People Haven't noticed and I don't care



  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    Are your parents and/or in-laws overweight?
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    I think some people think it's impolite to comment on weight loss (AUGH I hate those kinds of people!! Compliments are never impolite!!), though I doubt your fam was being polite. Some people are less observant.
    To be honest, weight loss is pretty subtle. Even losing 30 pounds, it disappears from all over. If they've seen you in the interim, they might not have realized how much progress you've made.

    I have a friend whose girlfriend lost 50 pounds-- I think she went from like almost 200 to 150-- and he didn't notice.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    I ask because if they are, perhaps they are a little jealous? Sounds crazy, but I do know people who, out of jealousy, refuse to acknowledge others' accomplishments...
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I often don't notice weight gain or loss if I see someone regularly. Perhaps that's the issue.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    My in-laws seem to not care about if I'm trying to be healthy or fit. My husband and parents notice, but just about no one else does. In fact, my in-laws and those who don't notice I've made progress but know I'm trying to loose weight & get in shape, seem to be trying to sabotage me more than help.

    On the other hand, My husband has gained 25-30lbs (he constantly fluctuates in weight) and I honestly would never have noticed if his jeans hadn't gotten tight on him. I mean, I literally cannot tell he has gained the weight at all. It just doesn't show much. When he was telling me a few months ago he had lost all that weight, I could kind of notice, but his body is really good abouit distrubuting things in a way that make it hard for him to look like he has lost/gained weight. So I guess I'm saying some people may not actually be able to notice the difference.

    Congrats on what you've lost though!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Maybe they've noticed but don't want to mention it? Many people are very sensitive about their weight and a compliment --even as innocent as" You look great" --is taken the wrong way. If they notice how good I look now, did they think i looked bad before? type of thing.. You are doing great!! You know it and I'm sure your spouse does too!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Maybe they've noticed but don't want to mention it? Many people are very sensitive about their weight and a compliment --even as innocent as" You look great" --is taken the wrong way. If they notice how good I look now, did they think i looked bad before? type of thing.. You are doing great!! You know it and I'm sure your spouse does too!
    I agree with this. I know people tend to jump to the "jealousy" conclusion quickly, but since I've lost weight this year, I've gotten more than my share of incredibly awkward compliments from people at work or the gym, who are clearly concerned that it might be somehow offensive.
    To the OP - I'm going to guess your family has either noticed and hasn't wanted to say anything that might imply they thought you needed to lose in the first place, or they simply haven't really noticed the difference yet (on a guy your height, it might not be that extreme of a difference to people who don't see you all the time...especially if you're wearing your same 'big' clothes, and they're baggy). Depending where you are living this time of year, you might be hiding it under loose clothing, jackets, etc....
  • People didn't start saying anything to me until I lost about 50 pounds. At 75 I get a lot of questions. I've also noticed it's mostly the same people. Some people don't say anything (either they don't notice or they feel it's rude to comment or ask questions) and then a few people keep bringing it up.

    Personally, I don't mind either way. I like talking about it but I never bring it up, because I don't want to bore people who aren't interested!
  • I've lost a little over 20 now, I myself didn't see the changes in the mirror, it was in my clothes. NOT even my husband said ANYTHING! So I agree DO IT FOR YOURSELF! And you will knock the socks off ppl when you treat yourself to a NEW, CUTE & smaller size! GOOD LUCK, keep up the GOOD work