Movies that destroy you



  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    My Dog Skip. I cry like a 4 year old who just fell off a swing set
  • skittlesoup
    skittlesoup Posts: 35 Member
    Ghost always gets me.
    Stepmom with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon. It kills me.
    Human Society TV shows
    The last episode of Dawson's Creek
    The Notebook...

    I am such a sap, I really cry at anything....just depends on my mood.
    The song "In The Arms of An Angel" gets me by the first note. I have to change the station. That is the song my sister's friend sang at my mom's funeral and the way she sang it was so powerful, it pretty much drilled into your soul.
  • "China Cry" I believe it is based in a true story. I have watched it so many times and it saddens my heart every time I see the injustice that was done. I also appreciate how she fought for her marriage and how she went to prison to save her husband.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    I want to thank you all for this thread.

    I will NOT be seeing -

    The Notebook
    Marley and Me (the trailers look so ...silly and fun!)
    Gran Torino (same reason as Marleyand me - don't hurt the animals:sad: )

    I hate it when I think I'm going to a happy comedy and it's some sad tear-jerker...... :frown:
  • i had to think hard about some more movies- some that brought tears to my eyes- maybe not a full sobbing fit, but enough to have to choke them back were- end of american beauty, end of american history x, end of requeim for a dream; the scene where gandalf falls in Fellowship of the Ring- they did a great job with that because i knew it was coming and whatwas going to happen and what the final utcome was, but it still choked me up; braveheart,... and the list probably goes on- just thought of those, and i don't think they had been mentioned-
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    Ok sounds weird but Forrest Gump-because I have a special needs child and when he says "Jenny I am not a smart man, but I know what love is"
  • use to be titanic. i havent seen one in a while now.
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