
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Oh i am so in for the challenge next time ! That falls right in the middle of my cruise that i am going on to Alaska so i will say that i want to loose 12 pounds ! Love these challenges !
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Put me down for 24! :flowerforyou:
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    Christenehetz -

    You are doing an amazing workout schedule! I don't have much to offer by way of suggestion since i'm not nearly at your level of fitness. From some of the stuff i've read, maybe your body needs a rest. Have you tried taking a week off of the heavier workout stuff? I don't know if it will work or not but it sounds like you've tried a lot of different things already.

    Thanks! Yes...I keep seeing that....I am going to give it a try. :) Thanks ladies!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Put me in the next challenge.:bigsmile:

    I will try for 12 pounds. :bigsmile:

  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Oh i am so in for the challenge next time ! That falls right in the middle of my cruise that i am going on to Alaska so i will say that i want to loose 12 pounds ! Love these challenges !

    You and I are going to be cruising about the same time! But I'm heading to Maryland, to see my daughter and fam, and then cruising from there to the Bahamas. :-)
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Kcthatsme -

    I'm so in for the next challenge!! If you need help with the excel formulas let me know! All of the cells should be able to function so that all you have to enter is the weight. I'm more than happy to help since you do so much for us hosting these!!!

    I finally figured that out. DUH to me... :wink: What would be super helpful is if you (or someone else) would be willing to do it for the two Monday's that I won't be here. Those dates are 5/21 and 5/28. I can do the 6/4 but it will be late and not come in until 6/5 since I'm traveling all day on that 4th.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Kcthatsme -

    I'm so in for the next challenge!! If you need help with the excel formulas let me know! All of the cells should be able to function so that all you have to enter is the weight. I'm more than happy to help since you do so much for us hosting these!!!

    I finally figured that out. DUH to me... :wink: What would be super helpful is if you (or someone else) would be willing to do it for the two Monday's that I won't be here. Those dates are 5/21 and 5/28. I can do the 6/4 but it will be late and not come in until 6/5 since I'm traveling all day on that 4th.

    Sure! I don't mind helping out at all =)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm going on a scale hiatus but will still be around for support if anyone needs it....
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Okay I desperately need help...I've been stuck in the 70s now and cannot seem to get beyond that...and I really love the 60s. I can feel comfortable in the 60s. haha..yes lil joke but really I need help. I've tried eating less, eating more, crosstraining, strenght training... Currently I have my calories set at 1420 I generally have an exercise calorie burn on 600-800 I run 3 times a week, cycle about 2 days a week, walk the dogs in the evening, and do p90x with weights or body resistance exercises about 3 times per week in the evenings. I don't really do spike days...I don't really want to go back down to 1200 cals, but will if I must to get something going. I have my activity level at sedentary because I have a desk job but when I'm not there I'm never really sitting down.....okay I think thats about it. Oh my macros I tried 40/30/30 and haven't hit them....I generally stay around 50/30/20 carbs/protein/fat

    I totally think that the Olivia method would work for you. Here it is...
    That way you will know your deficit and can control what it is. I also think it's important for you to get an HRM (if you don't have one, I really recommend the Polar FT7) so you know EXACTLY how much calorie output you're expending with your exercising. Make sure that you are sleeping 7-8 hours a night, getting at least 8 cups of water drunk every day, and take biotin and a good pre-natal multi-vitamin (since that has more of what dieters need). Make sure you have a day of complete rest (no exercising at all) the day before you do your weigh in. Try this and see if it will help you.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Kcthatsme -

    I'm so in for the next challenge!! If you need help with the excel formulas let me know! All of the cells should be able to function so that all you have to enter is the weight. I'm more than happy to help since you do so much for us hosting these!!!

    I finally figured that out. DUH to me... :wink: What would be super helpful is if you (or someone else) would be willing to do it for the two Monday's that I won't be here. Those dates are 5/21 and 5/28. I can do the 6/4 but it will be late and not come in until 6/5 since I'm traveling all day on that 4th.

    Sure! I don't mind helping out at all =)

    Thanks! I appreciate it!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    i'm going on a scale hiatus but will still be around for support if anyone needs it....

    Good luck! Were you happy with the results, when you did it before? You will be missed. :-(
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    I definitely want in the next challenge. Put me in for 15 pounds. That will be a challenge for me, but I will give it a go. I really like the sound of "thin in my skin."
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    ok, i'm in for the next challenge. put me down for 4 pounds.

    I'm really afraid of Maintainance. I upped my calories and have been struggling so much!

    so, this week i'm back down to 1200 and i've been doing perfect!!
    how can that be??

    maybe with the freedom, i just fill it with junk then can't stop??

    ugh. i need to figure this out.

    so, please, i'l love to do another challenge. i feel like i really need it!!

    Thanks, Amy
  • mrsgstone
    mrsgstone Posts: 115 Member
    KC- I am SO HAPPY you are thinking of doing another challenge! Even though I haven't lost much weight on this one, it has really made me think differently about weight loss and I really enjoy reading/responding to comments. I think Fantastic by the 4th would be really cute. My hubby and I are thinking about trying to start a family this summer so it would give me the final push to lose the rest of my weight so I won't be so heavy during pregnancy. Put me down for 20 lbs. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I haven't been around much last week and this week. My class has really been trying me a lot lately as we just got another student and she is VERY challenging. It's amazing how much one child can really change your whole class. I have been doing some serious "rules boot camp" and it's been helping a little bit. Hope it gets better soon!

    For the challenge this week, I think I'm going to go to the library and pick up some fashion magazines or a new book. I don't get much time to read for leisure during the school year so I may do just that for part of the weekend.

    Anyone else doing the junk mail challenge I wrote about on this weeks weigh-in? I think it's really helping! Hope to see a great loss by Monday.

    TOMORROW IS FRIDAY! :happy: Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Sailingsal...I hope you are better. Take good care of yourself!!!

    My self-care today was going to a wonderful Reiki session. I was given a gift certificate (actually 3 visits) with a wonderful healer. It was such a gift today. Can’t wait to go again!

    Kristen…You do an incredible job with this group. The new chart is incredible. I am in for the next challenge definitely! I will set my goal at 12 lbs for the 12 weeks. That is really high for me but I think its a good time to set the bar high! Thanks again for all you do!!!

  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Okay I desperately need help...I've been stuck in the 70s now and cannot seem to get beyond that...and I really love the 60s. I can feel comfortable in the 60s. haha..yes lil joke but really I need help. I've tried eating less, eating more, crosstraining, strenght training... Currently I have my calories set at 1420 I generally have an exercise calorie burn on 600-800 I run 3 times a week, cycle about 2 days a week, walk the dogs in the evening, and do p90x with weights or body resistance exercises about 3 times per week in the evenings. I don't really do spike days...I don't really want to go back down to 1200 cals, but will if I must to get something going. I have my activity level at sedentary because I have a desk job but when I'm not there I'm never really sitting down.....okay I think thats about it. Oh my macros I tried 40/30/30 and haven't hit them....I generally stay around 50/30/20 carbs/protein/fat

    My suggestion would be eat more for the amount of working out you do!! I know it sounds strange I can't even wrap my head around it but I have done Insanity and P90X losing inches but no weight
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Name/ real name: kristinkt / Kristin

    Current Weight: 183
    Challenge Goal Weight: 170

    01/02: 183
    01/09: 183
    01/16: 181.4
    01/23: 182.2
    01/30: 179.2 <<<mini goal weight 180 met>>>
    02/06: 177.8
    02/13: 177
    02/20: 177.4
    02/27: 175.2<<<mini goal weight 176 met & passed!>>>
    03/05: 174
    03/12: 173
    03/19: 172.4
    04/07: 170<<<challenge goal weight>>>

    Down .6 - Every little bit helps. This week I got me a new pair of shoes just because I wanted them & realized that I had achieved this week's goal in that same purchase. It was a nice challenge to remember to be nice to yourself. Thanks for the reminder!
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241

    Here is a sample of what our next challenge chart will look like. :smile:

    It will start on April 9th and end on July 2nd. It will go for 12 weeks. I'll open it up to the public around March 26th. If you want to be a part of it, just let me know how many lbs you would like to lose during that 12 week period. Also, it just might need a different name. Any ideas? Fantastic on the 4th? Supremely Svelte? Something...

    omg i love this chart!!!! you did a great job on it. and i like the title you gave it already. ooh i cant wait!!! lol
  • cathyl3
    cathyl3 Posts: 67 Member
    Kristen, I love the new chart! Adorable! I really want to do another challenge with you even though I haven't exactly lost weight. :blushing: Just been a rough year, but I hope things are on the upswing.

    Please put me down for 10 pounds. You look amazing, btw!!!
  • 01/02: 221.5
    01/09: 217.6
    01/16: 217.1
    01/23: 213.1
    01/30: Mini Goal: 217.5 211.4
    02/06: 209.6
    02/13: 205.7 Down 3.9lbs this week!! (hit new mini goal for 27th Feb)
    02/20: 203
    02/27: 200.8 down 2.2lbs this week
    03/05: 199.9 down 0.9lbs this week
    03/12: 199.9 <<no change>>
    03/19: 196 down 3.9lbs this week

    04/07: Challenge Goal: 207.5. New Challenge Goal: 199.5

    Mini goals:
    1) 1/30 217.5 hit 1/16
    2) 213.5 hit 1/16 revised to 207.5 hit 02/12
    3)Challenge Goal 199.5 beat 03/19 - no new goal made