Husband lost weight 3x faster than I... Why?



  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    whats with all the facepalms? what im doing works for me. everyone is different. all i know is if you cheat you wont lose. and thats all that matters. stop sneaking in all the extra mid morning meals. you wont die if you skip a meal. get a good breakfast lunch and dinner without all the tbl spoons of sugar. i watch the biggest loser show daily and i listen to the healthy tips the trainers give. you only get out what you put in. bottom line! if your gonna do the this lose weight lose thing you have to be all in. not half and half. its not ok to sneak jink food every so often. its not ok to eat 1 oily or fried or high calorie food or snack. when im in the store i see all the cakes and pies and yeah i do want to just cram a slice or 2 and say ohh its just this one time. but i gather my thoughts and walk over to the produce section and buy spinach and salad and bags of fruit because i know that if i eat that snack i will just be in a circle with my old bad habits. im on a str8 line to a slimmer healthier ME.

    If you watch the biggest loser you know that they actually get one "cheat day" a week. One day to have a little bit higher calories and food that isn't just health food. Trying to 100% deprive yourself of anything that might be construed as "non-health food" is a sure fire way to eventually make you want to give up. There's been lots of articles written by nutritionists and doctors on the benefits of having a "cheat day". Bob Harper the trainer says it's even good to have desert once a week so that you don't feel deprived and it helps you to stay focused for the rest of the week. You're also telling people that skipping meals won't hurt them when many people have fond the benefits of eating 5-6 mini-meals a day (instead of 3 regular sized meals) and are even told to by their nutritionists. The biggest loser contestants are also instructed to eat 5-6 mini-meals a day as small frequent meals ups the metabolism.

    The bottom line though is, that what might be right for you may not be right for EVERYONE. You said it yourself "everyone is different". We all have different bodies, different metabolisms, and different needs. And it's pretty silly to expect what works for one person will work for EVERY person. It's ok to give people tips and health advice when they ask for it, but keep in mind the very same thing you said yourself, that everyone is different. What works for you may not be good advice for everyone.
  • He doesn't have the same hormones as a girl. Our hormones tell our body to hold onto fat. He has more muscle mass. Even if he was the same height and weight as you, he as more muscle. Therefore, he has a faster metabolism and can burn fat faster than you. His liver is bigger. It can process more alcohol and fat - your liver is your fat processing organ. He has more testosterone. He has more Growth Hormones. It's easier for his body to produce Testosterone and Growth Hormone. (Those both help to lose weight/burn fat/increase muscle.)

    Basically, he's a guy and his body works slightly differently from yours. It's not fair...

    good info..
  • Paco7
    Paco7 Posts: 5
    Your husband may have a higher BMI at rest and after exercising than you. Also remember that muscle tissue (don't know how muscular he is) burns more calories.If his ratio of muscle to body fat is fairly high and yours isn't then he'll probably burn more calories efficiently as compared to you. Who's drinking more water? That helps flush your systems aiding in weight loss. Anyway you still have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound ( in excess of what your body needs on a daily basis to maintain normal metabolism) Don't get bummed out. Stay active, watch your portions (something I often have trouble doing), and keep at it. Good luck!