Zero Thanksgiving worry.



  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    Holidays like Thanksgiving are a huge test to our lifestyle changes and not everyone has the same degree of control. Eating a whole lot in one day could act as a trigger for future binges. Also, your worst case scenario is also relative. Personally, if I gain a couple of pounds, it will take me well over a MONTH to take them off so I'm not willing to throw that away when I'm SO close to my goal. My thanksgiving would be actually be ruined if I spent the whole next day feeling crappy about what I ate, so I will do my best and stick to green stuff and avoid the bread and crackers.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    right on ... this is good insight. it is all relative.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    Note that I agree with you 100000000 % but I think for a lot of people "the holidays" aren't just 1 day... its potlucks at work, people bringing in baked goods constantly, christmas parties for work, dinner with friends, baked goods being brought in, etc... it seems like the holidays are more than just 1day for most ppl... though they shouldn't be :)
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    I guess I'm weird - I have zero thanksgiving worry too, but for different reasons. The only thanksgiving food I like is turkey. I'm more apt to destroying my diet around a pizza than I am pies/thanksgiving food.

    Zero stress for me too. Unless someone in the family brings a pizza to dinner. Or bacon... mmmmm.... bacon.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Warning: This is a bit of a rant. I don't mean any offense- just want to share some feelings/thoughts.

    Thanksgiving comes ONCE a year. Just once. One time. I keep seeing all these posts about how to 'survive' thanksgiving and I can't help but ask myself, why? Why the worry? Why the stress? What is wrong with enjoying family and friends? What is wrong with expressing gratitude for the good things you have in this life? What is wrong with eating delicious food?

    One day is not going to make or break anyone's diet (or life style change or whatever). Worst case scenario: You gain a few pounds, which you can lose in a couple of weeks. More likely scenario: you have a good time and your weight loss slows down a tiny bit.

    Diet's are about the big picture. They are about maintaining a chronic, long-term, calorie deficit. An occasional calorie surplus is not going to hurt as long as the rest of the week, month, year evens out to a negative calorie balance.

    So I intend to enjoy my thanksgiving. I'm not even going to bother counting calories. And I'm going to have that second piece of pie if I want it.

    On Friday, I'll get back on track.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

    to add to day of over-indulgance will NOT make you gain's just some water weight wich will come back off after a few days of regular eating...
    I am going to enjoy that pecan pie tomorrow!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member
    I plan on enjoying myself... I've worked too hard to let one day defeat me. I'll eat what I want with my new mindset I have now, and get back on routine the next day. Family is going to be over... we'll play some Kinect, watch the game, laugh... and eat. That's tradition. :smile:

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm a perfectionist and a lifelong video game player. I like to see green numbers and I like to do everything perfectly. I'm not really worried about Thanksgiving itself as about letting it (or something else) derail me and cause me to say, "Okay, I didn't do it perfectly, so I give up now."

    It's a personality thing.
  • caitylynn62
    caitylynn62 Posts: 99 Member
    I have seen threads like this, and people say like you need to have eaten 3500 calories to gain a pound, but that would have to be 3500 calories over your bmr and exercise calories right? because your body does burn calories even when your not exercising and that combined with exercise calories would produce a deficit.. am I wrong? So say my BMR is 1500 and I burn 200 calories exercising, then I would have to eat 1700+ 3500 calories to gain a pound? Sorry if this is confusing, I hope I explained it right.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have seen threads like this, and people say like you need to have eaten 3500 calories to gain a pound, but that would have to be 3500 calories over your bmr and exercise calories right? because your body does burn calories even when your not exercising and that combined with exercise calories would produce a deficit.. am I wrong? So say my BMR is 1500 and I burn 200 calories exercising, then I would have to eat 1700+ 3500 calories to gain a pound? Sorry if this is confusing, I hope I explained it right.

    It would be even more than that. It would be 3500 over your maintenance. My maintenance is around 2200. So yeah, to gain ONE pound on T-day I'd have to eat 5700 calories in one day. Now I put down 4000 the other day but 5700 might be a challenge even for me....