Skinny chicks and a rooster November challenge (closed)



  • I am a very bad girl Steph and I feel awful about it. I have been plugging along and doing the challenge but having a really hard time getting the time to log it in the computer or the spreadsheet. I am very sorry and will try to get it all caught up this week. But I do feel terrible about not being more supportive and sharing with the group overall. Its a trite, but its not you.....its me! Life is just insane at work right now. Love you! :sad:
  • Hey all... I am happy to organize a Challenge for December... I'll work on it and post some details later! I don't want to lose our mojo here! Perhaps... (ok, ok, here I go again) this can help with a "lesson"... I just know that I fell off focusing on the challenge and I am NOT doing as well. I need to remember to focus on me and what's important - versus everyone else in my life. So, even if I am the only one doing it... I am going to do one!

    I am, however, going to ask people to sign up... Okey Dokey... gotta run for now!

    Becky I love and adore you, :smooched: but I think its someone else's turn to step up and organize a challenge. Its a lot of work and commitment, and its only fair if those that have been participating take turns hosting a month. I am more than happy to offer any advice or ideas someone might want, and I am sure you and Cyn are too....but is there someone else that would like to host December? :bigsmile:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    Would love a December challenge!

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Finally scored some of that coveted me time last night! DH was working late and I must confess I was a bit grumpy about it (6th time this week he's working past 9!) and I found my self instead I poured a glass of Baileys (there is NO calories in Bailey's, I don't care what you say about cream and alcohol etc, in my world, there are NO calories in Baileys), heated the bathroom up, ran a hot bath, grabbed my book and just soaked. By the time I got out, DH was home, I was in a better mood and slept like a rock.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Wtg steph! I did the same, but with homemade mince pies (which were a complete disaster looks-wise as I mucked the pastry up) but taste delicious...
    It's more the taking time to do some baking, then chilling out on the sofa with a book in a pjs...which might not sound that relaxing, but to me it was heaven.
    Today I have decided to take a day off from coursework and actually an official whole day off...I'm going to head down to town, have a wander, pick up the few things I've been meaning to pick up for WEEKS (like a warmer hat for cycling), meet a friend, go have a wander round a museum, maybe some coffee and some dinner (if not I'm going to buy something amazing to cook myself), and then coming home and not worrying about cal count (even though it'll probably be over), and just enjoy vegging with a dvd and my duvet!

    Have a great saturday everyone!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I tried the best class ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did some circuit training and then went up to African Dance. I was nervous, had visions of being the only white girl in the class (very Afro-caribbean gym..and well it is an african dance class). No worries there, lots of white girls attempting to shake what there mamas gave 'em :laugh: At one point the instructor told us that this was the class where you were to check your European bum at the door and pick up your African one. The instructor had great personality, the music was fab (seriously got to dance to music from lion king the musical) and try to move in a way that is un-natural to my hips! We actually thumped and jumped up and down like tribal warriors. I will definately be doing this class again. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: oh and I increased my chest press reps with an 18kg weight to 15 from 12 and the same for 1-armed rows
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I'm willing to lead December's challenge if no one else wants it. I have a couple of ideas floating around in my head, some of them cornier than the

    Check-in on personal goals thus far: Not sure I'm going to make the 10lbs lost because my body does not seem to want to move down any more right now; at least I'm holding under 300 though, so I'm not complaining too much right now. I'm also failing at the water goal...WTF is wrong with me with this one??? At work, I force myself to drink a lot of water, but when I'm home, I don't even want to get up to fill one time, let alone 4. I think I might actually make 90% of the inches goal, including my calves...THANKS STEPH for the calf raises!!!:flowerforyou: We're getting ready to walk the lake trail, which will make the 3rd full time, but actually 3.5 time because I had to turn back when it started getting dark last week. Oh, and I beat that damn elliptical...15 FULL MINUTES yesterday!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hey all... I am happy to organize a Challenge for December... I'll work on it and post some details later! I don't want to lose our mojo here! Perhaps... (ok, ok, here I go again) this can help with a "lesson"... I just know that I fell off focusing on the challenge and I am NOT doing as well. I need to remember to focus on me and what's important - versus everyone else in my life. So, even if I am the only one doing it... I am going to do one!

    I am, however, going to ask people to sign up... Okey Dokey... gotta run for now!

    Thanks Becky, I know the challenges have helped keep me focused. Invite me please, please, please .... :wink:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Hi All

    Mum's still in hospital and things have been frantic here. But we're hoping she's coming home wednesday (or fairly soon after that) so I should be a little more settled for December. Looking forward to a challenge! :-)
  • Well we had our Americans in Ireland thanksgiving today. And I am officially sick from eating too much and not proud of it

    I did however reach my goal of 70lbs today (70.5!). As today is exactly 7 months since I went off sugar and wheat and started my 6 day a week exercise regime. I will probably gain at least a lb from today's fall off the wagon but climbing back on tomorrow

    Anyway. Please invite me to December challenge it will be my 3rd challenge and I find them super motivating

    Thanks so much Stephanie for November's!

    Hope ur all having a great weekend. Ok food coma coming on. Must unbutton pants now.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello All... OK, so I did some work on a challenge idea that I've had. It's somewhat a copy of another challenge I did - but I liked it. I see that someone (sorry, don't remember - maybe JJ?) said to let someone else have a chance. And, I am happy to do so but I will at least throw out what I've done and what I did - since I kiinda took it and ran due to it already being November 26.

    Here's the idea: Each day has a nutrition and fitness challenge. Depending on how you do, you earn points for each day. So, if the day is December 20th... the challenges for the day are to be under on your sodium and to do Heel Touches. If you meet your Nutrition Goal - you get 5 points. If you do 10 full heel touches, you get a point, 20 and you get 2, 30 and you get 3, 40 you get 4 and 50 or more full heel touches (that's both sides to count as one heel touch) then you get 5 points.

    I was going to somewhat stretch myself here and put in another component of a self-care piece. I have some basic ideas for this and there would be another 5 points per day - totalling 15 possible for each day! They are easy self-care things to do, that help with stress and focus. Again - this is easy enough to add in... as that is what I do! LOL.

    My plan was to ask everyone to sign up and to state their goal for the total points or rather percentage of points that they will achieve in the month. So, being a teacher's daughter - let's say that I want to have a "high A" as a grade for my month - I may shoot for a 96% for the month... Or, perhaps someone thinks - I haven't been so great at the challenges lately... I'm going to aim for doing at least 60% for December.

    Calendar is already done. My thought with some of the fitness things were that it was great to be able to learn new exercises for different parts of my body. All of them are exercises that can easily be done at home! Spreadsheet would be easy enough... I had started it but then stopped in to log in before midnight and saw the other post.

    Let me know what you think. I can put it all on hold and do it some other month. I did organize the original challenge and triathalong challenge... so I am not trying to hog anything here. Just wanted to ensure that we had something ready to go and something that would be an easy enough one for busy people, while still pushing us and being an actual challenge.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Got some lovely ME/US time last night. We went out to our favourite restaurant, Cafe Rouge and had a lovely meal. It gave me an excuse to wear the new sweater dress I bought yesterday. It was nice to see the appreciative look in hubby's eyes and I must say I love being able to wear a skirt that sits just above my knees instead of trying to be covered up as much as humanly possible. We talked about the wedding and christmas and just enjoyed each other company which continued once we got home :wink:
    I'm planning on spending this afternoon doing an at home spa - face mask, mani/pedi, etc. May not be as luxurious as going to get it done but much more affordable!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hey Becks...I got you this time! Plus, your whole goal setting plan sounds like either a great way to start the New Year or a great way to end the school year ;-) As a teacher, I got goosebumps trying to figure out how to get an A...lmao I'll be back to explain a little of my plan after I get some exercise and some food...then maybe some more exercise...probably in that order.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hey Becks...I got you this time! Plus, your whole goal setting plan sounds like either a great way to start the New Year or a great way to end the school year ;-) As a teacher, I got goosebumps trying to figure out how to get an A...lmao I'll be back to explain a little of my plan after I get some exercise and some food...then maybe some more exercise...probably in that order.

    So... I am not really sure if that means to go forward with what I have or if you are going to take this one? I did already create one... and while it can be shelved and used for another challenge later - the only pitch I will make for this is that I love the idea of helping each of us explore new things in order to set up goals and things for 2012. Check out the self-care challenge for 12/31... ha, ha, ha. Anyway - here is what I had done...

    If everyone wants to check it out and let me know... again, it's already set up for the most part. If we want to shelve it and use it in a future month, that can also happen...

    Again... I just ran with this because I realized it was late in the month and we didn't have anyone volunteer prior. So, I volunteered and put this together. SO - please don't think I need to hog it... this is somewhat similar to one that was all over awhile back called Lots to Lose Challenge. It was great to try new things and focus in on just one or two (or in this case... three) things each day. They were able to be done, even if traveling. With the holidays in front of us... and the responses to the November challenge - I wanted to try and accomodate to that.

    STEPH -- I appreciate all you did with the November Challenge... I thought that it was great! I know that I didn't really stick to following things... and I am sorry for that. BUT - it did help me, to focus in and I reached at least one of those goals... I made it past my 100 mark! Thanks again!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Got some lovely ME/US time last night. We went out to our favourite restaurant, Cafe Rouge and had a lovely meal. It gave me an excuse to wear the new sweater dress I bought yesterday. It was nice to see the appreciative look in hubby's eyes and I must say I love being able to wear a skirt that sits just above my knees instead of trying to be covered up as much as humanly possible. We talked about the wedding and christmas and just enjoyed each other company which continued once we got home :wink:
    I'm planning on spending this afternoon doing an at home spa - face mask, mani/pedi, etc. May not be as luxurious as going to get it done but much more affordable!

    Woot! Woot! YAY Steph! That is sooooo awesome! I love what you said about the skirts. I have to tell you that I put on a dress that was given to me (Thanks Lex!) just to see how it fit. AND - found myself kinda pushing the skirt down and pulling things up... I just kept thinking, don't need to cover up more?!? I love that you are feeling otherwise... I am a bit jealous!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Becky, go ahead and let's do yours because you have put a ton of work in there already. I'll try and be prepared well ahead of time for next month.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Becky, go ahead and let's do yours because you have put a ton of work in there already. I'll try and be prepared well ahead of time for next month.

    Actually... not really... it hasn't been a ton of work, I kinda threw it all out in a pretty short amount of time! I only started after seeing the post about was there a challenge for December. It's an easily transferrable challenge... so whatever, whenever my friend! If you wanted December - you can take it... or you can claim January's right now! We need a good challenge to start the year!

    ACTUALLY... now THERE'S an idea-r .... (please understand that word sounds ok in my head, but doesn't appear correct when spelled).


    This is a challenge thread - and we started these in... June of 2011... I am creating a list of months for 2012 - please... if you would like the challenge of leading a challenge - please sign up for a month! This will give you the time to plan and organize the challenge, lets us know who is gonna take the lead, etc.

    2011 Review:
    .......... June 2011 - Becky - Travelling the World
    .......... July 2011 - Lexie - Increase your Burn
    ........... August 2011 - Sara - Appalachian Trail
    .......... September 2011 - Becky - Triathalon - Teams & Individuals
    ........... October 2011 - JJ - Seven Summits
    .......... November 2011 - Steph - Weekly Focuses
    .......... December 2011 -

    So... here's the chance to sign up to be a leader - you know you want to!

    January 2012 -
    February 2012 -
    March 2012 -
    April 2012 -
    May 2012 -
    June 2012 - Becky
    July 2012 -
    August 2012 -
    September 2012 -- ANNUAL SC&AR TRIATHALON (Already set up)
    October 2012 -
    November 2012 -
    December 2012 -

    And... yep, I made an executive decision! I decided that September will mark an annual Triathalon! Keep your team spirits... because we will do it similar to this year... with a twist that requires everyone to do the challenge throughout the WHOLE ENTIRE month! But... that tri is coming... every, freaking year! Love ya'all! ha, ha, ha.

    For those of you who want to lead and have some fears or intimidation -- there are several here who can help with mentoring and we have at least one EXPERT with Excel spreadsheets and anything technical (err... nudge-elbow-elbow... errr... Cyndi!) and I am betting, given enough time and specifics... you can get some assistance for the spreadsheets and stuff!

    So... get out there and sign up to be the lead!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I'll take January!

    BTW: What is our challenge for this week, as the last 4 days of the month come our way? Did I completely miss it?
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'll take January!

    BTW: What is our challenge for this week, as the last 4 days of the month come our way? Did I completely miss it?

    These last couple of days are an extension of out of your comfort zone week.