Regarding "This is why you're fat"



  • fitchick99
    fitchick99 Posts: 267 Member

    Ugh! :sick: Just LOOK at some of those foods. Makes me wanna eat salad for the rest of my life. :laugh:

    quoting the other thread above.....

    I read all these responses there... and a few of you admit to finding these foods to be something you'd eat - but most of you say "Yuck!" or "Gross!" - and it makes me wonder, how DID you get fat if you don't find these foods attractive at all? Did your tastes just miraculously get "fixed" when you decided to lose weight and adapt a healthier eating style?? How did you DO that?! I want to know!

    I'm with you, i'd be a very unhappy person without my junk food, I don't try to not eat it, because I don't want to give it up, I just end up in the gym a little more than tootsie rolls, choc chip cookies and french fries...none of this baked crap, or sweet potato fries, i'm talking salty yummy deep fried, I just balance everything else out around it, I make sure to have one "junk item a day...I have clients at the gym that devote an entire day to junk...that's a little much...but whatever works for you! I think you just learn to understand calories better, and on, when you decide to eat healthier, but I never deprive myself.

    I feel like the only one who is living a daily battle by NOT eating deep fried chocolate bars or "garbage plates" of food. Sure, I've changed my eating lifestyle for the better but I still very badly WANT all of those foods when I see or smell them!

    Tell me people - how did you miraculously cure the very thing that caused you to become overweight in the first place? (which for most of us was eating too much and of the wrong foods!)
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    What I find interesting.... is that we're saying, "Oh I would never eat that..." which is probably true.... the food we DO eat isn't that extreme and yet.... many are still fat.
    Hey, I'm embracing it... I'm fat.... not fluffy, not chubby.... FAT.
    I hadn't even heard of most of those foods (minus the candy bar one).
    We aren't getting fat cause we're eating "extreme" food....
    It's from overindulging in pasta, breads, candy, soda, cheese, ice cream, fast food, home cooked foods, etc... It's from eating "normal" food... maybe not in reasonable portions....but to us it's normal.

    Probably somewhere.... those grease laden dishes are "normal"... I've been places where my inards have curled up and died when seeing what "normal" is to them.

    There isn't a need to fight.....

    I thought the link was enlightening and amusing.... for some.... it IS the reason they are fat....
    For others....not so much.

    Also, if someone is posting a link, try to not to get upset by it's title...especially if it's based off the original sites title.

    Good points Bunny:happy: How true because to some these foods might represent 'normal' some of us they don't. I got heavy on NOT eating healthy portions, to much junk food (empty cals) though not all piled on top of one another, nonetheless it did pile on top of one another in the end!:blushing: :laugh:

    I'm not sure I actually ever answered Wolfena's question on curing the junk food habit.

    Since cleaning up my act in 2007 I rarely crave the junk, I find it doesn't appeal to me like it used to, I think of the preservatives, dye, chemicals things that way now when I see a food I had eaten/craved in the past. I think what's changed me is eating 'clean' keeping as close to natural as possible, am I cured? Heck I'm not sure I even know what that term means. :blushing:

    We are all indivduals so each of us will deal with things differently whether it comes to foods or simple life in general so if one of us still craving a food is that good or bad, I simple is. I think what works for one can work for others but I don't believe the same thing will work for everyone. Our bodies react differently.

    I don't NOT allow myself not to each certain foods, I make it a personal choice not to, does it make me better than another?? NO WAY!! It's my way of learning to eat healthy and chosing foods that keep me out of the vicious cycle of eating them and being unable to stop.

    Simple processed carbs (refined carb) to me are what alcohol is to a person with a drinking problem. Best that I stay away from them and find other things that I enjoy much more. But I don't feel like I am 'not allowing myself' certain foods....just finding others that make my body feel much better:drinker:

    Tis me in a nutshell:bigsmile:

  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Right on target ChubbyBunny!!!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    The thing to remember.... LOVE YOUR INNER FATTY... (I think that will be my new motto).
    I love mine.... even though I have to keep an eye on her when things like...
    Homemade spaghetti sauce is around.....white pasta.....french bread (heaven).....Mexican food (any of it).... tortilla chips....CHEESEburgers(mmmmm....cheese....)..... blue cheese dressing....Fresh limes (sigh)..... so on and so forth.... are around.

    Because I love my fatty...she's special to me, I won't TOTALLY deprive her....but I will teach her new limits and new tastes that are as good or better!

    All because someone posted a link to choices. It made ME look at just why am I fat?!?

  • I just had to look at what you were all talking about and now I have to say, " Blah". I have eaten some odd things in my life time but truthfully nothing that I think looked as disgusting as the posted photos, or so I thought while eating them.
    One of the worst things I ever ate was ice cream on bread with peanut butter... now do you see why I wrote "...or so I thought while eating them"? I think we all eat or don't eat as a way to mask something that is bothering us. Unfortunately, at the time that we are doing it we are not thinking about the consequences of ingesting that item. But it takes care of what is bothering us until it goes down the pipe and into the gut and lands on the hips, then most of us try to mask that feeling with another food item. It is a visious cycle hard to climb out of but when we do it is liberating.
    At my heaviest I was 244lbs (I am 5'0) I went down to 135lbs and back up to 160lbs (current). When I look at the reasons why I have been on this roller coaster I have only me to blame but I also used the food to cover up pain that was very real such as losing a child in the last term of pregnancy and then a divorce. So lets not get on others, when we don't know what they are going through, but instead say a silent prayer requesting peace, strength, and insight for that person so they may see that what they are putting into thier bodys is hurting them and not helping them.
    I haven't been "cured" but I have learned a new way to eat. I also say a mantra daily, "Eat to live, Don't live to eat"
    I truly hope this does not offend anyone. But sometimes it is nice to be able to get what is on your mind out in the open.
  • phed0017
    phed0017 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks, that helps. This really does make the grease stand out. I felt peaceful looking at that and not really wanting it. Sure the corn dogs on the pizza cause a slight stir in me, but nothing I couldn't handle!
  • laird20k
    laird20k Posts: 96 Member
    Like everyone else had said.. not many people actually eat those foods. The grossest deep fried thing I've known someone to actually eat was an egg sandwich.. haha. Yes, he just threw the egg salad sandwich into the deep fryer. I have no clue how it stayed together but he said it was delicious and has had it a few times since. Oh and he was actually in really good shape too. So that goes to show that people can stay skinny while eating deep fried just like people can gain weight by eating too much healthy food.
  • Most of that food, except the Oreo (yum!) was just plain nasty. Now throw Red Robbin Garlic fries with ranch, pizza, mac and cheese etc... on there and I am guilty. I do not eat meat, carbs, fat and fried foods are my guilty pleasure
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