2011: Good, bad, indifferent?



  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    It's hard to think back to the beginning of the year. Good, I started my weight loss this year and I'm below what I was last february. Bad, my dog got a lot worse this year. Her eyesight dipped way low, she has arthritis now, she gained weight. Different, I'm at the age where everything changes because of new responsibilities.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Good for me. Got married, hubby got a promotion, I got my first permanent job in the UK which means no more travelling at the weekends and living away from home during the week, decided to stay in London for a bit longer because we are enjoying it so much rather than going back to Aust which was the original plan, sorted my UK visa for a bit longer. Travelled to Australia, Fiji, LA, New York, Cotswolds, Oxford, Venice, Paris and Berlin. All in all, quite a fab year.

    Also, I should add that I didn't lose the weight that I wanted to lose but for the first time in my life, I am eating normally. No 500 calorie days, no 8 hour days at the gym, no binge eating. Just normal. I can't remember the last time I was like that (although it was before the last time I lost weight which was 10 years ago). So I am feeling very positive about trying to continue like this but hopefully drop some weight. To me though, my normal eating is a much bigger achievement than weight.
  • bakebunny
    bakebunny Posts: 253
    2011 was a tough year - it beat me up emotionally, and financially... but at the same time the tests that came my way showed me that I am stronger than I ever thought I was because I came through them in one piece. I also discovered it's okay to trust people again, and that people can be generous to me and my boys.

    While 2012 starts off in a worse place than last year started, I have more confidence in myself and know I have friends that will be there to scrape up the puddle of me should I lose heart.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    The beginning of the year totally SUCKED. My depression and anxiety were the worst they have ever been..
    A close friend of mine passed away in February and in between January and July I attempted suicide many times, very much early succeeding, spec when I took 100+ tablets ...

    I started exercising and found out that works better than any stupid tablet ever will.
    I have lost quite a bit of weight, am learning to love myself and life again...
    Oh and I figured out what I wanna do for a living :)

    So it started off bad, but the end was amazing..

    Oh my goodness .. now THAT got my attention! I am so glad you gained your freedom from that state of mind. I hope you are past all that and feel better about your bright future. I really wish you all the best.

    I am curious, what have you decided to do for a living? I hope that is not too personal of a question to ask. Just curious.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    The beginning of the year totally SUCKED. My depression and anxiety were the worst they have ever been..
    A close friend of mine passed away in February and in between January and July I attempted suicide many times, very much early succeeding, spec when I took 100+ tablets ...

    I started exercising and found out that works better than any stupid tablet ever will.
    I have lost quite a bit of weight, am learning to love myself and life again...
    Oh and I figured out what I wanna do for a living :)

    So it started off bad, but the end was amazing..

    Oh my goodness .. now THAT got my attention! I am so glad you gained your freedom from that state of mind. I hope you are past all that and feel better about your bright future. I really wish you all the best.

    I am curious, what have you decided to do for a living? I hope that is not too personal of a question to ask. Just curious.

    Personal Training :D but more than that I wanna help people gain healthy and happy lives!
  • Good- can't think of many will try and think of some ooo actually getting 88% on an exam presentation to do with nursing.

    Bad- where do I start having to give up Uni due to severe illness being diagnosed with a Tumor which isn't operable but not cancerous which is a bonus but going on to develop a heart condition due to it and being on 21 tablets a day to keep me stable.

    But hey go there are people worse than me