Wii Fit...Worth it?



  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    completely worth it.
    i LOVE my wii fit (:
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I was completely gung ho for about a month, then the novelty wore off. It's currently collecting dust! There are days I think about doing it, but I have to move my living room around, get everything out, and it's more work than just putting in a DVD. But it is very fun :smile: I would rather have a Kinect.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    not worth it i got mine like 3 years ago and barely use it (just really boring)
  • I have one and use it purely to weigh myself. I've also used EA Sports Active. TBH, despite not being amazingly fit (but still probably above average in fitness), I feel that they don't give me as good as a work out as just going to the gym.
  • I fall into the 'Get the Kinect instead' camp!

    At one point we had the PS3 and WII, bought the WII for the fitness games, but after all while we got bored. F@rting around with the balance board etc soon became a pain. The we traded the WII for the Kinect and never looked back!
  • Thanks for all the good responses! I will have to look into trying out both of them before we purchase one. I hadn't even thought of Kinect. I will have to see what I like better. Thanks again!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I have not tried the Wii Fit but I LOVE our Kinect. It's a whole different technology - you don't have to buy all those accessories/controllers like with other systems - it has a sensor that watches your body and *that* is how you control the game. No other contraptions necessary. It's really cool and kind of amazing. The Kinect Adventures game that comes with it is lots of fun and really gets you moving. We also bought Your Shape - Fitness Evolved and it's pretty cool, too. Like someone said previously, if you're a gym junkie it might not seem like much, but if you're not super-fit already it is quite a workout!
  • Love_cup
    Love_cup Posts: 20 Member
    I've had a wii fit pretty much since they've been around and honestly it lost its pull for me. I had a lot of people tell me they got bored of it and though "nah, there's no way I'd get bored of it". well, I did. Some of the games are fun and I do like that it tracks your weight (haha well I don't like the number it's been tracking, but you know ;). it makes you justify it if you gain wieght which is good in a way as it makes you think about it. I have the wii fit and the wii fit advanced and haven't touched it in at least 6 months. I like the wii sports more than the fit. BUT what I've really fallen in love with is the Kinect. All I have so far is Kinect Adventures and Dance Central and after 45 min I'm dripping sweat where I never felt like I had that same impact from the wii fit (and i'm in better shape now than I was when i was using the fit). If you have a friend or family memeber who'd be willng to lend you theirs I'd suggest that first. try it for a month and see if its worth it. I kinda regret the money I spent on the fit and accessories. Just my 2 cents.

    I also play the Kinect and with Dance Central alone I lost 6Lbs in one week. I was just trying to practice to beat my husband but the game so so addicting. I would also recommend the Kinect. It is worth every penny.