Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I'm cobalt
    37 with the crappy attitude of an 80 year old
    Mostly console gaming as my pc can't handle any of the games i back on kickstarter
    I have every console in the new generation, the only handheld i'm missing is the vita. My oldest console is a pong machine from the mid 70s, it's so 70s it actually has wood grain decals on the controllers.
    I play a little of everything. Right now between Destiny, not sure why as I don't do raids, I'm going thru all my older games to try and get all the achievements. So far I think i've 100 percented all the fallouts except 4.
  • Daymia
    Daymia Posts: 57 Member
    I'm Dawn - 36, child-free, married for 10 years in June.

    I used to play WoW (who hasn't?) to the point of addiction. Since quitting WoW, I've not played a whole lot. I prefer PC to console. Just started playing Stardew Valley last night and I foresee many hours being wasted on it!

    I had lost 70 pounds, gave up, hated myself, gained it all back. Took a good 3 years off, so my friend's list on MFP is a bit lacking lately if you want to friend request me!
  • TwistedRider
    TwistedRider Posts: 45 Member

    Im Drew, from Melbourne, Australia
    part of an active RP group
    Never tried LARP, not likely to at this point.
    Play a variety of things ESO, Skyrim, MWmercs, etc. Typically RPG or RTS games, with an odd PFS from time to time.
    Already 6Kg gone. Aim to loose another 20KG (~44lb), would like at least 15 gone before November.

    Walk on the beach is ok, but better with someone to enjoy it with.
  • Moratu
    Moratu Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Chris. I am 33 years old. I have been struggling with weight loss for years, but I am finally starting to get a good hold on it. I am down to 225 after losing 100 pounds, and have been utilizing the keto diet to maintain and continue losing weight. I guess you could say it isn't so much a diet for me as it is a way of life! I would like to get down to 180 lbs, but I don't know if that is possible with the muscle I have added over the years from lifting and running. Stepping away from the deadly weight game, if I can't get down to 180, my final goal is to have a six pack again!

    So, I love video games! I play mostly RPG's, Action, Adventure, and rarely horror, when I am not being a complete wimp. I have even taken to streaming some of my favorite games on Twitch when I have the time... mainly the Witcher 3, but a couple other odd ones like Salt and Sanctuary or Watch Dogs.

    I also enjoy Tabletop Gaming, whether it is in person or online. I play Dungeons and Dragons as well as Pathfinder using Tabletop Simulator, and have played a couple others in the past, such as Vampire: The Masquerade.

    Of course, I love reading books. Anything psychology based, fantasy, science fiction... nerd nerd nerd.

    Feel free to add me or message me! I would love to meet other like-minded people so we can push each other towards our goals!
  • MSJourneylog
    MSJourneylog Posts: 41 Member
    I just joined so adding my info into the lot!

    I'm Mary or MSJourneylog or MayMay! Female last time I checked. Just turned 25 on May 8th and in Eastern Canada (North of Maine US). I'm a gamer who married another heavy gamer lol. Totally into RP. Played WoW for awhile, currently dabbling in DnD and for actual video games well... I'm all in. Have never been able to participate in LARPing. Not really a thing where I live O.O

    Currently playing Cataclysm: DDA (survival rogue-like) and when I have a few days off in a row... Dwarf Fortress! I've also gotten into Hearthstone lately. PS4 is currently taken over by my husband so Dark Souls 3, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, etc... is on hold. In the past I've played everything from Risk to Bioshock to Harvest Moon. Oh, I do have a 3DS and am currently preparing for Pokemon Sun/Moon release by replaying all of the Pokemon games I own.

    My weight loss goals are pretty much the same as everyone else... to lose weight. I would like to be the correct weight (at this point anything under 200lbs) and weight 315 right now. I've lost between 15-10lbs so far, 5 from January but just recently made my way back to MFP.

    We're about to try out a group for DnD on Wednesdays which "hopefully" I'm going to use as my treat that's not food. And it's summer so lots of opportunities to go out and about. Lots of town wide yard sales where I live and tons of farmer's markets which still consists of gaming in some way (looking for gems among the garbage!)

    Best of luck on all your journeys!
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Who are you!


    Female or male?



    What are your weightloss goals?!
    1. get to onederland 2. fit into a size 12 3. get to 180

    How many pounds have you lost?
    26 pounds since starting MFP, but 75lbs since start of journey

    Walk on the Beach?
    When I can

  • ValkyrieLula
    ValkyrieLula Posts: 28 Member
    I'm Lulaica/Lula (my screen name, not real) and I'm a semi-casual 27 year-old, female gamer. I'm primarily a PC gamer, though co-workers introduced me to tabletop games and my fiance introduced me to tabletop RPGs. I primarily play Pathfinder (currently running a Rise of the Runelords + one-off sessions with some friends online, and off/on play with my fiance and our offline group, though it's more off than on since I play volleyball the same night).

    I'm looking to lose around 20 pounds to get back to a weight where I was happier, but I'm also working on building up my strength. I currently doing Insanity most days of the week (following the schedule, just starting week two), play casual-competitive sand volleyball once a week (weather permitting), and otherwise run when I'm not at home.

    I look forward to this adventure with ya'll. :)
  • riceiscarb
    riceiscarb Posts: 16 Member
    Who are you!
    - Andy!
    - 37
    Female or male?
    - male... last i checked
    - no
    - no
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    - 60 pounds
    How many pounds have you lost?
    - 15
    Walk on the Beach?
    - only if i can bring a portable gaming console.

    played a lot of mmorpg in the past, nowadays more of a casual gamer on console (RPG/Strategy)
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    edited July 2016
    The name's Tia. From Melbourne Australia.
    Age? I'm 29
    Female or male? Pretty sure I'm a female. Last I checked all the goods were there.
    RP? Yes I do like me some RP. My fav games would have to be the Elder Scrolls series. Morrowind was the one that really got me into it. Final Fantasy, Fable (I know people have an opinion on that one but I can't help it) and I'm sorry to say but Sims. I mean, I like to build stuff, okay?? I'm not apologizing....
    LARP? No
    What are your weightloss goals?! 48kgs/105lbs.
    How many pounds have you lost? Altogether I lost 18kgs/39lbs but unfortunately due to me not caring and being too happy I gained some of it back. I got down to 50kgs/110lbs. My goal atm is just 10kgs/22lbs and then we'll figure it out from there.
    Walk on the Beach? I hate water and the sun. On a positive note, my skin is amazing because of this.
  • zamphir66
    zamphir66 Posts: 582 Member
    I'm Rick from Appalachia.
    36, male.
    RPGs are probably my favorite, especially open world stuff like Skyrim.
    Also, action RPGs like Fallout.
    No LARPing for me.
    I'm about halfway toward my goal -- another ~25lbs and I'm there.
    I don't have no stinkin' beach.
  • WillpowerBurton
    WillpowerBurton Posts: 65 Member

    I play too much League of Legends. I also play Heartstone, Duelyst, Awesomenauts,,, Binding of Isaac.
    Im bulking from 170 to 210 then cutting to 190!
  • johnnybrucato823
    johnnybrucato823 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey everyone, my name is John. Ive been on MFP for a while but JUST found this group. I enjoy runescape private servers, league of legends, the dynasty warriors series, the assassins creed series, and cod.
    Age? 22
    Female or male? Male
    RP? Nope
    LARP? Nope
    What are your weightloss goals?! I want to live a healthier lifestyle, lose some weight, get in shape, and have a positive attitude.
    How many pounds have you lost? Ive lost 38lbs so far and have plenty more to go.

  • Verchild
    Verchild Posts: 866 Member
    Hello friends, I'm Matt.
    I play just about everything... Tabletop miniature games, board games, PC, and xbox gaming.

    Who are you!
    Age: 34
    RP: D&D / Rifts
    LARP: Stop trying to make LARP happen, its not a thing for me.
    What are your weight loss goals?! I started at 255 at the beginning of the year, right now I'm 230, goal is 200
    How many pounds have you lost? 25
    Walk on the Beach? If the path i need to walk is past one sure! :D

  • ErikElgerot
    ErikElgerot Posts: 65 Member

    I'm Erik - 36, male.
    I RP (but don't currently LARP), and also enjoy digital games a lot, especially narrative ones. I currently work as a QA tester in the games industry.

    Weight-wise, I'm 190cm/6'3" and trying to get down to 90kg/200lbs or thereabouts, started on MFP at 188.8kg/416.2lbs in March and have lost about 30kg/70lbs since then.

    And Sweden isn't the best beach area, I suppose... =)
  • Troutsy
    Troutsy Posts: 275 Member
    kapeluza wrote: »
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    I'm Kaitlin
    I'm mainly a FPS/Action adventure gamer on the Xbox360/XboxOne
    No LARPing
    Weightloss goal: to get down to 150
    I've lost 40 pounds total through flexible dieting and Calorie counting
    Walk on the beach? heck yes, my fiance proposed the last time we were on the beach so the beach will always be special.
  • Komodo_Sumatra
    Komodo_Sumatra Posts: 9 Member
    Greetings, everyone! I'm Komodo_Sumatra!
    I'm 24 years old and I am female!

    I'm an avid roleplayer whether it comes to table top games, theatrical, or creating fun character stories with another person! I've always has a fascination to LARP but I've never had the opportunity to! I also want to be able to comfortably cosplay in the future!

    My weight loss goals are to lose 100 more pounds, because I've already lost 35! Yay!

    I've been using MyFitnessPal since June, but I just recently popped into the community. I'd be happy to make some friends and help encourage those who are on their own weight loss journeys! I'm all about positivity and powering through obstacles because I believe anything is possible! :) Take care and I'm glad to meet all of you!
  • xDesertxRatx
    xDesertxRatx Posts: 80 Member

    Rob, aged 51 but never act it. Male. 197lbs.
    Don't really need to lose weight but rather move it around. Get chest to stick out further than stomach. All those years of late gaming with a beer or cider or three has taken it's toll.

    Ex FPS guy Combat Arms, Battlefield series and Insurgency were my main.
    Other stuff includes; STO, SWTOR, Blade & Soul, Far Cry 4, Need 4 Speed World (now stopped) and so many in my 40 year gaming history.

    Currently: The Division

    Beach..oh yes..i live by the sea with a big beach. Beach bars are better though.
  • Serathos
    Serathos Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all :D

    I mostly go by Breylin on all vidya games but also Serathos and a few others :) I have been playing video games since I was pretty young - first thing I remember is tetris on the original game boy but I've had a number of systems over the years (dreamcast, 64, gamecube, playstation 2 / 3 / 4, wii u and almost all the nintendo handhelds over the years) and I love almost all genres but especially adventure/rpg/or tactical strategy games especially turn based.

    Favorite games that come to mind are final fantasy tactics advance, tales of symphonia, fallout 3, banjo kazooie, path of exile, wow, super mario 64, donkey kong 64, animal crossing, pokemon series, tf2 and many many more.

    Gaming is taking a bit of a backseat while I lose weight...was addicted to wow the past few months and put on a LOT of weight because of it. Also just didn't like how my quality of life was going down because WoW became my entire life :p (still no goddamn legendary even though ive been playing since d1 of legion wtf blizzard lol)

    About me as a person -
    24 (soon to be 25 on sunday!) female living in southern california. Originally from east coast (philly) but relocated to live with my SO. Went to Penn State graduated with a bachelors in business and now working in recruiting industry.

    Eager to join you all on this epic journey ;)
  • Hi, I'm Amanda. I'm 29, female and live in the Pacific Northwest.

    My husband and I are avid PC gamers, currently our favorite is Guild Wars 2. I'm also very partial to Wildstar and WoW. I used to be heavy console gamer before I met my husband. I think my favorite of all time is Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the N64. I also really enjoyed Final Fantasy X and Blue Dragon. I own a ridiculous amount of games and consoles, but I'll never give them up. Nostalgia. :smile:

    Aside from that, I'm a full time student working towards my bachelors in IT business management. I also work full time as a project manager. I have 5 fur-babies: 4 cats and a dog. I am affectionately referred to as a crazy cat lady.

    I'm a musician and I love to sing and play piano. We have a recording studio in our house, it's pretty cool. I love to crochet and watch true crime tv like Forensic Files.

    My husband and I enjoy brewing beer, or finding great new pubs/bars and new beers to try. We also love FOOD. I have a huge sweet tooth, and he loves savory stuff, so yea....lots of deliciousness.

    As is probably clear, most of my favorite past-times do not involve a lot of activity and DO involve a lot of not healthy food and drink. Neither of us are in very good health, and so we have decided to start making that a priority. We have virtually given up beer for now (OMG so hard! I miss it) and we're trying to stick to a healthier, low-carb diet. It has actually been fun to discover new recipes that we really like and are healthy for us.

    My personal goal is to lose about 65 pounds and be in better shape. I want to be able to run upstairs at my house and not be winded. I want to be able to stop taking medications I'm currently on. I want to be able to go hiking with my friends. I want to TRAVEL the world (!!) and not be worried about being uncomfortable on the airplane.

    Seahawks fan by birth, Steelers fan by marriage. Go Hawks! Go Steelers!
  • Zhukaya
    Zhukaya Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, all! I'm Niki, but you can just call me Zhukaya if you want. Or Jimda... Or even Nikeet. It doesn't really matter. I'll respond to any or all. XD


    I'm a 24-year-old avid gamer from Kentucky. My brother (also a gamer) got me into gaming way back when we were kids and I've loved it ever since. Over the years I've played so many awesome games, but my all time favorites are Skyrim, Banjo Kazooie, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Dark Souls II, Final Fantasy VII and Alan Wake. Genre wise I really like fantasy/action/adventure RPGs (both MMO and single player) and survival horror (Dead Space, Soma, Resident Evil, etc).

    Besides gaming, I spend all my other free time programming, studying Korean, reading or sewing. I've been into programming since about the age of 11, but decided against making a career out of it due to the long hours most programmers work, and became a 3D artist instead (because 3D artists don't work insane hours at all, no...). At the moment I do part time freelance work for a company called DAZ so I can stay home with my daughter, but once she's in school I plan to go to work full time.

    Aside from all that, there's not much more to tell about myself except that over the last 8 years I've learned gaming all the time and giving into pregnancy cravings is not a good combination because you wind up gaining a ton of weight... Heh. Who would have guessed that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯