Limited Time! McRib!



  • comeback0903
    comeback0903 Posts: 114 Member
    I love nuggets..... Not really into anything else in Mcdonalds but love their nuggets regardless..

    Only thing is now portion control is my friend and I have a kids meal... I still love it though!

    now a chillis burger yummmmm.... I havent had one of those in forever! ;( maybe my next free day!
  • I would say that is a good thing.
    It would be if these converts weren't all of a sudden "high and mighty" because now they've taken up "healthy" eating.

    I've always avoided processed meats because I'm not a big meat eater and am very very fussy about it, I've bitten into one too many bits of grisle as a child I think! I stopped eating McDonalds when I watched Supersize me. I piled on the pounds by eating far too much chocolate, cream cakes and (mainly veggie) takeaway pizzas.

    Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't preach to people about the unhealthy things they eat. My life choice is to have a more healthy and active lifestyle, if that's not their choice then who am I to judge? I've made the wrong choices in the past, that's why I'm here. And I'm sure I still make the wrong choices sometimes now (I still have nights of binge drinking for example).

    Personally I wouldn't choose to put such processed stuff into my body, but if others want to that's their choice, I won't stop them!

    You need to watch "Fat Head." It's a great documentary showing how bogus the info in "Supersize Me" is. It is quite literally impossible to gain as much weight as he did, if he really ate what he supposedly did. Is fast food healthy? Of course not. But this "Supersize Me" guy was just looking for a quick buck on the tail of dieting trends.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Yep. I eat balut and dinuguan so this is tame compared to them. You "health" people are funny. Let me guess, you guys got fat eating healthy food right?

    I think it's more false advertising than anything else. I tried a lot of food when I wasn't a vegetarian that most people would "Eww" at, but I'm more disgusting by companies passing off other foods as something else.

    Also, dinuguan is kind of like blood sausage in pudding or stew form, right? I've had blood sausage. Purdy tasty. =D
    I love nuggets..... Not really into anything else in Mcdonalds but love their nuggets regardless..

    Only thing is now portion control is my friend and I have a kids meal... I still love it though!

    now a chillis burger yummmmm.... I havent had one of those in forever! ;( maybe my next free day!

    NcNuggets and silicone implants have something in common...
  • GettinMyLifeBck
    GettinMyLifeBck Posts: 201 Member
    I am def ANTI McDonalds. ..Glad I am thats sick!!
  • Never tried it because I don't crave it, but I know their chicken nuggets are made from the nastiest stuff, yet I could eat 20-30 of them, easily, without being disgusted at all (not that I've done it in a while, nor do I plan to).

    Also, I love processed foods.

    So there.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Ehh... I don't eat them because I don't like them. Processed food doesn't scare me though - what do you really think is in any processed meat? Anything they can get away with. *shrug* Its part of the benefit of being able to buy deli lunch meats instead of slaughtering my own animals to make my turkey or ham slices.