November Iron Man Challenge (Open Group)



  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    4.02M run Still sore from yesterday's ride.

    Swim: 1.24M
    Bike: 170.29M
    Run: 27.55M

    Now all I need is the swim...
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    11-24 jog/walk intervals 1.5
    today- 1 jog/walk intervals, 3.6 treadmill, 1 swim

    month to date:

    jog/walk 59.4
    exercise bike 47 ....oops
    swim 8
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Did you just start running? I have been running for a few years and had to start slowly, too. You can avoid shin splints by stretching after your run and by using the mid-foot strike. Don't run on the balls of your feet. I hope that helps, nice work this month!!

    Thanks for the info. I started jogging as a means to increase my HR, as the walking was not elevating it as it once had. I had begun to read up on shin splints and I had never analyzed my run. I discovered indeed I was jogging on my toes. I felt as if I was lifting up my foot further, but struck it down towards the mid foot/heel and it felt as if I was rolling my foot forward. Stretching, ice and biofreeze afterwards, and I am happy to report only feeling a mild pull the next day. Nothing like before. I have worked myself up to jogging 1/3 (2 laps walking and one jogging) for 2 miles, and walking a 3rd mile. I am going to work on the track for awhile and move myself to outdoors once it gets a bit warmer.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    1.2 miles on stairmaster/ergonometer, and 4.0 miles stationary bike [short workout in hotel gym while travelling. . .]

    Cumulative Totals:
    Running/Walking- 30.1
    Biking - 76.9
    Swimming- 7.94 miles

    My goals:
    Running/ Walking 22 miles (+- 6 hours) [GOAL MET!]
    Biking 73 miles (+- 6 hours) [GOAL MET!]
    Swimming 8.5 miles (+- 6 hours)
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    27th Nov, swim 0.25 miles bike 12.4 miles & run 3.1 miles


    Swim = 5.65 miles
    Bike = 157.8 miles
    Run = 67.9 miles
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Swim: 2.4 Mi
    Bike: 14 Mi
    Run: 33.5 Mi

    Only 98 miles away on the bike, haha. Going to spin later today so I'll be slightly less miserably far away from that goal.
  • toonzy
    toonzy Posts: 28
    Run 26.2 miles
    Bike 114 miles
    Swimming 2.4 Mile

    TO DATE:
    Swim: 3 miles
    Run: 25 miles
    Bike: 61 miles

    Need to get going on that bike!!!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    today - 6.8 miles (1.8 stairmaster,, 3 eliptical, 1 treadmill, 1 swim)

    month to date:

    jog/walk 67.2
    exercise bike 47
    swim 10

    will not make the bike this month.....but happy overall:smile:
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    2 miles on stairmaster/ergonometer, and 9.0 miles stationary bike

    Cumulative Totals:
    Running/Walking- 32.1
    Biking - 85.9
    Swimming- 7.94 miles

    My goals:
    Running/ Walking 22 miles (+- 6 hours) [GOAL MET!]
    Biking 73 miles (+- 6 hours) [GOAL MET!]
    Swimming 8.5 miles (+- 6 hours)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Updated totals

    Swim 2.55 miles
    cycle 176 miles (spinning indoors and outside)
    walk/jog 19 miles--I'm going to try to finish the miles to 26.2 by Wed--we'll see how it goes!

    Today was the first time I completed my 2000 yards in the pool in under an hour. Now onto the masters swim in January...:smile:
  • Mbuhler
    Mbuhler Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Got an indoor bike ride completed yesterday so just updating my totals. Inlaws visiting and raining so don't think I will get in anything tonight but have swimming tomorrow night so at least I will have completed one of my goals!

    As of today, Nov 28, I am at:
    Swim: 3.9km (out of 4km)
    Bike: 64.5km (out of 180km)
    Run/Walk: 17.1km (out of 42km)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    11/11/28 - 8 mile run.

    Totals -
    Swim - 2.75 miles
    Bike - 17 miles :blushing:
    Run - 49 miles

    Goal -
    Run 26.2 miles - done!
    Bike 114 miles - not even close
    Swimming 2.4 Mile - done
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    today - 5 miles (1 jog/walk, 2 stairmaster, 1 treadmill, 1 swim)

    month to date:

    jog/walk 71.2 :smile:
    exercise bike 47
    swim 11 :smile:
  • Updating: Iron Man distances

    November Totals:

    Swim: 1.96
    Bike: 102
    Run: 21
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    today - 7 miles (1.5 stairmaster,5 exercise bike, .5 swim)

    month to date:

    jog/walk 72.7
    exercise bike 52
    swim 11.5
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    After my weights today I did my scheduled "steady state" cardio on the bike. 11 miles.

    Totals -
    Swim - 2.75 miles
    Bike - 28 miles
    Run - 49 miles

    Goal -
    Run 26.2 miles - done!
    Bike 114 miles - not even close
    Swimming 2.4 Mile - done
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    29th Nov, swim 1 mile


    Swim = 6.65 miles
    Bike = 157.8 miles
    Run = 67.9 miles
  • Updating: Iron Man distances

    November Totals:

    Swim: 1.96
    Bike: 102
    Run: 24
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    2.75 miles on stairmaster/ergonometer, and 7.0 miles stationary bike. Pool has been having temperature problems (75 on Monday; 72 today). I may just foregoe the last 6/10ths of a mile if the pool isn't at a reasonable temperature tomorrow!

    Cumulative Totals:
    Running/Walking- 34.85
    Biking - 92.9
    Swimming- 7.94 miles

    My goals:
    Running/ Walking 22 miles (+- 6 hours) [GOAL MET!]
    Biking 73 miles (+- 6 hours) [GOAL MET!]
    Swimming 8.5 miles (+- 6 hours)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Great job everyone!

    This week to date I cycled another 16 miles and competed 7.25 miles--mostly walking...

    updated totals
    Swim 2.55 miles
    cycle 192 miles (spinning indoors and outside)
    walk/jog 26.5 miles

    I joined late, but I had been working on these totals independently. My goals were iron man goals and YAY! I made it.
    I am traveling today, so it is going to be a rest day for my final day of November. I hope we keep this challenge up next month. It has been fun!