Water Intake



  • I have a 24 oz cup at my desk with straw. I sip that until it's dry and then refill. On a really good day, I drink about 3 of that and that's 9 cups of water. A slice of lemon does wonders. I also carry a 16 oz bottle w/ me everywhere, so I get in between sips when I am not at my desk. I used to drink out of cups at home, but now I use my bottle even at home, just so I can get a better measurement. I save time not having to wash many cups. Win win.

    Great idea! I will try using that one day this week! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • I discovered that drinking from a bottle doesn't work from me, but I love to drink from a straw (this is also true for diet soda - I'd much prefer a fountain soda over bottle every day!)

    So I have a 32 oz plastic cup with a straw, and I drink two of those a day.

    I also have a rule - I can't have a fountain soda (treat for me now) until I finish my first 32 oz. So sometimes I'm parked at the gas station chugging the last several ounces. Once I finish the soda, I refill the 32 oz cup and don't allow myself to go to bed until I finish the cup. (And again, sometimes chug several oz just before bed...) :)

    That's what works for me.

    I am obsessed with fountain Diet Coke! Tastes so much better than canned or bottled to me! My husband almost bought me a fountain machine for my birthday - but it seemed ridiculous. I sometimes find myself at the drive thru in Mcdonalds only getting a fountain Diet Coke! I like the idea of "treating yourself" to the soda only AFTER finishing the water! Great incentive
  • It's better for you if you sip throughout the day rather than chug a bunch at one sitting, so keeping a full glass/bottle of water with you at all times is the answer. Make sure it is where you can see it. Every time you look, take a sip.

    I made the mistake of a week straight drinking all of my water at 10pm right before I went to bed because I forgot to drink it throughout the day. Let me tell you I was up at 4am EVERY morning in the bathroom....I like the idea of sipping throughout the day! Thanks!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You do know you don't HAVE to actually drink neat water, right?