Men on a Mission thread



  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 143 Member
    You all are doing awesome! Dale and Steve, good job on the losses. DBW, way to keep yourself from backsliding when you were out of routine.

    This has been a bad week for me: between traveling last week for work and then going to a cabin with my in-laws for Labor Day weekend, I've been pigging out and feel nasty and tired.

    Time to refocus my eating and exercise. I want the energy from clean eating and exercise again; it makes such a huge difference.

    September goal: 235
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy men!

    Well I'm back from vacationing for the last 2 weeks on a 7 night cruise and a couple of days before and after the cruise in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We missed Hurricane Harvey going out and Beat Hurricane Irma on the way back.

    The down side of the whole thing is that I am now at the heaviest weight I've ever been in my life :( I reset my starting weight and will try and begin this journey anew.

    I weighed myself when I got home Monday night. I'm going to use that as my jump off point. Let's keep the updates day on Friday. Hopefully I'll have a negative number to post.

    Thanks for all your dedication and commitment in keeping this thread going. Tim

    SW - 354.8
    GW - 220
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    We got this guys! Tim, I'll bet a lot of water and a couple days of clean eating and you'll have some big losses. I'm sure the food was decadent, but I bet the sodium was out of this world, so don't despair and Guy's let's Git-R-Done!
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 143 Member
    I'm not as far behind as I expected after my bad August:

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 243.4
    CW: 244.4
    GW: 200
    Gain: 1 lb

    September goal: 235

    Time to crank!
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    LWW = 209.9
    CWW = 209.1
    Loss = 0.8

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited September 2017
    SW - 354.8
    GW - 220
    CW - 347.2
    Loss - 7.6
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited September 2017
    SW - 341
    GW - 220
    LW - 284
    CW - 281
    Loss -3lbs
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    SW - 234.4
    GW - 194
    LW - 224.2
    CW - 222.8 (down 1.4)

    Steve - great, nice to see that drop.

    I read something interesting this week that is sticking with me. It was an article that said focusing on goals is counter-productive - that for as long as one is short of the goal, you're failing. The alternative is to focus on the "system". E.g. for me, focus on eating clean, not drinking, and getting my exercise in, not the goal weight. I'm focus on being the person I want to be: "a fit healthy man" who "eats small portions" and to "eat under 2,000 cals today while getting my exercise in" more than those numerical goals. However, I still want to be 194 and bench 5X at 225, dammit! :)

    Have a great week everyone!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Thanks, Dale, 1.4 is a solid drop. I agree completely with that line of thinking. I just finished an online mini class and it calls goals self-limiting if it is just a goal for goal's sake. If we focus on the journey i.e. the system, the goals present themselves and the tasks to reach those goals become effortless, or self-empowering. For me it is just like you said, focus on eating healthy/clean and enjoying life. You keep it up and you'll blow 225X5 right out of the water. If you can find some information on visualization, it is a powerful tool in weight lifting. Years ago ( i mean another lifetime) when I was trying to get past a sticking point in my bench press, my coach started teaching me to visualize my successful lifts instead of attempts. In less than a month, I went right past my sticking point by 25lbs.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    NSV today! Went to Wally World and noticed the sale rack on shorts, 5 bucks. When I started looking they were all too big :-), they would have fit 6 months ago. Then I noticed another rack and they are the next sizes down from where I am currently, so I bought two pairs ($1 a piece, who could resist) figuring I would get into them eventually. Got home and for fun, I decided to try them on to see how close I was and they fit!. Gettin' it done! :DB):p
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Here you go men. Hope you all have a Great week!!

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Thanks for sharing Dale. I think that focussing on the system is probably the best way to achieve long term success. Steve - congrats on the NSV!! Nice job! Tim - just WOW!

    LWW = 209.1
    CWW = 208.4
    Loss = 0.7

    Two weeks in a row with a loss. That's good. Shooting for three now.

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 143 Member
    My weekly update, dropped two pounds again but still fluctuating in the over-240 bucket that I've been trying to beat. Working harder to not snack after dinner since that's my weakest time.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 244.4
    CW: 242.2
    GW: 200

    Loss: 2.2
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Tough week at work - lost the focus. Hurt my foot last weekend, which has hindered my exercise (still getting in, though) and tough week at work hurt my focus. Need to sleep better!

    Steve - love your posts. Especially your success fitting into 2x smaller sizes - awesome!

    SW - 234.4
    GW - 194
    LW - 222.8
    CW - 223.2 (up .4)

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    LW 347.2
    CW 346.2
    Loss 1.0
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341
    GW - 220
    LW - 281
    CW - 282
    Gain -1lb
    My guess is it will be gone tomorrow, but my salt intake all week has been through the roof. I'm starting to lift this weekend, so the weight may not drop as fast but the body composition should outpace the weight. So some major NSV's in the making. Of course, I may not be able to move after Monday,..... :DB):p
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy Men,

    Nice job on getting your updates in. Horstbc is this week's biggest loser. I love seeing the total weight lost by you guys getting bigger. It definitely helps to motivate me. Keep up the great work and stay positive.

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in.

    LWW = 208.4
    CWW = 207.0
    Loss = 1.4
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341
    GW - 220
    LW - 282
    CW - 276.4
    loss -5.6lb
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    StevLL wrote: »
    SW - 341
    GW - 220
    LW - 282
    CW - 276.4
    loss -5.6lb

    Damn Steve, you are doing sooo awesome!