Stage 4



  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    This thread is quiet....

    Well, here are my starting stats for Workout B:

    Deadlift (regular) - 105 lbs
    Bulgarian SS - 30 lb BB
    UH Lat Pulldown - 90 lb (went WAAAAY too light because I was worried for the Cuban Snatch...)
    Reverse Lunge - 7.5 lb DB (again, to light)
    Cuban Snatch - 7.5 lb DB
    Swiss ball crunch - 10 with 18 lb ball overhead
    Prone jackknives - 10
    Lateral Flexion - 10 with side crunch

    I am SO SORE today! My abs are almost never sore, and they're sore too! :noway: Singing tonight is going to be rough.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    This is a VERY quiet thread! But that's ok!

    Made it back to the gym yesterday to lift so Stage 4 is sort of back on track! And WOW do I have DOMS today! I SHOULD be able to finish Stage 4 by next week...but because of all the time off I haven't really seen any strength gains.

    It sounds like a lot of people aren't doing their DLs in this stage from the box - how come?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    This is a VERY quiet thread! But that's ok!

    Made it back to the gym yesterday to lift so Stage 4 is sort of back on track! And WOW do I have DOMS today! I SHOULD be able to finish Stage 4 by next week...but because of all the time off I haven't really seen any strength gains.

    It sounds like a lot of people aren't doing their DLs in this stage from the box - how come?

    I have a hip flexor/low back problems. Deadlifts from the box exacerbate them. Rather than injure myself, I chose to do regular deadlifts as I could actual build strength without injury.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Last Stage 4 workout done this morning. I'm glad to see the back of it. Did 3 sets of everything except the planks which I did 2 sets. It's taken a while to complete due to holidays, a dip in motivation and also some hip flexor / adductor issues.

    FSPP: 20kgs - 27.5kgs (44lbs - 60.5lbs)
    Step-up: 20kgs - 25kgs (44lbs - 55lbs)
    Dumbbell One Point Row: 15kgs (33lbs) - 20kgs (44lbs) total
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated: 20kgs (45lbs) - didn't progress - having hip flexor issues
    Push-up: 8 on floor good form - 10 on floor good form
    Plank: 2 mins - only 2 sets though
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop: Didn't do this one

    Wide-Grip Deadlift from box: 30kg (66lb) - 32.5kg (71.5lb) - did 2 sets at 35kgs but couldn't keep good form
    Bulgarian Split Squat: 15kg (33lb) - 17.5kg (38.5lb)
    Underhand grip lat pulldown: 35kg (77lb) - 37.5kg (82.5lb)
    Reverse lunge from box: 15kg (33lb) - 20kg (44 lb) total
    Dumbbell prone cuban snatch: 10kg (22lb) total - limited by adjustable dumbbell increments increased from 8 reps to 10 reps
    Swiss ball crunch: 10 reps with 10kg (22lb) dumbbell - 15 reps with 10kg (22lb) dumbbell
    Reverse crunch: 10 reps - 15 reps

    Will be going straight on to Stage 5 on Monday as I've already taken too much time off during this stage. Hope the weather warms up soon as it's seriously messing with my motivation!!
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    Hopefully starting Stage 4 tomorrow! We have been remodeling our bathroom and the "weight room" has been the staging area for all of our crap! I just have a couple boxes of stuff left to put back in the bathroom and I should have my weights back! Would love some encouragement along the way as working out by myself is always hard for me (I really have to push myself to do it but love how I feel when I'm done). I'm more of a class type of person because I'm a people person:)
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I think I'm the only one here, but I'll post my ending stats for Workout A anyway!

    FSPP - 40lb BB
    > 50lb BB (FINALLY)
    Step ups - 20lb BB 20in step
    > 40lb BB 20 in step
    One Point Row - 20lb DBs
    > 30lb DBs (could have done more shoulder/balance-wise, but my wrists couldn't take it)
    Static lunge, rear foot elevated - BW (because of spring ligament issues)
    > 40lb BB
    Push-ups - 4 rungs from floor on SM
    > 3 rungs from floor on SM (BIG deal for me as I have a partially torn left rotator cuff)

    I did well with this Stage! My left shoulder is getting much stronger and I can almost do all three sets for the things that bother it.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    yea Holley!!

    Those are awesome stats!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks, Sue! How's your husband?

    Finished Workout B today:

    Deadlift (regular) - 105 lbs
    > 115 lbs
    Bulgarian SS - 30 lb BB
    > 40 lb BB
    UH Lat Pulldown - 90 lb
    > 100 lb
    Reverse Lunge - 7.5 lb DB
    > 15 lb DB
    Cuban Snatch - 7.5 lb DB
    > 5lb DB (had to move down because my shoulder couldn't handle 2 sets) :ohwell:
    Swiss ball crunch - 10 with 18 lb ball overhead
    > 15 with 18lb ball
    Prone jackknives - 10
    > 15
    Lateral Flexion - 10 with side crunch

    Managed three sets of everything except the Cuban Snatch. My left rotator cuff said no!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Will be starting stage 4 on Monday! :)
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Decided to start stage 4 today:)

    Do y'all do 2 or 3 sets? I just did 2 today. I felt like I pushed myself well enough but I probably could have done a 3rd set in every exercise.

    I don't think I'll ever be able to do 120 seconds of plank:/ I had finally been able to hit 90!

    I think it's kinda fun to "redo" a stage. I feel so much more comfortable with the moves and feel like I can push myself more now. And I really missed push-ups:)
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 557 Member
    I'll be joining you on Sunday. My last 2 Stage 3 workouts are Tuesday and Thursday. I'm excited to get back to the exercises in this stage!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all - I did my first stage 4 workout this am. I SO loved it. The moves felt familiar and I was able to pick up where I left off in stage 2. I felt really strong!

    Beck, I did 3 sets of everything, except I ran out of time at the end. I agree with you that comfort with the moves makes it easier to progress with the weights!

    Beck and chic - so glad you guys are with me...the last post before beck arrived was 2 weeks ago and it was Holley leaving!

    FSPP - 65x8x3
    Step up- 70x8, 70x10x2
    1pt row - 60x8x2, 60x10
    Lunge, RFE - 54x8, 54x10x2
    Push-up - 15, 15, 15, 20
    Plank - 105s x 2
    Hor. Wood chop - 70x8x2

    I am officially exhausted!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I will be starting this stage tomorrow or Monday. I have sort of lost count on stage three but feel confident that I have done enough of it. :tongue: We'll see how it goes because I'll be honest...stage 2 was NOT a fave of mine.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 557 Member
    I'm completely excited to get back to these moves. So much so that I might start Saturday instead of

    lcuconley, I have not figured out a good abbreviation for your name yet, and great first workout!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    chic - I think that LC would work! You are going to enjoy it...I say move it up!

    gadenni - that is so funny that you "lost count"! I guess you don't follow the "absolute, inviolable rule" of keeping a training log! Glad to have you in sync with this group starting stage 4!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    chic - I think that LC would work! You are going to enjoy it...I say move it up!

    gadenni - that is so funny that you "lost count"! I guess you don't follow the "absolute, inviolable rule" of keeping a training log! Glad to have you in sync with this group starting stage 4!

    well I did for a long time. Then my printer/copier ran out of ink and was out for a while. So I started just taking my book with me and using that. I have been working on Stage three for so long that I have it memorized. weights included. :) I have decided that I will do stage two one more time today when I go to the gym. Starting next week I will be moving on to Stage 4.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I did 4b1 yesterday. Did 2 sets again but will do 3 from now on. I got a 24 hr bug earlier in the week so I didn't want to push it.

    Will be doing 4a2 tomorrow:)
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Beck - were you sore starting stage 4? I was surprised how sore I was since I did not take any time off between stages. I lift tomorrow.!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Beck - were you sore starting stage 4? I was surprised how sore I was since I did not take any time off between stages. I lift tomorrow.!

    YES! My booty is on fire! Lol!

    Ooo...I forgot to mention that I pr'd on my deadlift on Wednesday!

    Did my second A today. 3 sets this time!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    beck - congrats on your PR!! I totally think 3 sets is the way to go!

    I am nice and sore after 4B1 yesterday!

    deadlift from box: 105x8, 110x8, 115x8, 125x8 (messed up on my math again. thought i was totally kicking *kitten*, until I realized I started at 105 instead of 125! Did an extra set at the right weight...)
    BSS: 54x8x3
    lat pulldown: 95x8, 95x10x2
    reverse lunge w reach: 35x8x3
    cuban snatch: 25x10x3
    v sit ups: 17.6x25x3
    lateral flexion (wt OH): 15x10x3