Aussie's with greater than 30kg to lose?



  • noah_mac
    noah_mac Posts: 30 Member
    I want to lose at least 40kgs, that'd put me at good weight... for me being such a short a** :laugh:
  • I started my journey about 2 months ago and have lost about 4kg and figure now the aussie summer is approaching that I best get my butt into gear!!! I'm currently 112.4kg and would love to be below 100kg by xmas and then hopefully slim on down to around 70kgs. I'm also planning baby no 3 next year so any weight loss will help. Want to be fitter and healthier so I can chase around the 2 beautiful girls I already have. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other to a healthier self :)
  • Hey, I'm from Sydney & I've got 33kg to lose. I've lost 60kg in the past only to be wiped out for several years after an accident & I've put on 30kg :(
    I hope there's some others out there I can connect with so we can help encourage one another.
  • Hi everyone,

    Sydney guy here, current weight as at 16/09/13 is 117kgs, goal weight is 85kgs - so 32kgs to lose. Dont have a set date, just a goal to change my life. Love MFP, love watching biggest loser AUS & US, have a partner of 5 years who I love to death, and two dogs (American Bulldog & a Husky) ... all 3 are my world atm until kids come along in the future. I want to be healthy and happy in all aspects of life to be a great dad for my kids.

    Please feel free to add me, im looking for mates (guys & girls) to share tips, tricks, motivation & achievements.

  • yayjay
    yayjay Posts: 84 Member
    hey all! newly married to boyfriend of 6ish years, have slowly been putting on more weight since working fulltime. Recently miscarried while trying to have a baby. Have decided that I want to be fit and healthy again before I can tackle trying for a baby for a second round.

    I would like to loose 30kilos but tone up so my end weight may be less than 30kilos loss from now.

    I try to workout for minimum 40 mins every work day and do at least 8000 steps on sat and sundays. I love cooking so eating healthy for me is fun.

    Please add me if you want someone to follow along with :)
  • I started at 108kg and now I'm around the 88 mark - I have a goal of 65kg so I'm nearly half way! :) This will bring it to a grand total of 43kg! O_o
  • 30ish to go... 20 gone!
  • Go4it1985
    Go4it1985 Posts: 169 Member
    Hey there I have 40kgs to lose as well....a long journey but we'll get there if we just keep going :)
  • lukeruss
    lukeruss Posts: 34 Member
    Have about 40 to lose I am from perth
  • Am also from Perth! I have 50 to lose.

    Feel free to add me as I'm looking for some friends on here for mutual motivation and support :)
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have lost almost 40kg! I want some more Aussie friends
  • lizstyles2013
    lizstyles2013 Posts: 34 Member
    I have about 40kgs to lose but lacking motivation to do any exercise and eating after tea is the killer for me. Is there anyone on here that suffers from PCOS as I think this along with depression is stopping me from losing weight which is a real downer when you try as hard as you can and get nowhere. Any ideas anyone??
  • philipm21
    philipm21 Posts: 1 Member
    I have ~40kg to lose (down 10 so far, 30 to go) - Would like some more Sydney/inner west MFP friends!
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    I'm from Melbourne and have 60kg to lose :)

    Feel free to add me from anywhere in Australia, looking for more Aussie MFP buddies.
  • HappyTravels
    HappyTravels Posts: 22 Member
    Have only recently found MFP.

    I've got around 60kg to lose so have a long road ahead.

    Any tips and support would be appreciated - especially with the Christmas season about to hit.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Feel free to add me, 30 or so lost, 30 or so to go :)
  • hi had 70kgs to loose started 2010 and have about 10 left to go 155kg start down to 95/96 now
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi fellow Aussies!

    I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone! I have successfully lost 30kg and although it's the Christmas season and plenty of parties going on, I'm hoping to maintain over the festive season and will be hitting it hard on 1 January (if not before) to achieve my new goals for 2014.

    My plan is to cut back on the days that I don't have any social outings and if I have a bit of a splurge a couple of times a week, it really shouldn't matter. My problem is always champagne!!

    We can do this!! Good luck to everyone and if anyone would like to read my profile and add me as a friend, please send me a message letting me know where you saw this post and lets support one another.

    Tom Venuto says that there are 5 elements to fat loss. The 5th Element is Accountability and Support :)
  • tanyatabone9
    tanyatabone9 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Vegetarian, Melbourne, 65 kg to lose. Have lost 15 so far, so a very long journey for me. I'm here for the long haul. I have a public diary and would love to have other Aussie friends with open diaries. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi guys!
    I have about 60 kg to lose. Just added few of you, anyone else feel free to add me :-) I'm from Melbourne.