


  • katelyth
    katelyth Posts: 16
    I'm Kate, 24, and married a little over a year. I have 2 furry kids, Simba and Nala. We both worked 2 jobs while paying off our student loans and we are now officially debt free! (Thanks, Dave Ramsey!)

    Last month, we made the move to Baltimore from Denver, leaving our families behind. We are on our own, in more ways than one :)

    Now that we both only work M-F, we want to get out there and be more active!
  • lisa35120
    lisa35120 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi, my name is Lisa. I'm 24 and have been married 2 1/2 years. We live on our own and have a cat and a dog, but no real kids yet. :) We moved last summer from my hometown in California to West Virginia. We're still not sure if we like it here though, and we plan on moving again after saving some money. I work full time and take online classes full time too, so I'm a busy girl! I was active on MFP about a year and a half ago and lost a few pounds but gained the weight back after I moved.. so my goal is to lose the weight again. :)
  • clousea17
    clousea17 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone. I am relatively new at this so please, be gentle. :flowerforyou:

    I am 24, getting ready to turn 25, and it was only recently that I realized that I was halfway through my 20s and uncomfortable in my own skin. I've been married for 6.5 years so I found myself being just a little too comfortable with food. After a pretty rough year, I decided it was time for my husband and I both to start living... Here I am. We've both been on a diet for going on 2 weeks now and I am down 5 lbs and he is down 17.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and hope that we can all encourage one another in this life altering venture. :heart:
  • This is soooo my group right here, lol. My name is Jessica and I'm 26. I've been married going on 7 yrs this November. I have 2 kids, a daughter who's almost 6, and my son was just born on July 21. I have almost no friends who are married or have kids, and it's so hard to relate to them sometimes. They have all the time in the world to go partying or go to the gym or whatever it is single folks do. I would love to make some friends who know what its like to try and lose weight with a family depending on you.
  • althaluszombie
    althaluszombie Posts: 94 Member
    Hullo. I am Zombie. My wife and I have been together going 4 years and married since 5/21/11. we have our second child coming tho first is a cat human breed, least he thinks so. Alexander Sage will be born supposedly October 20. I am currently dealing with an inguinal hernia. Not fun. Left with your legs, back straight knees bent. trust that. She has Grave's disease so we are both gimps for the time being and dealing with providing for others. Difficult but happy life. Gotta love the one your with, cause why are you there then, right? Love my wifey and the babies. Hate the fat.
  • althaluszombie
    althaluszombie Posts: 94 Member
    My wife and I are as liberal as 2 homebodies are and we have just moved to one of the most conservative states lols gotta love that southern hospitality. We need friends who are homebodies but everyone here are drinkers and we just drink for new years
  • chrisd928
    chrisd928 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! My name is Christine and I'm turning 24 this week. I've been married for a year as of October 7 (got a couple weeks to go), but I've been with my husband for almost five years and it's the best. No kids yet, but looking forward to them in the future. For now, we are working towards building the groundwork for the rest of our lives ^_^
  • Hey! My name is Erica, I'm 25 with two boys age 3 and 4. I don't drink, I don't smoke...I don't really go anywhere fun or do exciting things...I haven't attended university and I'm really not that interesting lol I am addicted to coffee and (eep!) junk food but I'm completely determined to get in shape, it's so refreshing to find a group of people who perhaps live a similar lifestyle!
  • Ivy_leaves
    Ivy_leaves Posts: 103 Member
    Hi! I am 21 years old and have been living in my own apartment with my boyfriend for a year now.
    I get up at 5:30 AM five times a week and work for 50 hours a week.
    Paying bills, cleaning house, doing laundry - I am right there with it.
    Most of my friends my age still live at home (all but one, actually - my older brother - and I moved out before he did. :P) and many of my friends do not even have full time jobs.
    Nice to meet you all! ^_^
  • dee_bee
    dee_bee Posts: 36
    Hi All!

    My name's Danielle. I'm 22 (almost 23) and been married for 1 1/2 years, been with him since I was 19. He's 27. We have lived together for about the same time. We have both become comfortable and now I'm being proactive, with the hopes that we'll both change our lifestyle. We're ready for kids but my main concern first and foremost is our health. Once we get our health sorted and settle in a town that's where we both want to be things might change. For now, we're both happy.
  • Hey Ho, me and the hubby are both 27 and we have three kids (1 together 2 from my 1st marriage). As if being a teenage mum (had oldest when I was 17) and a young wife wasn't isolating enough, I got divorced, remarried and emigrated to Sweden. Could I possibly have made it less likely to find some similar people? :D

    I know no one who is even in a remotely similar situation so finding this group was a bit of a sigh of relief moment!
  • Hello.
    My name is Kelsey.
    I am 21 years old and am a mother to a 10 mon girl: Lillian.
    Though the father of my daughter and I are not married yet, we are planning on getting married very soon.
    I am in school to get my RN.
    I work fulltime plus some at a nursing home.
    My little old people are my life.
    I really want some friends on here to motivate me to excersizing and drop my baby weight.
    Feel free to add me!
  • needawg
    needawg Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I am 27, got married this year, we have owned our own home for a little over a year. I went away to live at college in 2003 and at the end of my sophomore year instead of moving back to my parents for the summer break I moved right into my own apartment with my then boyfriend and have had my own apartment with him, friends, or my now husband since. I have always worked since 16...babysitting even younger. I currently hold 2-3 jobs at any given time, teach adjunct at a college, work as an RN at a hospital, and work in home care part time as well. I am currently working towards my master's degree as well. I have a wonderful husband...unfortunately he has never had a weight problem, is muscular, runs, lifts weights, and in his spare time loves biking and hiking. I would like to do more with him but my weight has always gotten in the way...often times just the mental block of him having to see me struggle at something is enough to turn me away. I have tried many diets in the past, once was successful in losing a larger amount of weight and was feeling good...but it all came back...and then some. At this point I am sick of being overweight, fat, obese or whatever...I started today using MFP strictly again, joined a new gym...this time with my husband...and am going to start journaling as well. I hope the combination of eating better and exercising more along with being strict with what choices I make can make me successful. I want to become one of those success stories I have read on of those people who loves working out and can just shop in any store and find something that looks fabulous.
  • Married mom of one beautiful girl- got pregnant at 19
    so my 20th birthday party was a baby shower
    I've grown a lot and would not give up being a mother

    My friends- their children are grown, and they're going/gone through divorces
    Me? I'm a stay at home mom who's nights out end in phone calls
    saying my daughter won't sleep- separation anxiety I guess
    So i need to work out for twenty minutes for my own ME time
    and i need friends going through the same thing.
    Add, :)
  • morning_view
    morning_view Posts: 1 Member
    I am 28, married and a mother to 1 son and 1 step son. I find myself not having anything in common with most of my friends. So that's that!
  • ekmorrison
    ekmorrison Posts: 3 Member
    i'm erin! i'm 28 (about to turn 29), married with 2 furkids. we are both pharmacists in the memphis area. we are very settled down... we often come home, cook dinner, watch the news, and go to bed. like old people.

    i'm brand new to mfp - i just joined today! so i'm going to need friends. and motivation. my husband just informed me that he realized he's lost 35 lbs over the past year and a half. without trying. or doing anything. it's slightly annoying.

    friend me, ladies!
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Hi. I'm 26 (27 this summer) and married. We have a son (almost four), so I sort of got pregnant when we were hitting the middle of our party years. (Now that we're at this end of our twenties, my husband has outgrown it and I have not, so I'm still likely to go out once a week or so. When the budget allows.) I work at home, so basically, I live on the computer.

    I'm super uncomfortable with anyone knowing I'm taking an active stance in losing weight & getting healthier. I have a lot of conflicting baggage about it.

    Basically, I'm trying to be less insular on here, because I can't stand to do it in real life.
  • Hi, my name is Monica. I am 24 years old, and have been with my husband since I was 19. We have 2 kids, Brooklyn, 2 years, and Mason, 8 weeks.
  • Hi, I'm Jade
    I'm 20 years old and I'm engaged to my partner of 3 years - we've been living together for the past 6 months. No kids, but we do have a dog :)

    Don't go out much as I work most evenings and have lost contact with most of my school friends as they moved away to Uni & I started work. I do like walking, video games, reading, Zumba and hula hooping :)

    My SW is 146lbs and my GW is 128lbs. I also have been diagnosed with PCOS.

    Please feel free to add me! xx
  • alexpultz93
    alexpultz93 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Alex, I'm 20, my husband and I just had our first child in August and I'm looking to lose the baby weight. And now that I'm a stay at home mom I find myself surrounded with food, time, and very little physical activity to be had. Especially sense I live in Alaska so I can't go out with with my little man and go for a walk, but I'm going to try and work out in the house as long as my son will let me, and I've started eating a lot healthier and have all ready lost 4 pounds. Going back to college next week, so that should keep my mind occupied from my sweet tooth. And once finances are ready for it I'll be back in the gym running off the weight.