


  • elizabethdc89
    elizabethdc89 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm Liz, 23 years old. I'm single, no kids...which makes me a bit of a unicorn in this group I think? But in the same breath, as a lucky recent grad, I managed to land a "grown up" job. I've been over the party scene for awhile, and focus my time more on work, and extra curriculars, and things like that.

    Unfortunately, my friends aren't 100% out of the phase, so I'm kind of stuck. I'm at a point in my life where I want to settle down, into a routine, maybe include someone else in that routine, where as most of the people I see on a regular basis are still in the "I'll fly by the seat of my pants" stage.

    On the same page as settling down into my life, and beginning to build one of myself man or not, I want to get control of my weight and my health. I lived with my parents all through university, so now that I'm on my own, I'm able to form my own habits living wise, I want them to be the best and healthiest habits that they can be.
  • Hey Everyone!

    My name is Beth, I'm 27 (DH is 29) and got married 09.25.10. We bought a house shortly after that and have had a bumpy first year and a half of marriage. Nothing having to do with us but more so the people in our lives. ::tuck and roll baby!!:: This has caused the two of us to gain 20lbs each. EEP! We're both trying to slim back down now that life is becoming a new "normal". I also have friends who are still living with Mom & Dad though are in committed relationships. My problem is having friends who are in the same lifestyle as us to get out of the house and have a little FUN!

    Brian and I are fun loving social people. We love to go out and have a few beers (or hard ciders in my case) with our friends. We don't have kids at the moment. But plan on starting in a few months. EEP again!!

    I've had a hard time keeping track of my weight and have had eating disorders in high school. I would really like to never get that way again so now I'm forcing myself to take the steps to get healthy in a healthy manner. I have the time to do this (recently laid off) and want to become a better me. :) So here's to a new beginning!
  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi I'm Jessica and I am 24 my husband and I just welcomed our first child to the world last fall. We have been married for 4 years this coming December. My husband is in the military and i have decided not to return to teaching and be a SAHM. Next summer we are due to transfer and are looking forward to a new adventure in another state. As far as my weight loss goes, I gained 65 pounds with my son and it's taken 7 months to get rid of and I have about another 25 pounds to get down to my goal weight. Feel free to add me I am always looking for new friends to encurage.
  • I'm a 24 year old mom of a very energetic two year old little boy, i've been married for almost two years to the love of my life. I'm trying to just be healthier for many reasons. i stay at home with my little man and i get rather desperate for social interaction and conversation beyond mickey, blues clues and cars.
  • Hi Everyone. I'm new to the site, but i am really enjoying it so far. Im 25, soon to be 26. I have been married to my husband for a year and a half and we have a beautiful 9 month old baby girl. She has given me so many reasons to change for the better. I have always been a party animal, but I'm moving away from that lifestyle so that I can set a better example for her than I had while growing up. The occasional glass of wine or beer is fine (and I'm sure there will be times when I still need to let loose lol) but I feel so much happier living a more settled life with my family. We currently live in Roswell, GA, but are hoping to move to a home in Buford soon. I don't have a lot of mommy friends and really wish I did. If anyone lives nearby and would like a mommy friend just let me know. Nice to "meet" everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • Christypowell89
    Christypowell89 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there everyone! I'm Christy, 22 yrs old from Utah, US. Just thought I'd tell ya'll a little about myself. I'm a mother of 2 boys, 6 & 2.
    I'm a lunch lady at and Elementary school August-May. During the summer I am just a stay at home mom. I was inspired to start working out about 6 months ago. I realized I was really pretty big after having my 2nd son and hated it! I knew that if I had any hope of ever getting fit it had to be now while I was still young and able. I also have a dream of becoming a fitness model, These days girls can just have a flat stomach and become models. So I want to go one step above that and become so fit and toned that I will be that much more amazing. I never really worked out after high school or through either of my pregnancies, So I knew it would be hard to get back into shape after so long of neglecting my body. But I'm ready to take on what ever I need to to change myself and to achieve my dreams. Thanks everyone for reading. :)

    Feel free to add me on Facebook
  • Hey Yall, Im Alex im 23 almost 24. I live in Virginia. I moved here from South Carolina back in March. I live on my own and am a human resource manager at my job. I graduated college a year ago. And I am very happy with the blessing that I have been presented.
  • Hi! I'm Erin. I'm 24 and married. We have a four year old. I have two part-time jobs which keep me pretty busy and I just decided to go back to school and study Anthropology. That's it.
  • Hello. I'm 26 with two kids (both boys 4 and1) i got married at 18 and have been married to the same man for almost nine years now. and it's time for me to do a little something for myself so i've decided to lose the extra weight i've been carrying around since high school.
  • Hi! My name is Becky. I am 27, and I have an amazing 11 year old step-son. His dad and I have been together since he was a baby, so I hae raised him for a little under ten years. I work a 50-70 hour work week, and have recently decided to make fitness a priority again. I look forward to being involved in this group and getting to know everyone!
  • Hello!! I am turning 24 next week, got married to my wonderful husband almost four months ago. We'll have been together for ten years this February. I used to be on the website TheDailyPlate until Livestrong took it over and made it dumb. I haven't been tracking for about 2 years, but I've done it mentally. I originally weighed 141 lbs when I started on TDP, and my lowest weight was 111 lbs which was four years ago now. Currently, I'm at 125 lbs, and would LOVE to be back to 115ish. I used to workout OCD everyday. Since the wedding and all the craziness with moving into our house, I haven't been good about working out everyday and didn't modify my diet, and I teach at a school where there are ALWAYS sweets on the lounge table, so I guess those are the reasons for the weight gain. I love this group idea, since DH and I have been "settled" for the last 6 years. Haha.
  • dj_phx
    dj_phx Posts: 115 Member
    Hi All! I'm Dorothy and I'm 27. I've been with my boyfriend for over 8 years, and have been living together for about 5 years. We have been trying on and off for years to get healthy. I have decided that I'm going to do it once and for all.
  • Hey I am the one they call Alex! I am 23 and live in Salem VA. I moved away from home back in March to take a promotion with my job. Not married but do live on my own!
  • MassObserver
    MassObserver Posts: 21 Member
    Hello! Im 26 alomst 27 *shutter* and I was married about 4 months ago. Im a nurse (obviously) I need alil help settling into my new life. Ive lived with my parents my whole life and had my "mommy" always take care of me. Now looking back I have no idea what the heck I was thinking! But living on my own with a new husband its hard to take over and set up meals. And make time for me! I have about 20lbs to lose. And Im excited to get started!
  • MassObserver
    MassObserver Posts: 21 Member
    Since Ive gotten married 4 months ago Ive stopped working out and lost foucs. All I want to do is eat, watch tv and snuggle! LOL But Im making changes cz ive gain 20lbs and my clothes dont fit!
  • Amyaustin90
    Amyaustin90 Posts: 27 Member
    im 22, been married for almost 5 months. no kids, but my 7 year old bro lives with us.

    i was much more active before i met my husband and i gained 30ish pounds since i started dating my husband and i gained 25 pounds after the, munching, and the like have messed me up

    so im in serious need of shedding the weight.
  • Amyaustin90
    Amyaustin90 Posts: 27 Member

    congrats on your marriage!
  • Britt_Duffy
    Britt_Duffy Posts: 40 Member
    HI! I'm 24 years old and live with my 26 year old boyfriend. We've been together for 4 1/2 years, been living together for 3, and known each other for 8 (met in high school). I currently live in Northern NH (North of the White Mountains!) and attend the nlocal community college full time, work part time for the local school district as an Administrative Assistant, and part time as a waitress further south. I played roller derby in south NH for roughly 2 years, but had to stop when we moved 3+ hours north of there :-( I tore my left ACL in April of 2011, and had reconstructive surgery in march of 2012. Needless to say this has significantly slowed down any weight loss goals, since I'm not allowed to exercise like I used to until 6 months post surgery!
    Many of my friends from college and the restaurant are my age and have little to no responsibility, party every night, and spend money like there's no tomorrow! I've been on my own since I was 17, and my boyfriend and I are completely independent of our parents (although, they depend on us quite a bit!).
    I am looking forward to when we can get married and think about starting a family, hopefully over the next few years! We have no kids, but we do have a small miniature dachshund named Ruari, so that's enough for now :-)
  • Elphie87
    Elphie87 Posts: 40
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 25, have a full time teaching job and live with my boyfriend of five years. I was a member of MFP almost two years ago and it helped me lose 40 pounds, putting me back in the healthy range for my weight and changing my life. After maintaining my goal weight for six months I said bye bye to MFP and went about my life.

    But now I'm back! I'm still at my goal weight but I'm trying to build muscle and endurance so I can hike the Appalachian Trail in June 2013.

    I had lots of friends back on my old username and I know I'm much more effective with people to both cheer on and be cheered by. So if you are looking for someone who will encourage you and help you reach your goals, I'm your girl! Friend me and let's get this started!
  • I'm 24, I'm married, I've been with my husband sine the 6th grade. I have one daughter who is 7. I started my family early in life and am now trying to finish that part of life by finishing school. Just looking to help me and my families life healthier.