weight training to loose weight?



  • AngelTwin27
    AngelTwin27 Posts: 33 Member
    Agree with everyone above - you cannot bulk up through basic weight training and more muscle will burn calories more efficiently.

    I've been doing regular weights classes at my gym for over a year now and certainly don't have any bulk to show for it! Yeah, I get that it's not "weight training" as such, but I feel I get more out of this than I did when I was doing basic weight training out in the gym.

    The classes kind of combine cardio in to it as well, so it's quite a high calorie burner in general. You do a full 5 (ish) minute track for each muscle group and it's pretty much continuous movement with the weights.

    I do cardio classes on the days in between to even it all out.

    I feel stronger and the weights I use now do prove that, so I am efficiently building muscle and toning up - I started MFP two months ago and am finally shifting the fat from over top of the muscle and toning up even more! So, everything combined is working well for me and I can only recommend it to others...

    The classes are fun, which keeps me going back - nothing like motivation to push you to train!! :-)