How long??? (

How long did it take you some of you to notice the change when you are naked? I see it in my clothes, the scale, but when I look in the mirror naked I still see a fat girl. Help!!! I want to see all the changes. I guess this week it doesn't help that I have been sick and haven't been able to go workout but still. After 57 lbs lost I should be able to "See" something.


  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    There are still times I don't see it. I see changes in the scale, the tape measure and clothes too. I finally saw a difference when I posted my first success story and looked at a pic of me from this time last year. Huge difference!!! Maybe looking at old pics might help.
  • I find it hard to see any change because I see myself in the mirror every day. So a gradual change isn't something I can really pick out. That's why progress pictures are nice. So you can go back and really see the difference side by side.