


  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone! It's nice to see a group of hikers/backpackers using MFP. I'm an avid hiker/climber and I live in the PNW. I'm currently working on climbing the 100 highest peaks in Oregon. I have a blog site called The Zenith (webtwb.wordpress.com) with updates on my adventure. Like others in the group I'm looking for friends that want to help motivate to lose a few extra pounds.
  • alibearo
    alibearo Posts: 8 Member
    Greetings from the Southwest!

    Checking in from the El Paso in the Franklin Mountains.

    After realizing I'm far from in shape for my upcoming trip this weekend to Zion National Park, I reconnected with MFP and love the group!. We plan on doing some day canyoneering (Pine Creek and The Subway) trips and possible one night overnight trip.

    Just did some canyoneering technique reviewing with my husband, but boy am I nervous. If I figure out how to post pics and survive, I will post some...
  • anitadanafit
    anitadanafit Posts: 38 Member
    So Jealous. Keep us up to date on your hike preparations.
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    Hello, I'm Brian from Northern Idaho. Extreme backpacking trips have been on hold over the past seven years and I'm hoping to be back in full stride next year.

    I enjoy exploring the nearby Bitterroot Range but there are so many opportunities nearby it's difficult to choose where to go. My preference is to take the less beaten path but my all time favorite was a week long backpacking trip in the Seven Devils near Riggins, Idaho. Another favorite is the Mallard-Larkins Pioneer Area in Idaho.

    Happy hiking to all!
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    Hi I am Katie in Beautiful British Columbia (Western Canada).

    I love hiking, have been hiking as long as I can remember (or longer, we have pictures of me when I was about 2 at a beach that is only hiking accessible...)

    Living in BC I love how close I am to the outdoors! I usually stick to day hikes, but I LOVE doing overnight hikes....its just hard to convince anyone around me they want to come with me! I am 30 minutes away from one of the large provincial parks (Golden Ears)and usually make it up there every couple weeks to hike. A year ago we bought a canoe, so now we enjoy mixing hiking and canoeing together and usually end up with a satisfying day out!
  • AltSpeaking
    AltSpeaking Posts: 34 Member
    Hey everyone, just found this group! My name is Britt and I live in southern Ontario, Canada. I LOVE hiking and camping and am now sharing that love with my husband. We often spend much of the year (minus the bitter cold that is this winter) our hiking with our two German Shepherd mix pups.

    The last hiking/backpacking trip we took was an extreme one and I think it cemented my husband's love of the activity - We climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania for charity and reached the summit as our first anniversary trip :D
  • Hi, thanks for making this group! I'm Katie - I hail from Washington state though I'm abroad at the moment. I'm a big backpacking fan and though I don't get out as often as I would like to, I'm looking to change that.

    Right now I'm in Mongolia and am lucky enough to have the great outdoors pretty much anywhere just outside the city.
  • MaxDPeterson
    MaxDPeterson Posts: 12 Member
    I'm glad to be part of a Hiking group. I used to hike and backpack with my family all the time when I was a teenager but once I graduated High School and moved out on my own I got lazy, fat and told myself I would never enjoy hiking again.

    About 6 months ago my wife and I decided to start being healthier and got a year pass to some of the desert the mountains here in Arizona. I've been hiking weekly if not more for about 3 months now and have been loving it. I just went on a hike along the Colorado trail in Durango last week and loved it!
  • GalactusEmpire
    GalactusEmpire Posts: 90 Member
    Hello everyone. I thought I'd introduce myself even though the group seems a bit inactive.

    My name is Tim. I am from NW Washington State. I love to hike! I go about 2-3 times a week. And I have several backpacking trips planned for the summer. I already completed one out to Shi Shi Beach on the Olympics.
  • Sivangj
    Sivangj Posts: 182 Member
    Hello there
    Maybe I shall introduce myself too then.
    I'm Siv. Living in a small town called Harstad in the North of Norway.
    Do love hiking and luckely we do have a lot of great spots for it right outside our home.
    Haven't planed any backpacking trips though. Trying to convince my husband that it would be a great thing to do at least one weekend this summer. Time will show.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Hello all!

    I just found this group yesterday, so I'm writing my introduction despite that it seems a bit slow here. I live in Iowa and do most of my hiking throughout the year in Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. About once each year, I do a fast-paced road trip where I do/see stuff during the day and then drive to the next destination at night. This last trip was out west, and was 6,000 miles in 10 days. Between several national parks, I hiked a total of 63 miles.

    I've decided I need to get into better shape for a few reasons, one of which is to experience more of the outdoors. Sometime in the next few years, I would like to go back to Glacier National Park and do a multi-day hiking / backpacking trip. Additionally, climbing Mt. Rainier is on my list for someday when I'm in better shape.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    If you couldn’t tell from the screen name I like my activities to be outside. In fact, the whole reason I got on MFP in the first place was after a 2009 trip to Rocky Mountain National Park I realized I was not in shape enough to do half the things I wanted to do in the park. So I changed my lifestyle for the most part. (still have some things to work on). However, I started running, cycling and anything else I could think of that was outside and involved being under my own power. Last year a co-worker and I got into Adventure Racing. We did 2 long events (8+ hours). We’ll be doing another one in July that’s “only” 6 hours. I think if label yourself a backpacker you should look into Adventure Racing.

    As for actual backpacking. I haven’t backpacked in 20 years since I was in Boy Scouts. However, next summer my family and I are going to Yellowstone. My thought is there is no way I’m driving out to Yellowstone and not doing some back country camping. With that as the long term goal my brother and I have planned a couple of shakedown trips that we’re currently gearing up and training for. The first is this September in the Wichita Mts in Oklahoma. We already have our permits. The 2nd will probably be in the Ozarks on the Buffalo river trail or the Ozark Highlands Trail next spring, and then the Yellowstone trip over the summer.

    So that’s why I’m here. I look forward to exchanging gear ideas, and reading about other people’s trips and adventures.
  • hollyellenb
    hollyellenb Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I am happy to see a group for hikers and backpackers. I live in the PNW and am surrounded by wonderful places to hike. I have been really into hiking since 1999 but have been backpacking with my family for the last five years. There are so many beautiful places that I love to hike that I can't say what is my favorite. I have been to Olympic National Park (all over since it is just North of where I am at), North Cascades National Park, Mt. Rainier, many of the near by state parks, and Glacier National Park. I am blessed to live in such a beautiful region. There is still so much in this region I have not seen yet.

    At the end of summer my husband and I usually have our son watched (though he goes on most of our trips) and try to do a good long trip as the end to our hiking season. Last year we did 37 miles in three nights. We usually work our way up to that starting early spring and gradually increase the mileage and elevation. I do not usually watch my weight or what I eat, but I have noticed that the weight seems to have crept up on me. We did a recent trip a few days ago, about 15 miles in a 2 night trip with some steep elevation on the second day, and I had to admit that my weight was a definite disadvantage to me. That is why I have come back to MFP. I want to make sure I will be able to do our traditional huge trip at the end of summer and be able to keep up with my son and husband doing what we love for many years to come.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I've been on MFP a while now and just recently decided to reactivate my interest in hiking and maybe back packing. I Backpacked with my dad as a kid and had the awesome opportunity to trek in Nepal while in the Peace Corps 20 years ago. I recently came up the idea to do part of the PCT in 2 years for my 50th birthday. I like this idea as it would give me something to train for now. I live in the Portland, Oregon area and have easy access to near by day hikes and over nighters. What I need is a woman buddy who would like to go hiking sometimes. I walk about a 15 min/mile pace without packing any weight and I am in generally fit shape. So if you are in area send me a message.
  • OldChief14
    OldChief14 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow five months with no activity but I am throwing in my hat anyway. Hiking is pretty much my only vice and one I'm not willing to give up. Living in S. AZ now and section hiking the AZT until I can quit the rat race and bag it in a thru (maybe a YoYo?) Anyway many miles under the belt and someday hope to be a Triple Crown guy. If anybody who loves hiking FR me already...
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    OldChief14 wrote: »
    Wow five months with no activity but I am throwing in my hat anyway. Hiking is pretty much my only vice and one I'm not willing to give up. Living in S. AZ now and section hiking the AZT until I can quit the rat race and bag it in a thru (maybe a YoYo?) Anyway many miles under the belt and someday hope to be a Triple Crown guy. If anybody who loves hiking FR me already...

    I just joined today too! I am most at home out there on the trail! Someone suggested this group on the larger forum...
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    Hi! I'm really a runner who lost most of her running companions until spring. I just started hiking a little over a month ago. I know it's probably crazy insane to start this in the winter, but so far I'm loving it. I've been on one or 2 hikes a week, all in NH's White Mountains near where I live. I look forward to learning while doing & hopefully not breaking myself in the process.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    fabnine wrote: »
    Hi! I'm really a runner who lost most of her running companions until spring. I just started hiking a little over a month ago. I know it's probably crazy insane to start this in the winter, but so far I'm loving it. I've been on one or 2 hikes a week, all in NH's White Mountains near where I live. I look forward to learning while doing & hopefully not breaking myself in the process.


    I will agree that winter hiking is quite a bit different, but just remember to be prepared, dress in layers, and bring the 10 essentials. Unfortunately where I live, it is very flat and cold also, so wind chill is a big risk. I imagine hiking in the mountains in the winter would provide more cover from wind, until you get towards the top.
  • vets4vets
    vets4vets Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined this group as I live in Bellingham, WA with some really spectacular hiking here. Hiking this morning on the Chuckanut Ridge Trail and had the San Juan Islands on my right and Mt Baker views on my left. What a beautiful way to start a day. Checking to make sure this is still an active group. Hopefully. :) Russell
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @vets4vets It is not a super active group, as you can tell.

    There was a representative for Bellingham, WA's tourism bureau with a booth at the Revel Rockies Marathon Expo in the Denver area on 6/1/19 (race was 6/2/19). Someday, perhaps, I'll make it to that area. But I recently moved to TN from IA and I think it will be awhile before I can make it.

    Anyway, welcome to the group!