average time you spend gaming?



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    In the past I'd easily sink in 8-12 hrs a day everyday. My first MMORPG was my biggest time sink. FFXI. I played that from 2003-2009. Inactive, little to no social life, fast food everyday my health was bad and I almost reach 500 lbs. I finally quit FFXI in Fall of '09. I worked on myself to get my life in order especially when I found out I had diabetes in Dec. 2009. I still play games but alot less. I average 3-6 hrs. a week. For the most part I keep my gaming time equal to the amount of time I work out. I didn't plan it that way but when I stop and think about it, the math comes out that way. I mostly stick to single player games though I have been dabbling with SWotR recently. I was hesitant at first. I didn't want to get addicted to it all over again. I've been doing good so far! Diablo 3 will be my biggest challenge. lol
  • I used to spend hours in the evening... almost every evening. This time around, with hubs and I and our SWTOR playing we've reduced it to weekends/days off. We simply don't want to burn ourselves out too fast with this one.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    This might seem like a lot cause well I am a housewife so when I am not cleaning/cooking/baking/workouts and hubbys at work
    I can spend HOURS gaming
    some nights it could be 1-2hrs
    other nights i could spend 3-4hrs
    sometimes ill take a day for me while hes at work and spend 8+hrs
    exp when I sign up for beta testing games they pick me since I can pretty much fork out 40+hrs a week if i have to gaming

    I been trying to cut back though, I used to spend 12hrs a day on the days hubby works (cause he works 12hr shifts)
    I been much better now then before im averaging 6hrs max now since I got back on track with my workouts =)
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    Depends on the day and how into the game I am.

    Typically, if I've already worked out in the morning, after class I may spend at most 3 or 4 hours. Since I walk to all of my classes and where I go is pretty big, I don't see it as such a big deal. If I haven't worked out, I work out for maybe an hour, then spend a little time on the game before studying.

    However, that being said, if the game is good enough, I've been known to go to the store and buy a pack of waters and spend days playing the game only getting up to go to the restroom. I'll even forget to eat. I know it's crazy, but hey... that's me. I live with my parents, don't have a boyfriend, and really nothing else to occupy my time, so... why not.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    This might seem like a lot cause well I am a housewife so when I am not cleaning/cooking/baking/workouts and hubbys at work
    I can spend HOURS gaming
    some nights it could be 1-2hrs
    other nights i could spend 3-4hrs
    sometimes ill take a day for me while hes at work and spend 8+hrs
    exp when I sign up for beta testing games they pick me since I can pretty much fork out 40+hrs a week if i have to gaming

    I been trying to cut back though, I used to spend 12hrs a day on the days hubby works (cause he works 12hr shifts)
    I been much better now then before im averaging 6hrs max now since I got back on track with my workouts =)

    Man, sign me up for the stay at home wife thing, I've been trying to convince my husband to let me do that (jokingly) and he's always like "what, so you can sit at home and play video games while I work?"

    Uh, YEAH?

    Haha. Seriously though, its pretty nice to have the second income. IF for some reason I was ever a stay at home I think i'd have to have the house spotless and meals always ready or he'd be like "IF I HAVE TO WORK YOU HAVE TO WORK" so I don't know how much time that would leave for video games anyhow.

    My video game playing has really tapered off a lot. I don't even know what the hell I replaced it with.
  • Mahu77
    Mahu77 Posts: 34
    4 hours/week
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    I don't want to know how much time I spend gaming. :( It's pretty sad XD I try to at least get 15-45 minutes of exercise in each day though.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    This might seem like a lot cause well I am a housewife so when I am not cleaning/cooking/baking/workouts and hubbys at work
    I can spend HOURS gaming
    some nights it could be 1-2hrs
    other nights i could spend 3-4hrs
    sometimes ill take a day for me while hes at work and spend 8+hrs
    exp when I sign up for beta testing games they pick me since I can pretty much fork out 40+hrs a week if i have to gaming

    I been trying to cut back though, I used to spend 12hrs a day on the days hubby works (cause he works 12hr shifts)
    I been much better now then before im averaging 6hrs max now since I got back on track with my workouts =)

    Man, sign me up for the stay at home wife thing, I've been trying to convince my husband to let me do that (jokingly) and he's always like "what, so you can sit at home and play video games while I work?"

    Uh, YEAH?

    Haha. Seriously though, its pretty nice to have the second income. IF for some reason I was ever a stay at home I think i'd have to have the house spotless and meals always ready or he'd be like "IF I HAVE TO WORK YOU HAVE TO WORK" so I don't know how much time that would leave for video games anyhow.

    My video game playing has really tapered off a lot. I don't even know what the hell I replaced it with.

    yeah if I decided to work again I could but things are well the way they are =)
    I want to be a full time mommy hopefully that will happen soon
    we are pretty old fashioned like having the housewife thing lol
    im thankful for that totally =D
    exp since my BFF's (one lives next door and the other lives not far) are both housewifes also!
    I pretty much do everything only thing hubby has to do is scoop kitty poop and trash but since his best friend is staying with us at the moment (cause he don't have a job) he does the trash
    I love to do everything even do the budget & pay the bills =)
    When I am not doing the things i listed above I also do sewing, painting, and I grow a veggie garden and do canning every summer so I have a ton to keep me busy =)

    Here is a painting I did just before Christmas last year for my comic book shop guy =)


    just gonna have to copy/paste it, pretty big in size
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    MAYBE 30 minutes :angry:

    On breaks normally A LOT more. Life is sadly demanding!
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    Depends on the day and how into the game I am.

    Typically, if I've already worked out in the morning, after class I may spend at most 3 or 4 hours. Since I walk to all of my classes and where I go is pretty big, I don't see it as such a big deal. If I haven't worked out, I work out for maybe an hour, then spend a little time on the game before studying.

    However, that being said, if the game is good enough, I've been known to go to the store and buy a pack of waters and spend days playing the game only getting up to go to the restroom. I'll even forget to eat. I know it's crazy, but hey... that's me. I live with my parents, don't have a boyfriend, and really nothing else to occupy my time, so... why not.

    i miss that time in my life when i could do that alot :( lol but seriously im the same way i could play for days on end
  • at most a couple hours
  • For me I think it has to be about 4hrs on a weekday evening then at a weekend I guess I average 9hrs ish a day unless I have a LAN party to help out with then I would totally lose track lol
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I spend enough time gaming that I'm terrified to type /played on any of my characters, much less add it all up!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I spend enough time gaming that I'm terrified to type /played on any of my characters, much less add it all up!

    hahahaha I hear ya!