Beginner's Challenge November



  • Late:

    This week:
    10 miles
    100 crunches
    50 push ups

    36.5 miles
    325 crunches
    160 squats
    70 push ups
    210 lunges

    I may not make it in 2 days....but ill meet the goals by next sat!
  • hi everyone.....
    ok i finished the challenge today....

    300 pushups
    306 crunches
    302 jumpin jacks
    301 squats
    310 lunges
    47 miles of exericise
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    hi everyone.....
    ok i finished the challenge today....

    300 pushups
    306 crunches
    302 jumpin jacks
    301 squats
    310 lunges
    47 miles of exericise

    I'm jealous!
  • wren176
    wren176 Posts: 148 Member
    Im in! Fantastic challenge! Just what I needed!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    last day tomorrow :( still not done :(
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    9/ 40 Miles
    300/ 300 Crunches
    167/ 300 Push ups
    182/ 300 Lunges
    300/ 300 Squats

    hope i can do tons tomorrow!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    I worked so hard today! IM SO TIRED! im almost there. I dont know if i can finish the miles: ( but im sure i can finish the lunges and i hope the push ups!

    Beginner's Challenge November

    14/ 40 Miles
    300/ 300 Crunches
    247/ 300 Push ups
    292/ 300 Lunges
    300/ 300 Squats
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    I'm late again!!! lol I worked out some but I was sick so I didn't complete the challenge BUT I'm happy that I did as much I have!

    14.75/40 miles
    313/300 crunches
    283/300 push ups
    103/300 lunges
    103/300 squats
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    I finished eveything but not the miles :(
  • angeldelight13
    angeldelight13 Posts: 177 Member
    Sorry im late adding!

    Squats- 330/300
    Push ups- 365/300
    crunches- 672/300
    Miles- 87/40