How many protein shakes is too many?



  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I do 1 a day and only 2 when I am low or my protein intake. I get between 200-250 grams of protein per day. I ONLY use Optimum Nutrition products after reading consumer reports on the Arsenic and metals in some protein powders. I try to get my protein from real food and supplement with powders when I need to.
  • mrdee555
    mrdee555 Posts: 178
    I take 460ish approx half food and half shakes per day but you would obviously need to build up to that, my kidney results never come back good but the docs compare your results with normal people someone who is carring more muscle mass than the average person is not normal, also over training can cause kidney results to be out as your Creatinine levels will be elevated.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member

    Maybe you missed the first time I asked, so I will post again:
    I'm pretty surprised by the amount of protein people devour in MFP. I don't think you 'need' 150 grams but that's probably just me. At least please make sure you're not prone to kidney diseases before going all the way pro.

    Depends what you are doing daily. If you are lifting and building muscles you most definitely need a high level of protein. Protein also makes you feel fuller longer than carbs and fats. Protein is the building block needed for growth in our bodies.

    They say on average to take your weight times 1.5 for protein for ideal daily consumption while cutting, and 2.0-3.0 when bulking.

    Who is "they"?
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    Maybe you missed the first time I asked, so I will post again:
    I'm pretty surprised by the amount of protein people devour in MFP. I don't think you 'need' 150 grams but that's probably just me. At least please make sure you're not prone to kidney diseases before going all the way pro.

    Depends what you are doing daily. If you are lifting and building muscles you most definitely need a high level of protein. Protein also makes you feel fuller longer than carbs and fats. Protein is the building block needed for growth in our bodies.

    They say on average to take your weight times 1.5 for protein for ideal daily consumption while cutting, and 2.0-3.0 when bulking.

    Who is "they"?

    I answered it a few posts later, It's a general number that gets thrown around, just like 3500 calories = 1 pound.. If you want specifics though... ADA, DOC and ACSM all have numbers that fall in line with those views. (The 1.5), the extra on high level bulking is a view from bb and am websites.

    Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and athletic performance.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    From a couple of websites:

    1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg
    2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm.

    Use a lower number if you are in good health and are sedentary (i.e., 0.8). Use a higher number (between 1 and 1.8) if you are under stress, are pregnant, are recovering from an illness, or if you are involved in consistent and intense weight or endurance training.

    Example: 154 lb male who is a regular exerciser and lifts weights
    154 lbs/2.2 = 70kg
    70kg x 1.5 = 105 gm protein/day

    When I do calipers and BF, and do the equation it comes out to me needing 259.09 grams a day. That is with me weighing at 280 at 26.2% body fat. I do usually shoot for around 300 though daily.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Oops, apparently I'm the one missing things :) Thanks for replying.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I always recommend a well balanced shake like Trutein (Cinnabon is DELISH!) or Myofusion that is a balanced protein shake. That way you get the best of all worlds. Not all protein powders are created equal.

    I'm really clueless about brands but will keep those in mind when I start working out in three weeks. I have days once in a while that I find it hard to feel hungry enough (namely, I eat too much sugar gah... I need a rehab!) so those should come handy.

    Trutein is by TrueNutrition which is a great company in that they don't hide behind a proprietary blend. They tell you exactly 100% what is in there and what amounts. They just don't toss a bunch of stuff into a section called proprietary blend where you don't know how much X of an item is in that blend. Very few protein companies do that. It's very well formulated and tastes wonderful. Huge fan of it.

    I'd rank the top protein powders as:
    2. XF (Xtreme Formulations)
    3. ON
    4. Myofusion

    iForce released a new protein blend that is suppose to be off the charts in flavor and quality of ingredients. It's suppose to be fairly cheap as well compared to Trutein and XF which are a bit on the high end cost wise.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    Trutein is by TrueNutrition which is a great company in that they don't hide behind a proprietary blend. They tell you exactly 100% what is in there and what amounts. They just don't toss a bunch of stuff into a section called proprietary blend where you don't know how much X of an item is in that blend. Very few protein companies do that. It's very well formulated and tastes wonderful. Huge fan of it.

    I'd rank the top protein powders as:
    2. XF (Xtreme Formulations)
    3. ON
    4. Myofusion

    iForce released a new protein blend that is suppose to be off the charts in flavor and quality of ingredients. It's suppose to be fairly cheap as well compared to Trutein and XF which are a bit on the high end cost wise.

    Thank you! I'm not too much bothered by the taste, I drink and experiment pretty much everything but will check their availability in my country or in Spain since I guess it may be hard to find them out of NA. I love simple poached chicken breasts and tuna in water but the first is hard to carry around and the latter I don't want to consume more than 50g drained due to lovely heavy metals just in case.
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    I have at least two a day. But then again I have a pretty healthy libido
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Re the amount of protein consumption with a calorie deficit.

    These results indicate that approximately 2.3 g x kg(-1) or approximately 35% protein was significantly superior to approximately 1.0 g x kg(-1) or approximately 15% energy protein for maintenance of lean body mass in young healthy athletes during short-term hypoenergetic weight loss.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    Re the amount of protein consumption with a calorie deficit.

    These results indicate that approximately 2.3 g x kg(-1) or approximately 35% protein was significantly superior to approximately 1.0 g x kg(-1) or approximately 15% energy protein for maintenance of lean body mass in young healthy athletes during short-term hypoenergetic weight loss.

    Kg. Check. Athletes. Check. Lean body mass. Check.
  • Dustinryan24
    Dustinryan24 Posts: 233 Member
    ive heard from several sources to eat your goal weight in protein.
    i want to be 190 pounds, so i try to get in at least 190g of protein a day.
    drink lots of water.

    its fine to have 2 shakes a day, but ty to spread out your protein through the day.. dont start drinking 80g worth of protein at night.. that wont work for you.

    i changed my % intake in the settings on this website to 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fat..
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    dont start drinking 80g worth of protein at night.. that wont work for you.

    ^ Actually, it will work just fine.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    My doc has me eating my weight in protein per day. I started out at 300 lb, so ate at least 300g protein per day, and so on. Now I'm down to 250g per day. But that's pretty much impossible without supplemental protein powders. I have 4-6 per day; usually at least one scoop of protein powder in a drink at every meal and snack. It has worked great for me.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I go for 1g per 1 pound of body weight as my general guideline. I will up that to 1.5-2g on days im going to lift. On weight lift days I consume 1 portein shake pre workout. I mix glutamine and creatine with it. I then consume 1 protein shake post workout mixed with glutamine. On days I do cardio I just consume 1 shake post workout.