run at all maybe 1/4 mile.

    I DID IT!!!!!! I ran the whole thing, and I am sore today, but I feel so proud and accomplished. It took me 38:43, but I did it and I did not walk at all. It was a really good experience, and as soon as the soreness dies down a little, I will be back out there running again. The next one I want to do in under 30 minutes. After I can reduce my time, I will then start adding distance. I think that's the best way to stay psychologically motivated.

    When I started, around Thanksgiving, I was in the same spot. I could not run at all without getting heavily winded and side aches and the whole thing. I did not get a side ache for the whole race and I kept going for almost 40 minutes. So you can tell fromt he time I wasn't sprinting or anything close to it, but a nice steady jog was enough for me to really feel accomplished and invigorated to do it again! You can do it!! I will find the couch to 5K 12-week program I used and will post it. It is very do-able.

    That is amazing..I cant even run 5 minutes...Id love to see that program!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Tomorrow we will have a new thread and a new week! I am glad that I picked this group! Thanks everyone! I look forward to looking on here and seeing what everyone has to say.
  • I'm right there with ya!! I'm not doing as well as I'd like (yes, I'm one of those who takes years to put it on and would like it off in 10 minutes or less!!) however, this group is on my mind every time I put something in my mouth, or think about not exercising!! It's nice to hear the reports, see the support and even occasionally post something myself!! I know that this is helping me make better choices, which is a HUGE step in the right direction!!
    Keep up the good work'll be interesting to see all the results tomorrow!!
    Congrats again to all those who have already posted theirs from this week!!

  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    here is the link to the couch to 5K training programs: I used the 12-week program.

    Good luck!!
  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    I lost 60 pounds 2 years ago and one shoe size! I guess once all that fat isn't pushing on them they shrink with the rest of you. I thought it was weird too.

    You lost a shoe size? I was thinking that it was a pregnancy thing but yeah, 60 extra pounds (which is what I have gained :grumble: ) might just be the culprit. Makes perfect sense...Maybe I'll be a size 8 again, shoe and pants :smile:
  • missmez
    missmez Posts: 104
    I'm cheating!!

    Tomorrow is officially weigh-in day but I just had to look to day to cure my curiosity! I will weigh in again tomorrow, but I had to check in here anyway because I'm down 2 lbs! That's 3 in total and I'm so happy with that cuz it's 3 in 3 weeks!

    whew! Just had to share. I will check in again tomorrow with our new thread!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I am sooooo bad!!! I just went out to lunch with my daughters and their friends from school... It was a special treat, and they missed recess just so we could go together, and we ended up having, *GASP*, Chineese food:sad: . The good news is, I had a salad first, and I also have 2 hours of volleyball tonight... So hopefully my calories will off set. I am dreading weigh-in tomorrow... I was also visited by that horrible Aunt Flo this morning. Why me????!!!!:tongue:
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