Men on a Mission thread



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm posting big numbers this week, but in the wrong direction :(

    Hope you all are having a great week and weekend and that you are staying cool.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Hang in there, Tim. We are staying cool, but just barely. As I get older, pretty much anything over 100 deg is no fun.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Well, first official day as a mainly plant-based eater and went over calories, but feel pretty good and still got close to the same protein as a normal animal protein day. I got one of my bp meds lowered again yesterday which makes the second time in 30 days and my kidney number moved up 9 points. I'm hoping this no dense animal protein eating will eliminate more meds and keep those kidney numbers moving back up, or least stable. :-)
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Hey guys - I hope to rejoin and get plugged in and do better this second half of the year. Hope you'll have me back even though I've been mostly absent. I'm struggling with complacency - down from obese to merely "heavy" so I lost the commitment. Well, now its July 1, start of the second half of the year, and I am "on a mission" to get under 200 pounds by Christmas! Down 32 pounds to 195 (I want a little cushion in the 190's). I'll be here regularly to support you all.
    CW - 227.6
    LW - 226.2
    SW - 235.4
    GW - 195
    See you around guys!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341
    LW - 307
    CW - 305
    Loss - 2lbs.

    You got this Dale. Git-R-Done
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks Steve! Ran 5.4 miles this morning, off to a good start.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Touring eastern France; eating fine food and drinking fine wines. Not looking forward to getting on a scale when I return home.
    Go for it Dale, you got it.
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks guys. db - enjoy that tour! Getting back in the groove. Skipped all booze two nights in a row - yikes, counting that as a win? Hard, when the wife is knocking back a really nice Sauv Blanc..... Making progress:
    CW: 226.4 (down 1.2)
    LW: 227.6
    SW: 235.4
    GW: 195

    Cheers, mates!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy Men,

    I hope you all had a safe and happy Independence Day. This past week saw grow a year older and hopefully a little wiser. I had a long 5 day weekend and it was a much needed and restful break.

    I had a big 3.4 pound loss last week but unfortunately didn't do a chart last week. I am showing no change this week though.

    I had a couple of messages from new guys that wanted to join the group. I sent them invites and the link but haven't seen anything else yet.

    Anyways, still waiting on the arrival of grand-baby #1. Hope you all are having a great week.

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 143 Member
    Hey everyone, I haven't tried joining a group on MFP before even though I've been logging on and off for years, but since I've been struggling to lose the weight I need to, I thought I'd give this a try. I have a sedentary computer job but I at least have two young daughters to help keep me active in my off time. For exercise I've been trying to wake up before the rest of my family and do workouts with the You Are Your Own Gym program that I like a lot. I've had some really consistent months this and some pretty bad months, but overall, what's killing me is my bad eating habits. I'd be in fairly good shape if I could tone that down.

    Looking at some of the other posts here, it looks like you include starting, current, and goal weights on your posts fairly regularly. Is that right? Also, what is LW?

    CW/SW: 243.0
    GW: 200
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hi there Horstbc,
    Welcome aboard and thanks for the intro. I've updated the chart and include it below. Tim

    SW = Starting Weight
    GW = Goal Weight
    LW = Last Week
    CW = Current Weight
    WT = Weekly Total
    TWL = Total Weight Lost
    DLP = Date Last Posted

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Hi Horstbc,

    Welcome and let's Git -R-Done!
    Eating habits are hard to break, it seems as though we need to find the right motivation and eating habits we can live with. I have eliminated most processed foods and stick to whole foods and mainly plant based and it took since the end of February to make the transition. (old habits die hard)
    You can do this and I have found the more I post and get involved the more focused and successful I am. Good luck!
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Horstbc,

    I'm with Steve - it's been a struggle, and you can do this! When I started MFP I went semi-paleo and cut fast carbs. Not perfect, but do my best. Sugar, breads (anything made with flour), potatoes - they spike your blood sugar and end up making you more hungry. Our bods are built for veggies, berries and lean meat. Dropped 40 pounds, and I feel *so much* better. Another factor, your why - not sure if you are on BP or diabetes meds, but cutting the carbs and dropping the weight can help stave them off. My dad had bad high BP and then Type 2 diabetes and the meds were miserable for him - then he died early of a stroke. I was going that way, then after dropping the weight (and a lot of exercise) my numbers are all now in the normal range! And none of those nasty side effects! Send me a friend request if you want a mutual accountability partner - it can really help - I'm aiming to lose another 30 pounds and we're in the same range, I'm now 225, (started at 268 four years ago, restarted at 235 this winter) and in the computer biz.

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks for all the comments, guys! I'm excited to be joining up with a group of guys approaching this with positive attitudes.

    FYI: if any of you use UA Record, MapMyFitness, or Fitbit, I have accounts under on all three and would enjoy connecting with you all there too!
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 143 Member
    The situation is worse than I thought: I hadn't weighed myself for a few weeks, and when I stepped on the scale this morning, I was up five pounds:

    SW: 243
    LW: 243
    CW: 248
    GW: 200
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Weighed in this morning and was surprised, down 2 pounds. We walked a lot on our trip, but I suspect I've gained some fat and lost some muscle as well.

    Welcome Horstbc!

    LW = 208.8
    CW = 206.8
    Loss = 2.0
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    dbw1976 wrote: »
    Weighed in this morning and was surprised, down 2 pounds. We walked a lot on our trip, but I suspect I've gained some fat and lost some muscle as well.

    Welcome Horstbc!

    LW = 208.8
    CW = 206.8
    Loss = 2.0

    Welcome back Dave and congrats on your loss. Hope you had an awesome vacation!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know that at 8:12 pm last night we welcomed our first grand baby into the world. Perfect little princess. Mom and Dad are doing fine and getting some much needed rest from a long and somewhat difficult delivery.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Congrats to the parents and the very happy granddaddy! Once she starts crawling and walking I see a built-in fitness program for grandpa! ;)B)
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    WTG Dave! It's a loss and on vacation, that's a win.