Set-backs and venting!



  • Jcox300
    Jcox300 Posts: 62 Member
    I have been struggling with this for 7 months now! I lost almost 20 pounds and gained it all back. I go to the gym three times a week! I go back and forth between stair stepper and treadmill. I also do weights afterwards to tone up. Im not keep an exact calorie count but I have cut down quite a fit. I get so frustrated with counting and going over. I cant push myself to limit myself on lunch. When the time comes its easier to go by a quick (SMALL) fry and hamburger from Mcdonalds. I know it is still high in calories but its better then the quarter pounder and Large fry that i used to get. I am getting so discouraged with gaining everything back and my stretch marks keep getting bigger. I had to go buy 2XL shirts and larger pants. I feel like I want to cry. Any Ideas?
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    I am struggling, I am working out hard and have had a few slip ups but my doc now thinks I may have a thyroid problem. I am constantly tired, and even when I workout I cannot lose weight, and my skin and hair are suddenly dry and bridle. I am trying not to get down, but sometimes it feels like I am just spinning my wheels for no good reason :/
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I have been struggling with this for 7 months now! I lost almost 20 pounds and gained it all back. I go to the gym three times a week! I go back and forth between stair stepper and treadmill. I also do weights afterwards to tone up. Im not keep an exact calorie count but I have cut down quite a fit. I get so frustrated with counting and going over. I cant push myself to limit myself on lunch. When the time comes its easier to go by a quick (SMALL) fry and hamburger from Mcdonalds. I know it is still high in calories but its better then the quarter pounder and Large fry that i used to get. I am getting so discouraged with gaining everything back and my stretch marks keep getting bigger. I had to go buy 2XL shirts and larger pants. I feel like I want to cry. Any Ideas?

    Track you calories. You may be surprised what you are eating. Don't make an extreme change, just little ones. maybe set your goals to .5 lbs for a few weeks and go down from there. I ALWAYS fail when I eat low calories. Bump up the strength training, it give more "after burn"

    Hope this helps
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    Am I the only one who finds it a little frustrating that due to my height (5'1), no matter how much weight I lose, I'll probably always have stumpy looking legs? I so envy the taller girls who have beautiful long, lean legs. I love being short, but this one always gets to me. I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable wearing shorts or skirts!!
  • Gyoza11
    Gyoza11 Posts: 143 Member
    I hate how my body stores fat!!
    I mean usually when women gain weight it's around the whole body but here I am, at 125 lbs and I still have a massive gut!
    I wish I had the body shape to be the cute sort of chubby...

    Since we're all short here, does anyone else get seriously annoyed seeing photos of r people who are much heavier than you but since they're tall they're slim?
    I know it's a little illogical to get angry over but being short has its setbacks sometimes.
  • dhealy11
    dhealy11 Posts: 15 Member
    I hate how I have been either at or under my weekly calorie goal and exercising and still the scale won't budge!!! It's so frustrating!!!!! I need to move my scale so I don't weigh myself everyday...because I think I'm making myself crazy! Just this morning I weighed myself, and I was 2lbs up from yesterday. GRRRRRRRR
  • tfunkwurzer
    tfunkwurzer Posts: 20 Member
    Hope you feel better soon! Doesn't it seem like you only get sick when you have plans? Not that anyone plans to get sick... :wink:

    I'm feeling a little grumpy, I haven't gained but I stayed the same this week. Stupid TOM. I know it could be worse and that next week will probably show my work but still! Doesn't exactly make one feel like eating a carrot stick does it?? :grumble:

    Uh yeah. I stayed the same basically last week and this and have been kicking my workouts into high gear. (Which I know, I know is most likely why my body is not responding right now, holding everything to figure out what's going on) but so agree. It sure doesn't encourage me to give up the wine at night I really want to drink......
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    Am I the only one who finds it a little frustrating that due to my height (5'1), no matter how much weight I lose, I'll probably always have stumpy looking legs? I so envy the taller girls who have beautiful long, lean legs. I love being short, but this one always gets to me. I don't think I'll ever feel comfortable wearing shorts or skirts!!

    Nope! I am the same. 5'2" with short legs that are BIG! They would be ok if i could stretch them out another 6 inches or so!!

    I was told once that if i worked really really hard i could get my legs looking good, but it would be the last part of me that would transform!!

    I don't wear skirts, dresses or shorts either and doubt i ever will :)

    There are some real downsides to being short! x
  • alassin_sane
    alassin_sane Posts: 12 Member
    I'm so sick of feeling rubbish...I have a sprained ankle and am still in pain following surgery to remove an abscess from my back. I'm so tired all of the time and completely unmotivated. I've been scared to even weigh myself for the past couple of weeks... :-( I'm 4' 10" and have a long way to go in terms of weight loss.

    Thank you for the vent!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member

    I knew this was coming but I'm still upset with myself. I am 5ft1 and got down to 125 which was a good weight for me. But over the past year I've eased up on myself and I GAINED 14 lbs back! Now I'm back where I started when I joined MFP. My alltime highest was 156. I'm now at 140 as of this AM.

    I know what happened. I stopped watching what I ate. I gave myself too many "I'll get back on track tomorrow" excuses and allowed myself to eat large amounts of sugar, chips, pizza, and wine. I skipped the gym too many times despite knowing how much better I feel when I go.

    And now here I am. AGH!
  • wilmawm
    wilmawm Posts: 81 Member
    I am sorry to here you've gained weight back; been there done that myself many times! I'm 5'2" and my highest weight was over 200lbs; you're to be commended for getting back here when you did! I appreciate your post; it serves as a caution for me. I'm basically at the weight I want to be and now I'm determined to figure out how to maintain so I don't yo yo back up to 200+ lbs like I've done in the past. I'm finally realizing maintaining a healthy weight is a never-ending challenge that doesn't end when I reach that magic number on the scale.
  • iconnor
    iconnor Posts: 90 Member
    I'm hanging in there as well. My body's in this rhythm where I'll lose weight one week and next week gain (just a little) and then lose the following week, etc. I feel like I'm working really hard but not getting the results I was expecting.

    One small consolation is that I am tracking my measurements as well, and have lost 8 inches over all, so that's what's keeping me going. I'd rather lose inches than pounds, but at some point the pounds need to go down as well!
  • SarahJane139
    SarahJane139 Posts: 16 Member
    I have a test coming up and my best friend and her boyfriend just broke up. I'm sitting on the couch half counseling her, half reading pharmacology; next thing you know half of the cheetos bag in my lap is gone! They were, in my defense, natural cheetos but I'm still kind of in shock. I joined MFP two days ago and I suppose this is what I joined to take notice of. Before MFP I would not have even noticed.
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited August 2018
    Sometimes it just feels so unfair when i am eating 300 calorie meals (4 a day) and I'm losing less than 1/2 a pound a week, or plateauing. I see weight loss articles about 500 calorie meals and I'm like, nope!! 😑
  • sidlondon
    sidlondon Posts: 10 Member
    I have the opposite problem: I'd rather lose the weight more slowly than I have been. I'm concerned if it falls off too quickly, I'll be less toned. I'm doing weights every other day, but still have insulin problems that seem to have slowed my ability to increase muscle tone. I may have to settle for healthy but skinny-fat!
  • jesslynnbo
    jesslynnbo Posts: 3 Member
    I’ve been thinking that it’s no wonder I gained so much weight! Eating only 1200 cal a day only really seems doable if I skip a meal. That way I can feel satisfied eating at at least one meal. Otherwise I’m left the entire day feeling like I’ve never at any point actually satisfied my hunger. And I didn’t even lose any weight this week! This is going to be a long year.
  • sidlondon
    sidlondon Posts: 10 Member
    edited August 2018
    I tend to skip lunch most days (or just have a few cashews/berries with caffeine to keep me going). I don't think the 'three square meals a day' rule works for anyone under 5'5 without a lot of exercise. At the weekend I have a late breakfast (11am ish) and that keeps me going until dinner as my brain is tricked into thinking I've eaten lunch. Like you, I'd rather feel as though I've eaten a proper meal when I do bother to eat!

    Keep going. You'll get there! Just consider this week as a 'maintenance' week! :)

    I've had a rubbish week too as I've been too aneamic to exercise, which has thrown me off a bit. I lost my appetite entirely, so haven't put on any weight. But my muscles feel like they've lost all the strength/tone I'd managed to get! Grrrrr!

    Just going to start over from today!