Is my wife trying to sabotage me?



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I won't mention the name, but here in Ohio we have a chain restaurant that does a pizza buffet - with a couple different kinds of wings on the buffet. Plus garlic bread, pasta, desserts,,, etc. etc. For $5.99.

    I just can't imagine why obesity is on the rise - can yu?
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Yeah, I grew up in PA and there were pizza buffets, even at Pizza Hut, we would go do the lunch buffet which was pizza, pasta, pizza bread and stuff (and salad, but no one went there for the salad LOL). Now I live in the Southwest and there is Cici's which is *only* a pizza buffet. Crazy.
  • My situation is a little different and can be trying at man is over weight, more so than me but doesn't or isn't ready to jump on board. I know I can't just expect him to change because I am ready for a change.....our whole relationship was based on food so it can be hard to change overnight. I'm lucky and work with someone that helps motivate me and keeps me going and is dieting with me. I believe since she's not ready or willing she is just living like she always have, just like my man. If he wants something, he just gets it and doesn't think twice that it's hurting me. IT IS ME AND ONLY ME that can say no. He can't MAKE me blow it. I hope that makes
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    It's called self control because you get it from yourself. You can't expect everyone to get on board with your lifestyle.
    Well said..we have to be prepared and ready to take on any family is always sabotaging but I dont think they do it on purpose...well hmm sometimes I do lol...every morning waking up to the smell of bacon and fried potato's UGH! *picks up a baseball bat*....Im so rude I throw the plates in the fridge or microwave until Im done with my own breakfast. So I dont have to see them or smell them.
  • whidbeyweight
    whidbeyweight Posts: 43 Member
    i LOVE that place! and you cant beat the price by going elsewhere
    next time she says pizza maybe get a good, gourmet frozen one for the same price... one that is super tasty but has the nutritional info on the side.. so you know what to do... and of course a salad
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