
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Current Weight:176.6
    Challenge Goal Weight:162.6

    01/02: 176.6
    01/09: 176.8
    01/16: 176.6
    01/23: 176.4
    01/30: 175.2 <<<mini goal170>>>
    02/06: 172.6 s/flu 02/13: 175.0
    02/27:179.0 <<<mini goal165>>>
    03/05: 177.4
    03/12: 177.4(don't have scale YET! moved in and unpacking)

    i have been in a rut for what seems the last two months, between being sick , packing and moving and finally now unpacking the last two months have brought about weigh gains and unfortunately no strenuous exercise (doctors orders)my mind set is not positive and i am lacking motivation.....i need to get back to what works for me and that is logging, eating healthy and some form of exercise(i am doing weights just not circuit training)...thanks Kristen for the challenge, and all the work you put into this...i will join you all in the next challenge as well...:flowerforyou:
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member

    It will start on April 9th and end on July 2nd. It will go for 12 weeks. I'll open it up to the public around March 26th. If you want to be a part of it, just let me know how many lbs you would like to lose during that 12 week period. Also, it just might need a different name. Any ideas? Fantastic on the 4th? Supremely Svelte? Something...

    I AM SO EXCITED TO DO ANOTHER CHALLENGE AND MY TOTAL GOAL WAS TO BE DOWN 30 POUNDS BY JULY 4TH!!!! So that keeps me in the running for my total goal.....I am SOOOO happy!!!!! Thanks Kristen....and I had to chuckle on how you just figured out excel will help you do the math :):) Thanks for all you do!!!
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    HUge setback today, had a bad asthma attack, was rushed to hospital by ambulance. Now on steroid tablets and 4 hourly nebuliser as well as inhalers. Hoping i don't gain on steroids and i manage to get better and avoid hospital again. Was a scary day!

    That is awful!!! My daughter had one on Thursday night :( Hope you get back on your feet soon!!!
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    Hi all...
    I still can't find my chart.....
    but today I am 176.6...

    Kristin--Love the chart----I would love it if you would include me in this challenge.....I am sorry if I have been " quiet" this challenge.....could you put me down for 10 pounds???
    Thanks....Hope everyone has a great day/week!!!
  • julidav
    julidav Posts: 188 Member
    Name/ real name: Julidav/ Julie

    Current Weight: 171.0
    Challenge Goal Weight:157

    01/02: 171.0
    01/09: 168.8
    01/16: 163.2
    01/23: 162.8
    01/30: 163.8<<<mini goal was 167>>>
    02/06: 159.4
    02/13: 156.8
    02/20: 153.8
    02/27: 156.8<<<mini goal weight 163 >>>
    03/05: 154.6
    03/12: 151.2
    03/19: 151.6
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight 157 >>>
  • mrsgstone
    mrsgstone Posts: 115 Member
    Name/ real name: Michelle/mrsgstone

    Starting Weight: 206
    Challenge Goal Weight: 196... 190 edit 1/23

    01/02: 206
    01/09: 202 (really 201.8 but... I'm gonna be safe and say 202... :0)
    01/16: 202
    01/23: 198! (what...?!)
    01/30: 197 <<<mini goal weight>>> 200 edit... 196 1/23
    02/06: 197
    02/13: 196! 10 lbs down!
    02/20: 195
    02/27: 196... <<<mini goal weight>>> 193
    03/05: 194 (really 193.8 but I'll be safe...)
    03/12: 195
    03/19: 193! finally!
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>>190

    I did it! I've been meaning to get to 193 since 3/05 and I did it! YAY! Now just to stay on task to reach 190 by 4/07... I can do it! WE CAN DO THIS! :drinker: Have a great week everyone!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member

    I wish everyone luck with weigh-in this week! =)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I stayed the same this week checking in at 186.0 .
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member

    Still struggling with this challenge!
    Please sign me up for the next one.

    Challenge Goal Weight: 180.0

    01/02: 198.0
    01/09: 198.0
    01/16: 196.5
    01/23: 193.8
    01/30: 194.5
    02/06: 193.8 wow Deja Vu
    02/13: 194.6
    02/20: 194.6
    02/27: 192.0
    03/05: 191.0
    03/12: 188.5
    03/19: 188.3 blah!

    <<<challenge goal Lose 18lbs>>>
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    173.3 Still plateau but I'm okay with it. I'm tweaking some stuff and ready to get this show started.
  • rosiebug
    rosiebug Posts: 53 Member
    I'm so excited! Only 0.75 lbs until I can say I've lost 50 lbs, and I'm almost out of the 200's! Kristen - Please add me to the next challenge for 22 lbs!

    Name/ real name: rosiebug / Tiffany

    Current Weight: 225.75
    Challenge Goal Weight: 200.75

    01/02: 225.75
    01/09: 225.5
    01/16: 221.5
    01/23: 220.25
    01/30: 218 <<<218>>>
    02/06: 215.75
    02/13: 213.75
    02/20: 210.75
    02/27: 206.75 <<<original mini-goal 211, new mini-goal 209.5>>>
    03/05: 207.75
    03/12: 204.5
    03/19: 202.25
    04/07: <<<200.75>>>
  • rainas25
    rainas25 Posts: 143 Member
    Name/ real name: Raina/rainas25

    Current Weight: 219
    Challenge Goal Weight: 205

    01/02: 219
    01/09: 215.2
    01/16: 214.8
    01/23: 213.2
    01/30: 213.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 215--goal met!
    02/06: 213
    02/13: 209.6
    02/20: 209.2
    02/27: 208.6 <<<mini goal weight>>> 211-goal met!
    03/05: 207.8
    03/12: 208.8
    03/19: 206
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>>205
  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114 Member
    Darina23. Real name Olga.


    Start weight 183.
    Goal Weight 170

    01/02: 180.8
    01/09: 180.2
    01/16: 178.0
    01/23: 176.2
    01/30: 174.0 <<<mini goal weight 180>>> 6lb less then my goal!!!! Yay!
    02/06: 172.4
    02/13: 172.4
    02/20: 172.4
    02/27: 172.4 Stuck!!! Been sick and no exercise. Hoping for a drop next week.<<<mini goal weight 175>>>
    03/05: 172.4 still stuck. But I feel like the next week will be my week.
    03/12: 172.4 :((
    03/19: 172.4
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight 173>>>
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    Up this week 188.5 my settings is set to lose 1 and half pounds a week not gain 1 and a half! Anyways last week was kind of a bad one I was sick and missed out on 2 gym days so I only went twice and my eating was a little all over the place plus lots of snacking which got me over my sodium :( Will definately be pushing harder this week!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Current Weight: 199.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 185.8

    01/02: 199.8
    01/09: 195.7
    01/16: 192.5
    01/23: 193.1
    01/30: 191.7 (my mini goal was 189.9)
    02/06: 192.6
    02/13: 190.5
    02/20: 193.0
    02/27: 189.8 (mini goal weight>>> 186.8 )
    03/05: 190.1
    03/12: 192.6
    03/19: 191.7
    04/07: GW: 185.8

    I am so glad that we are doing a challenge after this one. I notice that I tend to drop a few pounds (I weigh myself daily) after the weigh in and then the weekends happen and I go back up a bit. Gotta look at my weekends.... I know that my exercise times gets "moved" or changed.
    With two more weeks to this challenge I really want to focus on my goals and see some good results!
    Kristen...thank you for doing a great job with this challenge.....and to everyone on this board....thank you for the help with motivation to keep on going!!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Name/ real name: Shirley61/Shirley
    Current Weight: 180.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 164.0

    01/02: 178.0
    01/09: 177.2
    01/16: 177.4
    01/23: 175.4
    01/30: 175.6<<<mini goal weight>>> 174.0
    02/06: 174.4
    02/13: 175.4
    02/20: vacation week no entry
    02/27: 178.4 <<<mini goal weight>>>170.0
    03/05: 175.6
    03/12: 178.0
    03/19: 180.2
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 164.0

    Well I am right back where I started when I started this challenge. I know I had some problems with
    my back so exercise was limited but my eating habits have not been very good. I almost didn't post
    today but I am fooling nobody but myself. So I will start back again today and hope I can finish better
    than I started.
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    Name/ real name: Amy

    Current Weight: 152
    Challenge Goal Weight: 144

    01/02: 152
    01/09: 151
    01/16: 149.5
    01/23: 149.5
    01/30: 148 <<<mini goal weight>>> 148
    02/06: 147
    02/13: 147
    02/20: 146
    02/27: 145.5 <<<met mini goal weigh 146>>>
    03/05: 146
    03/12: 147
    03/19: 145
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 144

    when i upped my calories, i went over almost every day.
    so after a disaster day last monday, i put my calories back down and stayed under every day. . .
    as a result, i had a great week and i feel super!

    hope everyone had good weeks!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 182.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 169

    01/02: 182.2
    01/09: 177.4 (-4.8)
    01/16: 174.2 (-3.2)
    01/23: 174.2 (-0)
    01/30: 174.4 (+.2)
    02/06: 174 (-.4)
    02/13: 173.2 (-.8)
    02/20: 172.8 (-.4)
    02/27: skip - away for my 1/2 marathon
    03/05: 180.6 (+7.8)
    03/12: 178.4(-2.2)
    03/19: 182.6 (+4.2) i'm pretty disappointed in myself for my ups and my downs and my ups and my downs - BUT there is nowhere left to go but down again soooooo, i'm back on it today with packed lunch and snacks and water water water...i'll end the challenge less than i started but more than likely not at 169 which was my goal...
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    Current Weight: 168
    Challenge Goal Weight: was-- 154 now---145

    01/09: 163
    01/16: 160
    01/23: 159 on friday---162 today but TOM is here too...grrr
    01/30: <<<mini goal weight>>> WAS--156.........159 :-(
    02/06: 158
    02/13: 158
    02/20: 158
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight>>> 152..........156 didnt hit my goal but i did lose something!!
    03/05: 156...i did measure myself and ive lost 2.75 inches since january!! better than nothing!
    03/12: 155!!
    03/19: 154! original goal before i changed it....dont know if im going to be able to lose these last 9lbs before the end of the challenge but im going to try my hardest!!!........and this is with TOM being here!!!
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 145
  • ncytiz
    ncytiz Posts: 105 Member
    Name/ real name: Ncytiz/Nancy

    Current Weight: 146.6
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135

    01/02: 146.6
    01/09: 146.0
    01/16: 145.6
    01/23: 144.0
    01/30: 142.6
    02/06: 141.0
    02/13: 141.4 <<< Mini goal >>> Healthy BMI: 141.1
    02/20: 140.2
    02/27: 138.4
    03/05: 136.8
    03/12: 137.0
    03/19: 135.6
    04/07: <<< Challenge goal >>> 135

    So excited! I'm almost there....