TEAM January-ers



  • get_fit: :wink:
    G'mornin' - how r u feeling?
    I spk gr8 text no wories

    I read everyone's posts today, and I think we are sharing some good stuff. All great ideas!

    My problem today is twofold. 1.) I bought a new Speedo for SCUBA. I had to buy it online because I couldn't find a dealer anywhere near me. So I bought the size to fit according to their size chart. Well IF I lose 10-15 lbs it will work. so I hung it up in my hall where I have to see it every time I go anywhere in my tiny condo. I won't be able to afford SCUBA until I get a job, but it's only a suit - not that expensive.

    Problem 2.) I'm not working and some things have to go to save money. My gym membership and my cable cost the same - $60 a month each. I want them both:sad: . One has to go. I live alone. TV is a huge comfort to me. I have DVDs to workout. I have resistance bands and a balance ball. I live right on a 40 mile long bike/walk trail. I never go to the gym - but if I didn't have TV, I would probably be there alot more. I have NO family so no one to go visit and a lonely existence. I can't decide.

    My phone is going to have to go, too. (I'll keep my cell) I may sell my car, too. I just sent off a 6-month's insurance check for $469. It's bad you guys. 60,000 layoffs in my county in the last two weeks, and I'm not 25 anymore, and I don't qualify for unemployment, disability, or COBRA, so I'm paying $300 a month for health insurance.

    Sorry to burden you with this. I don't expect answers - it just is a lot at once.....

    Bright side, I took the ferry to the peninsula and walked on the beach - burned 400 cals and it was a gorgeous day!

    Logging off till 2mro.

    Aw CM :frown: . If you never goto the gym then cut that, and just go outside, and or whatever there! You can buy some cheap free-weights to do some strength training still, there are lots of exercises on the internet! Good luck times like this I am even more happy I am a Canadian! :wink:
  • get_fit: :wink:
    G'mornin' - how r u feeling?
    I spk gr8 text no wories

    I read everyone's posts today, and I think we are sharing some good stuff. All great ideas!

    My problem today is twofold. 1.) I bought a new Speedo for SCUBA. I had to buy it online because I couldn't find a dealer anywhere near me. So I bought the size to fit according to their size chart. Well IF I lose 10-15 lbs it will work. so I hung it up in my hall where I have to see it every time I go anywhere in my tiny condo. I won't be able to afford SCUBA until I get a job, but it's only a suit - not that expensive.

    Problem 2.) I'm not working and some things have to go to save money. My gym membership and my cable cost the same - $60 a month each. I want them both:sad: . One has to go. I live alone. TV is a huge comfort to me. I have DVDs to workout. I have resistance bands and a balance ball. I live right on a 40 mile long bike/walk trail. I never go to the gym - but if I didn't have TV, I would probably be there alot more. I have NO family so no one to go visit and a lonely existence. I can't decide.

    My phone is going to have to go, too. (I'll keep my cell) I may sell my car, too. I just sent off a 6-month's insurance check for $469. It's bad you guys. 60,000 layoffs in my county in the last two weeks, and I'm not 25 anymore, and I don't qualify for unemployment, disability, or COBRA, so I'm paying $300 a month for health insurance.

    Sorry to burden you with this. I don't expect answers - it just is a lot at once.....

    Bright side, I took the ferry to the peninsula and walked on the beach - burned 400 cals and it was a gorgeous day!

    Logging off till 2mro.

    Aw CM :frown: . If you never goto the gym then cut that, and just go outside, and or whatever there! You can buy some cheap free-weights to do some strength training still, there are lots of exercises on the internet! Good luck times like this I am even more happy I am a Canadian! :wink:

    If I were you, I would cut out the gym cost ($60 a month is insane, I pay $20) and I would cut the cable too. Before you think I am crazy.... haha, get Netflix (not advertising I swear!) but its a better deal and its unlimited every month :) That way you save more, have access to all kinds of entertainment, and can use the outdoors to workout. Running has been the single most important thing I have done to lose weight.
  • chantybear, if it's just your first year, you'll definitely get the hang of it. It's hard at first, but you get in the rhythm fairly quickly. What are you wanting to be?

    Thanks for the encouragement guys. I shouldn't weigh everyday LOL. I can tell a difference in clothes... today I wore a pair of pants I couldn't get to button last week :)

    CM, I'd cut out the gym I think. I'm a sucker for the TV though. I have Dance Dance Revolution on the Wii and that's my gym. I can't afford gym membership.

    Gotta go get my girls. BBL
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I'm probably going to be the sole voice on this one. I'd ditch the TV, but that's just me. If I didn't have a husband and boys who apparently need ESPN channels 1-40 or whatever it is, I'd be one of those subversive, anti-tv types. To me, it is the biggest time waster and commercials just try to convince you that you need stuff you really DON'T need.

    However, things that you're not using should go, so ditch the membership and exercise in a way you enjoy.

    Hope you are having a good day!:flowerforyou:
  • :smile: I would like to join in, I am new and have been using the calorie counter for a few weeks. It has been very easy to use and useful, I never thought I would count calories again but this site makes it easy so easy. I would love the accountability and encouragement of this thread.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    :smile: I would like to join in, I am new and have been using the calorie counter for a few weeks. It has been very easy to use and useful, I never thought I would count calories again but this site makes it easy so easy. I would love the accountability and encouragement of this thread.
    Welcome! If you read through the thread you will see we are voting on a more permanent name. Oh yeah, cmriverside, I forgot, I'll go with the majority and vote for THE team. So, be sure to watch for whatever name we wind up with so you can hang with us when we switch to the new name.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    ~~ Vonzo: congrats on the 1.5 lost ! And good idea about running-weight totals. Will you be tracking that?
    ~~ Kelleighanne – the scale is the devil. Maybe use a tape measurement instead and only weigh every two weeks. I think shape is more imprtant anyway IMHO. Oh – and zano is a really great guy – maybe he won’t mind the, “Morning ladies.”:laugh:
    ~~ Get_fit – LOL on the teenage boys appetites. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your $$$ situation too.
    ~~ Zano – love your “buzzkills” theory!
    ~~chantybear - Glad the test is over? thx for the kind words.
    ~~ I dropped the gym membership today.
    ~~ Christine – I’ve had Netflix for several years, and love it. I think I really need the TV sound in the house – and daily reports of the world. Get_fit suggested getting rid of the cable too, but – it is lots different when you don’t have any family, and live alone. You just want someone’s voice around. Cable stays. I'd rather lose the car. :ohwell:

    I’m moving to Canada, eh.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome agapita1965! I’m sending you a message right now! :happy:
    My goal for February is to abstain from all bakery items, which are my “buzzkills.” No alcohol, either: but that one isn’t tough.
    I am not putting any February weight loss 'goal' in place since I am so close to goal, and I know it is going to be slow going.

    I’ll post again tonight with the updated "name" votes, though I only see one so far today.

    Till later, peeps. chicken.gif
  • cm~ LOL, I just always put that on my posts on other sites.. didn't know it was copyrighted on here :laugh: I would have kept the cable too. Cable seems like my lifeline sometimes. Every once in a while, you just have to kick back and watch mind numbing entertainment... like will those people ever get off of that stupid island!

    ~vonzo~ WOOT on the 1.5 loss

    ~Welcome aganita :)

    ~I haven't voted in the new name poll... I like THE team.

    ~I'm SOOOOOOOOoo proud of myself. I over ate today. I ate WAY too many rolls at supper (my own fault.. I didn't realize how fattening those suckers were until I'd eatten them :embarassed: ) Anyway, I set a goal for 300 calories on the Dance Dance Revolution... and I MET it and did 75 more!!!!! Instead of being -318, I am now +57 :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'll regret it in the morning when I"m trying to teach and won't be able to stand up straight, but oh well... I'm happy now :)
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Oops. Went over. I don't feel TOO bad, it was a healthy day. I made roasted root veggies for dinner. I had seconds on them (they were really good!!!). And lean tri-tip. Oh. One other little thing. Some red wine. Adds up if you put 'em all together!:laugh:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    cm~ LOL, I just always put that on my posts on other sites.. didn't know it was copyrighted on here I would have kept the cable too. Cable seems like my lifeline sometimes. Every once in a while, you just have to kick back and watch mind numbing entertainment... like will those people ever get off of that stupid island!

    Kelleighanne - he he. Yeah, and "Survivor" starts next Thursday......I know it's always the same....beautiful drama-queens who love then hate each other whining about mosquitos in paradise. But it makes me remember paradise in the middle of the gray-long-winter. Take that cable-haters :tongue:

    NICE work on the Dance Dance revolution "buying" those rolls....have you met Tamtastic? She is a roll - FREAK. Totally worth it, and I'll bet you aren't even sore tomorrow. Woohoo-Dance.gif
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    HI teamies,

    Just checkin in...

    CM- I know exactly what your going through. My husband left his job last May to return to school and finish his bachelors degree. Now that hes done, finding a job is impossible! We have another month left in savings, then will be selling vehicles (we have 4) among other things to make ends meet. I couldnt give up my gym membership. $60 a month is ALOT tho.. I pay $29 a month for mine at LA Fitness for ALL Gym access, which means if I ever travel anywhere, I can go to any LA Fitness in the US. Since I stay home during the day, I know what you mean about the TV being on. I dont watch it, but have it on all day long for background noise while Im cleaning and getting things done. I also turn the radio on alot when there isnt anything on TV worth "semi-listening" too..:laugh: If you absolutely get to the point where you have to kick your cable to the curb, you can check out for free TV via the computer.

    Vonzo- WTG on the 1.5!! Thats awesome!

    Kelle- Today was my weigh in day and the scale didnt budge for me this week either. :angry: but, i also have been working harder at the gym and doing more weights, so Im gonna do my measurements also. I havent done them in a couple weeks, so we'll see!

    agapita- Welcome to our group!! We're still trying to come up with a team name, so any suggestions? If you go back to the beginning of the thread you'll see whats been thrown out there. You can suggest your own or vote for one already posted. :) Again... welcome to our team!

    Ok... so I have a question? How many calories do I burn teaching my teenage daughter to drive?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: God, I thought I was gonna die yesterday. Not only did she NOT stop for a schoolbus, a few more miles down the road a police officer pulled up behind us (he was on an urgent call, siren blaring, lights flashing) and she just panicked and stopped in front of him. He yelled at her over the loudspeaker to move over to the right. Scared the crap out of both of us :laugh: :laugh: !! Shes had her permit for 2 months and already done traffic classes, she has 4 months until she can get her license. (thank GOD!)

    On another note, I hit the gym early this morning because I was babysitting from 12-5. The family I babysit for has a 11 week old that weighs in at a whopping #14 now. Hes a chunky little happy guy and tooooo cute! I made the mistake of working my arms at the gym today...ha!.. so EVERY time i picked him up my arms and pecks were cursing me :mad: Luckily, he was happy to hang out in the bouncy seat and sleep most of the time. :laugh: Easy easy!

    Tomorrow is my day off from the gym but the weather is SOOOOO nice here right now! Today it was sunny and nice out, which is a very welcome change to the crummy cold stuff we've had for far too long. I may get out tomorrow and do some cleanup in the yard depending on how sore my arms are. If not, I'll prolly load the kids in the stroller and take them for a walk to the park. Anything to get me off my butt :drinker:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Oops. Went over. I don't feel TOO bad, it was a healthy day. I made roasted root veggies for dinner. I had seconds on them (they were really good!!!). And lean tri-tip. Oh. One other little thing. Some red wine. Adds up if you put 'em all together!:laugh:

    get_fit. You said that just cuz I wanted to buy a nice Cabernet at the store just now, huh? But it will be a small lean pork loin chop and asparagus for me tonight with a baked apple. num. And water:drinker: maybe in a wine glass......
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member

    Ok... so I have a question? How many calories do I burn teaching my teenage daughter to drive?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: God, I thought I was gonna die yesterday. Not only did she NOT stop for a schoolbus, a few more miles down the road a police officer pulled up behind us (he was on an urgent call, siren blaring, lights flashing) and she just panicked and stopped in front of him. He yelled at her over the loudspeaker to move over to the right. Scared the crap out of both of us :laugh: :laugh: !! Shes had her permit for 2 months and already done traffic classes, she has 4 months until she can get her license. (thank GOD!)

    can you say "BUZZKILL"? PoliceCarLit.gif

    ~~at 234 lbs: calories burned for:
    Automobile or light truck driving for one hour........ 107
    Driving heavy truck, tractor, bus.................................213 (perhaps a good choice for teaching a teen)

    ......never heard of Thanks, I'll check it out. Anyone have good internet phone service?
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    Ok... so I have a question? How many calories do I burn teaching my teenage daughter to drive?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: God, I thought I was gonna die yesterday. Not only did she NOT stop for a schoolbus, a few more miles down the road a police officer pulled up behind us (he was on an urgent call, siren blaring, lights flashing) and she just panicked and stopped in front of him. He yelled at her over the loudspeaker to move over to the right. Scared the crap out of both of us :laugh: :laugh: !! Shes had her permit for 2 months and already done traffic classes, she has 4 months until she can get her license. (thank GOD!)

    can you say "BUZZKILL"? PoliceCarLit.gif

    ~~at 234 lbs: calories burned for:
    Automobile or light truck driving for one hour........ 107
    Driving heavy truck, tractor, bus.................................213 (perhaps a good choice for teaching a teen)

    ......never heard of Thanks, I'll check it out. Anyone have good internet phone service?

    LMAO!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    OMG OMG!!! I just took my measurements (first time in 3 weeks) and I am FREAKING OUT!!!
    According to the tape measure.... Ive lost 3" off my waist!!! :noway: :noway: :noway:
    Same one I used last time... I am just... SHOCKED!
    Hips, neck & arms are the same...but... HOLY MOLY!! Im 3" smaller in the middle!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!

    I am SO not worried about seeing the scale move this week :love:
  • Three inches is AWESOME!!!!! MORE than awesome actually! WTG! I don't even want to think about teaching my kids to drive LOL I have a few years.
  • cm~ LOL, I just always put that on my posts on other sites.. didn't know it was copyrighted on here I would have kept the cable too. Cable seems like my lifeline sometimes. Every once in a while, you just have to kick back and watch mind numbing entertainment... like will those people ever get off of that stupid island!

    Kelleighanne - he he. Yeah, and "Survivor" starts next Thursday......I know it's always the same....beautiful drama-queens who love then hate each other whining about mosquitos in paradise. But it makes me remember paradise in the middle of the gray-long-winter. Take that cable-haters :tongue:

    NICE work on the Dance Dance revolution "buying" those rolls....have you met Tamtastic? She is a roll - FREAK. Totally worth it, and I'll bet you aren't even sore tomorrow. Woohoo-Dance.gif

    LOL... I'm already sore.

    I was talking about Lost. I haven't seen Survivor in years. Lost is... well confusing. I wish they would find a razor somewhere so Sawyer could shave LOL
  • I'm probably going to be the sole voice on this one. I'd ditch the TV, but that's just me. If I didn't have a husband and boys who apparently need ESPN channels 1-40 or whatever it is, I'd be one of those subversive, anti-tv types. To me, it is the biggest time waster and commercials just try to convince you that you need stuff you really DON'T need.

    However, things that you're not using should go, so ditch the membership and exercise in a way you enjoy.

    Hope you are having a good day!:flowerforyou:

    I do not even have cable! We chose internet over it. My gym pass is covered in my tuition:smile:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    I do not even have cable! We chose internet over it. My gym pass is covered in my tuition:smile:

    Ok, I'm moving to Canada and going back to college.:grumble:
This discussion has been closed.