Ladies only..



  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    When I started the pill I asked the Dr about weight gain, and they said it only affects appetite in some people, the pill itself doesn't cause you to gain weight. So as long as you're careful with what you're eating you should be fine. I've been on Lutera for close to a year now, and I've had lighter TOM (which was a huge thing for me, my prev. TOM were NOT fun - heavy bleeding, super PMS.)

    I just take the pill when I get up every day. Have it on my night stand. I'm also a very routine oriented person though, so that helps. I would be really freaked out by an IUD (the things the previous poster mentioned would be my reasons as well.) and husb didn't like the nuva ring idea. I also prefer not having something down there all the time / inserted in me. That just weirds me out.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I thought I'd add my experience to this...

    About 19 years ago I had to go off the pill due to a bleeding disorder I have. IUD was recommended by my OB/GYN. I was A little leery of getting it because my mom got pregnant for me on one. Doctor assured me of the advances of modern medicine (blah, blah, blah) so I agreed and got one. 6 months later I was pregnant! They removed it and I started bleeding.. the doctor assured me that I would miscarry (I was 20 and had a 3 year old at home so being pregnant was the last thing I wanted). 2 weeks of bleeding and ultrasounds every day to check for a heartbeat...and the little bugger just hung on. Fast forward to now...she's 18 and I love her to death so it worked out ok!

    After I had her I had a tubilagation (I had a lot of complications from my bleeding disorder so couldn't safely have any more babies). About 6 years ago my OB/GYN decided to put in a Mirena IUD to control the bleeding issues that arose every month. After about a year my period completely stopped... I only get occasional spotting even to this day. Because I don't use it for birth control it never has to come out. I have not gained weight from it and absolutely love it!

    Due to my own experience I would not trust a regular IUD (although the percentages are good I was one of this one in a hundred!)... at least the Mirena you have the hormone backup plan built in!
  • Everyone is different, of course. Based on my own experience, I would recommend against mirena.

    I got it when my daughter was 6 months old because we wanted to wait a while before having more kids, and I was drawn to the bonus of not having to take pills and a decrease in periods. Within two months my cycle stopped completely and I loved it. Within 6 months I was starting to have unexplained pain, but it came and went and wasn't too bad. A standard check up or two and my doctor recommended I take advil and that was it.

    After I had it in for a year, the pain was getting worse and worse, and became constant. I finally got a doctor to run some tests and an ultrasound and they discovered several complex cysts on both ovaries. They were growing larger, and my doctor said that part of the reason the cysts had gotten to that point was that I was no longer having a regular menstrual period. They removed the IUD and put my on the pill to bring my cycle back, and then eventually had to do laparoscopic surgery to remove them.

    Not all women will have the same reactions and problems, but it is something to be aware of, discuss with your doctor, and consider carefully. After several surgeries as an infant, two c-sections (one with complications) the cysts and the further surgery to remove them, my doctor gave very little hope that I would get pregnant again. It's been four and a half years now, and I am beginning to accept that more kids are not in our future. It was a blow for me, because I thought mirena would be the right option to allow us to choose when we would have more.
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    hey, im on mirena and ive been steadily losing now for a year. its great. the only downfall is for the first month you bleed as your body is getting use to it. well, thats how it was for me anyway. i rarely get a period now, and when i do, its so light that i can just put a liner and be good to go.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I got the Mirena about 6 weeks after I had my daughter, and I LOVE IT. My daughter is almost 18 months old now, and I have had ZERO issues with it. I didn't even cramp or spot or anything. I rarely get a period anymore (every few months maybe), and when I do it's super light and only lasts a couple of days.

    I was on the pill before...and I forgot to take it a lot. I have 2 kids, you figure it out. LOL.

    I also considered the nuvaring, but I would have to pay $50 out of pocket PER MONTH for that thing....too much $$$ for me!
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    I had the mirena for 4.5 years without any problems. The insertion was rather painful since I haven't had kids, but after that it was pretty great. No weight gain here. I actually lost ~50lbs over those 4 years. I've had the implanon implant for about a year now and I love it! If you're still researching other options, I'd look into it.
  • I use the patch and I didn't gain weight. The only reason I started to gain weight was due to lack of exercise and stress. It also doesn't affect my weight loss.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Nuva ring.
    ^ Love it
  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    I say try mirena & forget the pills, mirena is an after thought once you get it & then you change it every 4-5 years...who wants 2 remember 2 take a pill everyday, especially in a busy busy world....I say try it & if you dont like it, tell them to take it out & besides, anything u take has side-effects, my friend has mirena & she loves it!


    I've had the mirena for 3 years now, and beyond the first couple months, I haven't had any issues with it. My TOM is down to 3 days every 2-3 months. I got it right after I had my daughter, so any cramping and bleeding I had was mingled with the usual post-partum nastiness. I *love* not having to remember to take a pill everyday.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    I have had the Mirena for about 19 months and am 41lbs lighter then I was the day it was inserted. BUT I have also been taking eating right and exercise seriously. Good Luck on whatever you choose. I am happy I got Mirena