


  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    Yes I would say it's normal. I finished the whole program and in 3 months only lost about 5 lbs. I was totally okay with that because 1) I looked smaller, more toned and better than I did before 2) I felt stronger 3) I lost fat and inches and just felt damn good about myself. Don't get yourself down about the weight loss. It's not the most important thing.

    Thanks ladies I'm going to get pushing!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hey everybody. I didn't think about adding my progress when I was done with Burn Circuit so here it goes.
    SW 195....................CW 188.8
    BF% 35.5%..............BF% 33.5
    Chest 36.5................36
    R. Arm 12.5..............12.5
    L. Arm 12.25.............12
    Waist 32....................31
    Navel 37....................36.5
    Apron 39....................38
    Hips 45.25..................43.25
    L. Thigh 26.75............25.5
    R. Thigh 27................25.5

    I'm on my 2nd day of Push. I'm loving seeing how stronger I am and I can't wait till the end of this cycle. I can't imagine the weight I'll be using.

    Burned 334 calories

    lulehlu those bowler lunges are weird. I was using my running shoes which had no support. I had to buy some cross trainers so I could hold my balance better.

    I never thought to double up on the lower body sets. I think I'm going to start doing that. Thanks for that idea!

    Ladies you are all doing an amazing job. We are getting stronger & looking good!!
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    I did Lean Phase for first time yesterday. My triceps and biceps are STILL screaming, but it hurts so good!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Great results Desirai!

    I finished week 1 of Burn yesterday, it's good to be back! ( I was doing CLX but stopped to do NROL4W but realized I wanted to come back and finish this 1st).
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    I just completed my first round of Burn Intervals. I was a little surprised to see weights (even if light) after Burn Circuit 2 but I suppose different muscles were worked overall. According to my HRM, I burned 385 calories and that was with following the modifier at times. I must confess that I skipped ab burner. :embarassed:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Week 4/Burn Circuit 1 today for 347 calories. This circuit has taken me longer to get through because of having to skip a few times, but I'm hoping to finish by Saturday and start Push next week. 2 months til my wedding, so I wan't to make them count!
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    Today I will complete burn it off and recharge! Tomorrow will be rest day and then on Friday I will start week 4 of burn phase. Can't wait to see what push phase has in store!
  • Week 2 of Push/Circuit 2 - 387 calories. Went up on some exercises and actually ended up going lighter on the last exercise to make sure my form was good.

    Desirai, you had some great results!

    lulehlu, I do ab burner the next day. I'm toast after Burn Intervals.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    I will you guys I am way to exhausted to even think about ab burner after burn intervals just like I can't do the recharge right after burn it off either.

    Had to take the last 3 days off because of my Inflammatory Arthritis flared up but I started fresh today with Push 1 and extreme abs. Loving how heavy I can lift and I got some straps to help me with my hand grips so the 25lb weights were no big deal today for my legs.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Burn Intervals tonight for 460 calories. Feels like I'm coming back to life (except right this minute cuz now I'm exhausted) :P
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    First burn circuit 3. Was the worst circuit for having to change the weights over which is annoying. Trouble is I can't afford the adjustable ones like they use :-(.
  • First burn circuit 3. Was the worst circuit for having to change the weights over which is annoying. Trouble is I can't afford the adjustable ones like they use :-(.

    First of all, congratulations on all that weight loss! Second, I use the normal dumbbells. They're everywhere and highly annoying. Okay, that's actually all I had lol
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    First burn circuit 3. Was the worst circuit for having to change the weights over which is annoying. Trouble is I can't afford the adjustable ones like they use :-(.

    First of all, congratulations on all that weight loss! Second, I use the normal dumbbells. They're everywhere and highly annoying. Okay, that's actually all I had lol

    Mine are everywhere too! I try to keep them as organized as I can but yeah have 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 & 20 lb DBs on my mat with me so they are close when I need to change. I would LOVE to have Selectech but they are really expensive and I already have most of the weighs I need already. I do think at some point I will need to get some heavier weights. We have 25 & 35 lb DB's too so I think I might need 30 and hopefully some day even more for lower body. Gotta keep my eye on Craigslist...
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    First burn circuit 3. Was the worst circuit for having to change the weights over which is annoying. Trouble is I can't afford the adjustable ones like they use :-(.

    First of all, congratulations on all that weight loss! Second, I use the normal dumbbells. They're everywhere and highly annoying. Okay, that's actually all I had lol

    Thanks for the congratulations. :-)
  • Week 2 of Push/Burn Intervals - 498 calories. I forgot to bring a towel in with me (I lock myself away in the computer room) and the sweat was just pouring off of me. When I did jumping jacks, I could feel it flying everywhere. Yikes. Lesson learned; a towel is a necessity.
  • lulehlu
    lulehlu Posts: 87 Member
    Glad to hear others skip the ab workout! I'll have to work it in on other days.

    Just completed Burn Circuit 3. Phew. Lots of squats and lunges = ugh! for me. But I got through most of them. My shoulders are certainly feeling it now.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hey everybody. Last night was Push 3 Week 1. 249 Calorie Burn

    Those bowlers lunges will be the death of me yet!! I tried to use 30 lbs. I think I'm going to back down to 25 lbs and see if I can grip them better.
  • Hey everybody. Last night was Push 3 Week 1. 249 Calorie Burn

    Those bowlers lunges will be the death of me yet!! I tried to use 30 lbs. I think I'm going to back down to 25 lbs and see if I can grip them better.

    I can't do them. I'm all over the place and tend to fall over. This happened in Burn, too lol
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Last night was Week 4 Burn 2 for 400 calories. I was so burnt by the end, I couldn't even attempt the triple threat push ups. One more Burn, then on to second round of PUSH!
  • clowermom
    clowermom Posts: 52 Member
    I just completed my first Push Circuit 3 today. I will take bowler lunges over single leg sumo squats any day. I just couldn't get the hang of it and I felt completely awkward the entire time. I even paused the DVD to try and get a better "feel" for how I was supposed to stand. Bleck. The bright side is I still have 3 more weeks of trying to get it.

    I'm also challenged with the fact that I only have ONE 20 lb weight. (Apparently my teenager used the other one as an ANCHOR in his canoe and somehow lost it. >shakes head< ) It's hard to hold a 15 lb and a 5 lb in one hand, I have tiny hands.

    I'm asking for a 20 lb weight for Mother's Day!

    Now, a question for all you experts: I don't have an HRM nor do I have plans on getting one, so I log 200 calories burned on days that I lift. This is based on the formula in the NROLFW book. It worked very well for me during the Burn phase. Should I just continue on with that same allowance, or do you think I need to increase the calories burned during the Push phase? Am I burning more calories in this Phase? What's been your experience? I'm in maintenance so I don't really want to lose any more weight, but I don't want to gain either!