I need some Christmas advice.



  • This is a tough one. The idea of a gift is nice but could go wrong on so many levels. Definetely not romantic and definetely small. She may not get you anything and although you would be okay with that - she may feel really bad and you don't want that.

    What does she like? coffee, restaurants, books, manicure, pedicure

    Maybe you could just treat her to a nice dinner on Christmas Eve.

    I certainly don't want her to feel bad for not getting me anything. I have invited her to my friends house for dinner on Christmas - she won't be with her kids on Christmas so I wanted to offer her something to do. Plus, I wouldn't mind the company.
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Out for lunch and drinks your treat. If it's generally your treat anyway, go somewhere nicer :-) Flowers are good too :-)
  • Great ideas everyone. After talking to a couple of my friends I've decided to just go with my gut and get her something small. Thanks everyone!