Great Article on Mid-Morning Snacking

We came across this great article on mid-morning snacking and the effects on weight loss. I thought it was interesting and thought I might share.



  • sing4me4you
    sing4me4you Posts: 88 Member
    That is interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I really don't like studies like this. Well it's not actually the study, it's more like the way it's presented. They completely miss the point of why society is obese. And try to lay blame on stupid crap like mid morning snacks or not eating breakfast or standing on your head and spitting nickels.

    Mid morning snacking does not somehow change your metabolism and make you gain weight, or not lose weight. If you are counting your calories and staying within your limits, then it doesn't matter what time of day you eat or how often.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I really don't like studies like this. Well it's not actually the study, it's more like the way it's presented. They completely miss the point of why society is obese. And try to lay blame on stupid crap like mid morning snacks or not eating breakfast or standing on your head and spitting nickels.

    Mid morning snacking does not somehow change your metabolism and make you gain weight, or not lose weight. If you are counting your calories and staying within your limits, then it doesn't matter what time of day you eat or how often.

    Agreed! Ultimately it's about calories in and calories out...I can eat 6 snacks before Breakfast and lunch and I'll still lose if I eat less than I burn.
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Personally if I don't snack a little, I end up doing things I regret for lunch. We are all different, perhaps that'll help someone else out there though :)
  • Thank you for the article. Its always good to have new food for thought.
    The main thing i take away from the article is that snacking between meals is more to maintain your feeling of fullness. Therefore not going overboard at main meals. Or someone who is diebetic my have to snack due to blood sugar issues.

    But that being said the calorie range still has to be maintained. So in my opinion its not the snacking that helps the metabolism. Its the keeping your body from thinking its being starved and not wanting to let go of the extra because it doesnt know when it will be fed again.

    Personally I determine if Im truely feeling hungry or if its munchies from watching everyone eating. Sometimes its all good with drinking water or a cup of coffee. Other times its true hunger. Snack = subtract from daily calories. I would rather horde my calories for my main meals cause its usually something that I really like and would rather eat more of.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I really don't like studies like this. Well it's not actually the study, it's more like the way it's presented. They completely miss the point of why society is obese. And try to lay blame on stupid crap like mid morning snacks or not eating breakfast or standing on your head and spitting nickels.

    Mid morning snacking does not somehow change your metabolism and make you gain weight, or not lose weight. If you are counting your calories and staying within your limits, then it doesn't matter what time of day you eat or how often.
    THIS. Well said.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition