What Kind of Dog Do You Have?



  • suzysweetpea
    suzysweetpea Posts: 25 Member
    I have a 8 year old male Pug named Rosco, he is my joy! He is such a good dog!!
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    I have a 14 year old poodle, Ewok and a 13 year old PomPoo, Mitty... in November our Maltese, Jon-Jon passed away (he was alittle over 13).
  • I have 3 Pit Bulls, Husak, Miley and Angus. I currently have a Boston Terrier as a foster we are looking for a good home for.

    She is around 10, she is completely deaf and incontinent. She wears a pamper (size 4) and I put a onzie or a sleeper on her so she doesn't spin the diaper off. She is getting good at that. She's very quiet, house trained, loves kids, cats, dogs and is no problem at all. She has no adoption fee, If you can find room in your house and heart and don't mind changing a [pamper this is the perfect snuggle bug for you.

  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    i have a yellow lab mix with german shepeard in her and her name is daisy.
  • VickiDiane22
    VickiDiane22 Posts: 118 Member
    I have 7 year old Pitbull Luna and a Doberman/Dachshund mix Linus Both are spoiled rotten
  • Poodle X according to his records but we dont actually know bought him as a 3yr old stray from the RSPCA, he was petrified of people and new things (he was clearly mistreated). He's now 14 and loved, still scared of most new people and things but he's doing well. He sort of looks like a curly coated retriever but his fur grows on his face too.
  • apanda4
    apanda4 Posts: 513 Member
    Our dog Oscar is a Labrador x Staffy
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    We currently have 2 "rescue" pups. Have no real idea what they are... both were abandoned in the Forest as little pups. (Different litters)
    One looks and acts like a Fiest/Jack Russell... "terrorist"
    the other... hum... some sort of ROUND terrier or beagle? Both are super sweet and smart. So glad I was able to give them a home. They play well together and with the kitten that was also dumped. Some people are sooo cruel!
  • cairee
    cairee Posts: 95 Member
    I have 7 year old Pitbull Luna and a Doberman/Dachshund mix Linus Both are spoiled rotten

    thats a beautiful Pit!

    I have a 5 month old doberman named Gracie and we are getting a neapolitan mastiff named Igor, he is currenty only 4 weeks old so we have to wait to bring him home

    Gracie the Doberman

    Igor the Neapolitan

    posted the links to the pictures because I cant figure out how to display the pic in the post. help?
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have 7 year old Pitbull Luna and a Doberman/Dachshund mix Linus Both are spoiled rotten

    thats a beautiful Pit!

    I have a 5 month old doberman named Gracie and we are getting a neapolitan mastiff named Igor, he is currenty only 4 weeks old so we have to wait to bring him home

    Gracie the Doberman

    Igor the Neapolitan

    posted the links to the pictures because I cant figure out how to display the pic in the post. help?

    Copy the "IMG" code and paste it in your reply. Change the IMG to lower case (img).
  • I have a little 7yr old Terrier mix named Eli who looks kinda like a Brussels Griffon but we have no idea what he actually is. And I have a beautiful 5 yr old Beagle/Lab mix named Tempest.
  • Fairlady_z
    Fairlady_z Posts: 2
    Chow Terrier Mix!

  • gampsm824
    gampsm824 Posts: 37 Member
    I currently have 1 shih tzu named Savannah. In my profile picture, she is with my older shih tzu Monster who past away last feburary. They are like chidren to me.
  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    I posted before and referenced my "Border Collie Mix"...

    Well, my Mom bought a genetic test for her "granddogger's" 2nd birthday, and the results are in.

    Lab, Husky, Weimaraner, and my favorite, Toy Fox Terrier. No Border Collie, not even a little.

  • amdumbaugh
    amdumbaugh Posts: 9 Member
    I have a 2.5-3.5 year old Australian Cattle Dog named Pearl.
    She's actually from Guam and we adopted her from a rescue in WA state when my husband and I were stationed there. What makes Pearl even more special is that she's deaf :)
    I love her to death though and adopting her has made me really biased against dog breeds. I don't think I'll ever own another breed, unless it was another herder.

    This is my beautiful little lady:
  • amdumbaugh
    amdumbaugh Posts: 9 Member
    I posted before and referenced my "Border Collie Mix"...

    Well, my Mom bought a genetic test for her "granddogger's" 2nd birthday, and the results are in.

    Lab, Husky, Weimaraner, and my favorite, Toy Fox Terrier. No Border Collie, not even a little.


    Very cute! I would have guessed border collie mix too! But, that's quite a mix. I guess I can see a little of each in there somewhere. ;)
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    Have a male Rottie (going on 4 years old) and a female long-haired German Shepard (14 months old).

    MOJOtheDUCK Posts: 26
    I love her! She is so beautiful! I have an English Bulldog named Bernard Kosar Jim Paul Brown (we just call him Bernie). He's my weightloss goal :D. I wanna lose 50 lbs/a Bernie.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I have a 2 year old Labradork called Spencer. He came to us at 9 months old, yet another victim of the "oh we're being posted back to the UK and can't possibly take him with us" syndrome that's so prevalent in the forces. Have to say I'm glad they decided he wasn't important enough to take with them though because it means I got an absolutely fantastic dog.

    Hopefully the picture actually posts
  • Rena42
    Rena42 Posts: 66 Member
    I have two wonderful rescues that I adopted from our local SPCA. The older one we adopted when he was 4 years old. He's 6 now. His name is Pretzel and his a Dachshund/Whippet mix. Pugsley, are other dog was adopted about a year ago. She just turned 5. I would love to include pictures of my babies. How did you guys do that?