are netbooks any good.?



  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    I have an Acer netbook that I picked up on clearance. It has the same stats, 1GB RAM and 250GB hard drive. It's perfectly fine for surfing the internet. It isn't fast enough to really do much more on. As it is, it takes time to load certain pages. I would suggest spending a tad more and getting one with more RAM and a bigger hard drive. My next one will have 4 GB RAM and at least 500 GB hard drive.

    a bit off topic, but I have the Acer too. Is there a way to turn off that auto thing that highlights your typing when you pause for a second and then erases your sentence or paragraph before you even know what is happening. I want to KILL my netbook when that happens.

    On topic, I agree about the netbook. I got mine to use for traveling genealogy. For that purpose it works fine. When I sit on the couch watching TV and log on to use in for FB or MFP it is okay as well. It doesn't have enough memory to use like a regular computer (at least mine doesn't), but I didn't buy it for that. It is awful for playing games or scrolling through pictures/slides because the small screen resets itself and you have to keep re-positioning the page. You can make the typeface smaller so what your looking at fits the screen, but then good luck reading it. Also, have a separate mouse. The mouse pad is not good as it will randomly enlarge the screen or shrink the screen or open something just because you passed over it trying to get to the side bar. (that is a feature I would also like to turn off if possible). My husband really likes his IPAD and doesn't have any of the same complaints I do. I think a laptop is better except heavier if you want it for travelling.
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    I bought a small Toshiba Laptop for about $450. Well worth it. Why Netbooks are bad: NO CD/DVD to load programs or FIX ERRORS, and not enough RAM to do anything.

    I have a separate ASUS plug-in drive (CD/DVD) attachment for my netbook and that is how I loaded my genealogy program. I can watch movies etc if I take it to travel. There are 3 ports on my Acer netbook that you can plug in flash drives or accessories, and there are headphone ports etc. There is also a built in web cam.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    RECOMMENDED: iPad2 instead of a netbook
  • Ok I am confused - what is the difference between a tablet and a netbook? I was wanting a tablet to work from out in the field, but if a netbook would work that would be great, they are so much cheaper!!
  • Netbooks are more for convenience much like tablets. I bought my wife one of the ASUS EeePC netbooks a year ago and it did wonders for what she was needing to do; mainly web browsing, writing books in Word and checking email. A lot of people think they are buying a high end laptop in a small chassis with a netbook, but that is far from the case. They are on the low end as far as the Processor, video and RAM.

    If you are needing a lot of power it would be cheaper to replace the screen on your current laptop.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    They are pretty crappy.. You'd be better off getting a netbook sized laptop.
    There fine if you only want to use google... or check your emails or whatever.
    But if you want to watch a video or anything, there incredibly crap.
    I use to have one myself, trying to play a video in non HD it would still overheat to the point where it would burn me if it was on my lap.
    My alienware laptop is cooler than it, and i put the fans through like 20x the stress.

    It will be able to do all the things you want it for though..
    however buying a disk drive is annoying when a laptop the same size will proberlly come with one.
    Also i use to sleep next to my laptop and wake up with burns. There really not safe.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    id suggest a tablet with a usb keyboard instead. i used to have a netbook, now i have a tablet. both are nice, but i think a tablet is more convenient now ^^
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    +1 on Helice's comments. They're really handy, but I get tired of using one for extended periods of time. The small screen isn't always easy with some websites. Great for lightweight computer for quick e-mail checks or post & runs on social networking sites.

    They are lacking in the power department, so much more than basic internet or office tasks aren't recommended.
