Burn 5,000 calories/wk in December!! :o)



  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    Below is the link to continue this challenge in January (beginning 1/02/12)! I hope to see you all (and a few newbies) there next year!! :o)

  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    Not sure I'll make 5,000 this week but I'm up for another chalemge in Jan - half marathon training needs to start!

    I'm training for a half too! Mine is Feb. 26, 2012...yours?
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    Sorry I haven't been checking in like I should! Here's December so far for me:

    Week 1 - 5,261
    Week 2 - 4,631
    Week 3 - 5,841
    Week 4 - 6,272
    Week 5 - 2,631 so far!

    As you can see, I've got some work to do over the next few days to make the 5,000 for this week!

    You can do it! I struggled a little this month as well...but I'm ready to begin 2012 with a bang! Who's with me? :o)
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    I burn 1,800 calories a DAY running 5-7 miles, boxing for 60 minutes, and doing ballet (or any type of dance...example: modern, tap, Irish, hip hop, etc) for 60 minutes...My work out is much less time consuming than the above suggested and it burns, what, 12,600 in a week?

    Maybe some could give my work out a try and see how it works for you!

    I agree that I do work out a lot (although I usually go light on the exercise 1-2 days/wk). And if losing 1 pound/week was my only goal then I would be wasting my time. But my goal is actually to increase my endurance and decrease my body fat %. I'm running a half-marathon in February and my goal is to finish in 2 1/2 hours. So, in addition to increasing my running distance I've been trying to make sure I can just complete 2-3 hours of continuous exercise. I don't go that long every day...but it's nice to know that I can!! :o) Also, about the 1 pound thing...that is really just a bonus...I'm not aggressively trying to lose pounds anymore. However, I am continuing to lose inches like crazy! I lost 2 inches off of my stomach this month alone! (I only just recently got my body fat % checked-20.5%-I wish I had thought to check it back in July!) And, I've gone from a size 16 to a loose size 6! That's worth a lot more to me than an extra pound on the scale! :wink:
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    Not sure I'll make 5,000 this week but I'm up for another chalemge in Jan - half marathon training needs to start!

    I'm training for a half too! Mine is Feb. 26, 2012...yours?

    May 12th. First ever race. Probably should've started with a 10k!
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 756 Member
    I'm thinking about doing a half marathon too in March. I hope I don't chicken out...I've never actually ran that far before. Do they usually have water on the route or do you have to wear one of those belts with water bottles on it?
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    I'm thinking about doing a half marathon too in March. I hope I don't chicken out...I've never actually ran that far before. Do they usually have water on the route or do you have to wear one of those belts with water bottles on it?

    Mine has drink stations every three miles. I think most do. We should start a running challenge so neither of us chicken out!
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 756 Member
    I'm thinking about doing a half marathon too in March. I hope I don't chicken out...I've never actually ran that far before. Do they usually have water on the route or do you have to wear one of those belts with water bottles on it?

    Mine has drink stations every three miles. I think most do. We should start a running challenge so neither of us chicken out!

    There's a running challenge/group started for January:

    Also, I found a link provided by one of the members of a March Half Marathon group that recommends a 12 week training program that looks reasonable:
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    I'm thinking about doing a half marathon too in March. I hope I don't chicken out...I've never actually ran that far before. Do they usually have water on the route or do you have to wear one of those belts with water bottles on it?

    Mine has drink stations every three miles. I think most do. We should start a running challenge so neither of us chicken out!

    There's a running challenge/group started for January:

    Also, I found a link provided by one of the members of a March Half Marathon group that recommends a 12 week training program that looks reasonable:

    Thanks for that. I'm giving it a go.

    I saw the Hal Higdon thing - it looks good. I also saw this too:


    I think I'll use an app though.

    Better get started now! Thanks again.
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    Week Beginning 27/11/11 - 3811 calories burned
    Week Beginning 05/12/11 - 4020 calories burned
    Week Beginning 12/12/11 - 5622 calories burned
    Week Beginning 19/12/11 - 7043 calories burned

    Week Beginning 26/12/11

    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 2621 (Step/Attack/Combat/Zumba)
    Thursday - 1346 (Pump/Attack/Balance)
    Friday - 1764 (Spin/Combat/Attack)
    Saturday - 0
    Sunday - 1054 (Attack/Balance)

    Total - 6785
    Left to go - 0
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    Not sure I'll make 5,000 this week but I'm up for another chalemge in Jan - half marathon training needs to start!

    I'm training for a half too! Mine is Feb. 26, 2012...yours?

    May 12th. First ever race. Probably should've started with a 10k!

    Maybe you can find a 5K or a 10K to throw in between now and then! Good luck!! :happy:
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm thinking about doing a half marathon too in March. I hope I don't chicken out...I've never actually ran that far before. Do they usually have water on the route or do you have to wear one of those belts with water bottles on it?

    Well, this will be my first half marathon but I won't be doing the belt thing...they have water stations every 1 1/2 miles. I think that should be fine. I think some runners just don't want to take the time to stop and drink. I've been fine so far up to 9.3 miles with the water stations. 4 more miles won't kill me! I figure if I stop at every water station for 10-20 seconds it will only add about 2-3 minutes to my time...and I'm definitely not trying to beat anyone to the finish line! :laugh:
  • baptistgirl23
    baptistgirl23 Posts: 235 Member
    December Challenge

    Week 5:
    Monday (12/26): 852 (32 min. walking; 32 min. elliptical; 60 min. Zumba class)
    Tuesday (12/27): 719 (32 min. walking; 60 min. Cardio HipHop class; 60 min. Yogalates class)
    Wednesday (12/28): 980 (45 min. Kazaxe class; 60 min. Zumba Toning class; 20 min. (2 miles) running; 35 min. walking)
    Thursday (12/29): 268 (75 min. walking)
    Friday (12/30): 97 (18 min. walking)
    Saturday (12/31): 666 (50 min. (5 miles) running; 35 min. walking)
    Sunday (12/25): 1427 (165 min. Singles Tennis)

    Total for the week: 5,009 calories burned (just squeaked by this week!!) and 1 pound lost!

    **Happy New Year, everyone!!!**

    **If you want to join us in January, I started a new thread...the link is one page back...see you there next Monday!! :happy:
  • mallred76
    mallred76 Posts: 50 Member
    Week 1 Total: 6953
    Week 2 Total: 6030
    Week 3 Total: 6294
    Week 4 Total: 5363

    Week 5
    12/26 - Monday - 872- Turbokick 67 minutes, Step machine 10 minutes
    12/27 - Tuesday - 798 - Spin class 66 minutes, Strength Training 26 minutes
    12/28 - Wednesday - 555 - Running/9 minute mile pace 45 minutes
    12/29- Thursday - Off
    12/30 - Friday - 716 - Running/8.5 minute mile pace 51 minutes
    12/31 - Saturday - 500 - Running/9 minute mile pace 10 minutes, Walking/moderate pace 50 minutes
    1/1 - Sunday - 643 - Running/9 minute mile pace 34 minutes, Walkiing/moderate pace 38 minutes

    Week 5 Total: 4084

    I was not able to get to 5000, I was out of town and only had running as an option, but my IT band syndrome has been acting up and I couldn't handle the pain.

    Thanks for the challange! This was a great way to stay on track durning the holidays.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Week 1 - 5,261
    Week 2 - 4,631
    Week 3 - 5,841
    Week 4 - 6,272
    Week 5 - 4,090

    bring on January!!