Skinny chicks and a rooster November challenge (closed)



  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    1) To beat that 100 pound release mark! It's beat me too much... this month, I will conquer it! (103, 103, 103!! ha, ha, ha)
    2) Find my home back at the Gym! I miss her and I know that she misses me too... Visit her at least 5x a week.
    3) Log my food again... all of it... every day. No excuses! (Been off track since vacay, need to restart!)
    4) Find one gratitude or beauty in each day and post it...
    5) Practice one new Stress Relief technique at least one time per week.


    1) Did it, did it, did it, DID IT!!
    2) I did find my home at the gym again, but not 5 days a week... soon though we will resume our love affair.
    3) Logging - most of the month I did pretty well... but upon hitting the 102 mark, welp, kinda failed. Not been eating right either.
    4) Posting Gratitudes... pretty good overall, but at a point I forgot, See, if I would have kept up with the spreadsheet, woops!
    5) Stress Relief - I did focus on this but didn't really try new things, kinda stuck with easier ones adn just didn't do enough!


    It's ready to go... I guess the only good part of being snowed in in Wyoming is that I am getting it posted now. Please forgive me, but I am not on my own computer and therefore don't have my list of everyone's real names vs screennames. Please let me know and I will get everyone's names into the spreadsheet tonight. Will try to get out to each of you and send you the link for the challenge also... THANKS EVERYONE!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    OK... I think I have sent invites to everyone in this thread... not a whole lot of us?? BUT - December challenge is open!
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    OK... I think I have sent invites to everyone in this thread... not a whole lot of us?? BUT - December challenge is open!

    Thanks Becky...I was busy in November and couldn't post much. What is the December challenge?

    Becky did you go to Cheyenne, Wyoming?