Introduce yourselves



  • cjones0992
    cjones0992 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 20 years old, and I got tired of "wishing" I was in good shape. So, the day after Thanksgiving 2011 (the last day where I completely stuffed my face til I thought I was gonna explode) I decided to get serious about it. I started at 170lb, and my current weight is 159.6. I was surprised at how quickly those 10 lbs dropped, considering for 2 weeks around Christmas I failed to log or exercise. Since the new year, I've lost a couple lbs, but have been off and on the band wagon. My goal weight is 140-143 lbs, and I want to achieve that before the summer (hopefully before spring break!).

    Now I have recently become a Jillian Michaels fanatic. First DVD I bought was the 30 day shred. The most consecutive days I've completed is about 7. This is after a few different attempts. Hopefully one of these days I'll complete a whole month. BUT I LOVE the No More Trouble Zones DVD. I'm not a fan of cardio, so that one is more fun to me. 30 day shred is good, and so is Killer Buns and Thighs. Blast Fat Boost Metabolism, UGH that one is tough!!! I like to change up my workout a lot, so I change dvds often.

    And for those of you thinking about doing the 30 day shred, the first couple days are TOUGH and hard to get through, but once you break that barrier, it gets easier. After only 7 days of it, I felt a difference. Wish I would have stuck with it :/

    Oh, and feel free to ADD ME!!!! I could always use more friends!!!
  • fabiola1024
    fabiola1024 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 29 years old, just had a baby in November and just got released to workout on Jan 3rd by my doctor after labor complications. I had already lost about 30 pounds since the birth of my son but I still have a lot to go. I purchased Ripped in 30 a couple weeks ago and last week I did 4 days of Week 1 but I decided to start all over again yesterday on Week 1. My goal is to workout 6 days a week. The circuit is only 24 minutes but it kicks butt!! I am so sore today from just working out yesterday and today.
    My goal is to lose weight so I can gain some confidence back. I want to be able to play with my boys without feeling so exhausted. Of course as a woman, I also am looking forward to looking fabulous during the summer, with all that is my stats
    SW: 189
    CW: 177
    GW: 122
    If anyone is doing Ripped in 30 and want to have a buddy to help with motivation, send me an add and I'll be happy to accept. Together we CAN do this. :)
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    welcome ladies!!!
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! I'm Emily. I started with MFP in June of 2010. I've been hanging out 5 lbs from my goal for the past year or so. I've been doing Jillian on and off from the beginning in addition to running. Right now I'm doing 6 week 6 pack 5 to 6 days a week, 30 DS 2 to 3 times and running 3 days a week. I'm currently on Level 1 of 6W6P and Level 2 of 30DS. Even thought I've been through 30 DS a few times, Level 2 is still a killer. I usually do 6W6P in the morning and either 30 DS or run in the evenings. This is my third week of this routine and I sure do notice a difference in my core. Working out in the morning has been making me hungrier during the day though.
  • graegirl
    graegirl Posts: 23 Member
    HI everyone, my name is Grae and I was once very athletic and fit, but have gained approximately 30 pounds since returning to college and a more sedentary lifestyle three years ago. I've also lost strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. It has made me feel unhappy and powerless.

    Time to change all that! I want to look and feel good for my graduation on May 20th, so I hope to lose 20 lbs. before then.

    My plan is to do Ripped in 30 four times a week, in addition to two 30 - 45 minute runs, two yoga classes, and one 45 minute kickboxing workout. There will be some variation, but this is the core plan for me! I started on January 16, and so far I am going strong!

    I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone else in this group is doing with their goals in 2012. Good luck everybody!
    Thanks for the support. Let's do this!!!
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    Hello Im Susie and I love Jillian's DVD'S. Shes amazing. Ive had my 1 year Anniversary on Jan. 15th (MFP) and started out at 155 and now 132. I started out with 30 day Shred and went to Ripped N 30 where I got most of my results. Ive done Fat Metobolism, No Trouble Zones, Shred with Weights, 6 week 6 pk abs. Im currently doing Extreme Shed and Shred and Insanity mixed up. Jillian is getting a new DVD out called Revolution next month its a 90 day program seen a short video and WOW.. Hardcore im so excited cant wait to start that one right before summertime and the bikini season..

  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I have a love/hate relationship with Jillian lol But I have loved every dvd of her's that I have tried.

    I"m will be turning 30 this year and in August of 2011 I was the heaviest I have ever been. I decided it was time for a life change.

    My next mini goal is 182 by Feb 26, today's weigh in was 190.6. I weigh in every day but record Sunday Am. My GW is about 135-130 but will evaluate when I get there and see how I feel.

    I have about 4 of Jillian's dvds and I like to rotate them as to not get bored. (i got bored with 30 day shred after 15 days). My favorite so far is Shed and Shred (the new one) I can only do section 1 but hope to try and do section 2. I'm not a fan of the Yoga Meltdown one. I'm looking forward to seeing what her Body Revolution that is due out in Feb is.

    Mary Beth
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Stacy and I am a stay at home Mom to three small children (ages 2-5). I packed on about 25 pounds since I had my youngest child 2 years ago and wasn't happy about it. I tried WW but the point system didn't seem to be a good fit for me and I quickly gave up. In November at the recommendation of my SIL and a friend from HS I signed up for MFP and started to use the tools in earnest the week after Thanksgiving. Well, semi-earnest because I definitely went WAY over a few days for the holidays.

    But, overall I've made a lot of positive changes and lost just about 13 pounds so far. I would like to lose another 13 or so and then I'll be happy. The biggest change I've made beside counting calories is incorporating exercise at least 5 days a week. When I first started I was using the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Videos. I jumped in too fast (from doing no exercise to walking about 9 miles a day) and wound up injuring both ankles/feet and having to take off a few weeks. When I finally was able to ease back in I started with Pilates and that was fine for a bit but I really wanted the high calorie burns I was getting before and I remembered doing Ripped in 30 last Spring and loving it so I dug out my copy and started back at it. That re-ignited my love of Jillian workouts and I went on a mini shopping spree. I now have 30DS, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, No more trouble zones, 6 week 6 pack, and Killer Buns Killer Thighs in my collection and haven't even tried many of them out yet.

    This week I was supposed to be on Week 3 of RI30 and did day one on Tuesday (I do them Tues-Saturday). Unfortunately my 3 year old came down with a pretty bad illness so yesterday I had to take the day off and cuddle her on the sofa all day instead. She's a bit better today so I'm thinking about popping something in but now I'm not sure if I want to continue RI30 or start switching around.

    Anyway, it is great to meet everyone!!
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Magen, I am 24 years old and started my weight loss journey in January of 2011. When I began I was a little over 200 pounds and I now am currently 140. My goal is to drop 10 more pounds by July which is when I am getting married in Jamaica!

    Being that I was a college student (I just graduated this past December) I honesty didn't have the extra cash to join a gym and I instead invested in jillian michaels dvds. She truly is my role model and I feel like every bit of confidence that I have gained through this last year is because of her (and my dedication of course).

    great to meet everyone! :)
  • rosebayer
    rosebayer Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I'm Rose. I'm a sophomore in college and I've lost about 27 pounds. I listen to Jillian Michael's podcast every Tuesday :) I take a Military-style Fitness class and a Swimming class for college credit and I go to a non-credit Yoga class.
  • Maxingtonbear
    Maxingtonbear Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Stefanie. I've been a MFP member for a while, but never really used it. I hope to change that! I have 2 boys- a 4 year old & a 21 month old. I gained over 50lbs while pregnant with my 1st son, lost a bit & then gained about 40lbs with my 2nd. I totally have workout DVD A.D.D. & never stay with one single DVD. Because of that, I have a nice collection. :)
    I started running in May 2011, when I joined Team In Training with a good friend in honor of her Mother In Law, who passed away 3 months after being diagnosed with cancer. I had never ran & worked up to running a 1/2 marathon in October. It was such a great experience that I signed up again & am planning on running a 1/2 in June in San Diego. I'm still crazy slow, but learning to love running (even though it still frustrates the heck out of me!).
    AND I LOVE Jillian. :) I have 4 or 5 of her DVDs & just ordered her Body Revolution (sold my Insanity to justify the cost).
    Really, I just need the motivation to stick with it. I lose interest sooooo fast & am going to try like heck to force myself to do the whole 90 days of the BR set.
    Oh & I'm a vegetarian with the worst eating habits. Who doesn't know how to cook. :)
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    I'm a bit late to the group but I love JM! I did her Ripped in 30 DVD in March and got amazing results. Started Extreme Shed and Shred in April but I slacked off for a month after two weeks...:grumble: Gained 6 lbs back! :sad:

    Now I'm back on the JM wagon! I've been having joint issues for the last month but I'm looking to complete either 6 week 6 pack or Extreme Shed and Shred by the end of June.

    Here's to another fresh start! :drinker: