Aussie's with greater than 30kg to lose?



  • I *wish* I only had 30kg to lose. Hoping to rid myself of at least 3 times that!

    I'm from Brisbane and would love some friends on here for some Much needed support (and chit-chat). Please add me!
  • klobz11
    klobz11 Posts: 16 Member
    I've got just over 60kg's to lose. I started the change to a healthier lifestyle a couple of months ago at the end of November and have lost just over 6kg's so far.

    If anyone wants to add me, feel free to :)
  • I have 34.6 to loose. Am currently on the loose baby weight program which I'm loving along with using MFP.. I have only been using MFP 2 weeks but think its fantastic!
  • AnthonyKetland
    AnthonyKetland Posts: 2 Member
    I started out at 130.4kg. I have 40.3kg to lose until I reach a healthy BMI. I have lost 11.1kg (8.5%) of my body weight since 29 November, 2013. I use MFP religiously for logging my calorie intake and logging my weight. I also use the Libra Android app for tracking my weight loss.

    Keep up the great work everyone :)
  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member

    Nearly finished with my journey..

    26kg down, 8.7kg to go!

    In Melbourne, add me :)
  • Hey everyone, yep I have lost approx 35kgs and still have about 35kgs to go!
    Happy for anyone to add me. Have been on and off here, but really want to focus and need the support :)
  • bigldesigns
    bigldesigns Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My total weight loss target is 60kg (in 3 x 20kg goals)
    I started at 118kg in June 2013 -and reached my first goal of >100kg by November 2013
    My next goal is >80kg...

    My current weight is 95kg.. Making a total loss so far of 23Kg
    Mostly done with diet as my MS prevents me from doing much at all most days..

    I'm based in West Sydney if anyone want to add me.. feel free..
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member

    Well, I started with over half my body weight to lose. I'm 24.5kg down and I still have 51 or so to go. I say or so because my end goal is around 73kg but I'll consider exactly what I'm going to when I'm closer to getting there. I'm not really looking at how much I had/have to lose in total, but just watching the scales go down right now (awesome!)

    I'm from NZ but living in Melbourne :)

    I'm just throwing an update in here to keep you all motivated and going - it can be done! I posted this ^ last March. I've now lost 53.5kg in total. I'm just over 20kg from my goal, but have set an ultimate goal weight 9kg under that. Because I know I'll get there :)
  • itbloke
    itbloke Posts: 20 Member
    Hi All, new to the group and MFP in general

    In Melbourne and have 70kg to lose...

    First week down! :)
  • I originally lost around 40kg using mfp but i fell off the wagon and put about 30 of those back on i am now back to try again.
  • Hiya

    Well, I started with over half my body weight to lose. I'm 24.5kg down and I still have 51 or so to go. I say or so because my end goal is around 73kg but I'll consider exactly what I'm going to when I'm closer to getting there. I'm not really looking at how much I had/have to lose in total, but just watching the scales go down right now (awesome!)

    I'm from NZ but living in Melbourne :)

    I'm just throwing an update in here to keep you all motivated and going - it can be done! I posted this ^ last March. I've now lost 53.5kg in total. I'm just over 20kg from my goal, but have set an ultimate goal weight 9kg under that. Because I know I'll get there :)

    Great work
  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member
    I had lost 40kg but found some of them.

    Want to aim for fit now.

    New friends with similar goals are welcome
  • Adam_NeverGiveup
    Adam_NeverGiveup Posts: 35 Member
    I have a little more than 30 kg to lose , could be as much as 40kg ,

    I dont have a goal weight as such , what it ends up as is it up to the body but it will be down around 74 - 80 kg

    End of 2012 I lost 30kg , but over 2013 I put on 33 kg .

    Enough is enough , time to strip it back off and keep it off forever
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member

    Well, I started with over half my body weight to lose. I'm 24.5kg down and I still have 51 or so to go. I say or so because my end goal is around 73kg but I'll consider exactly what I'm going to when I'm closer to getting there. I'm not really looking at how much I had/have to lose in total, but just watching the scales go down right now (awesome!)

    I'm from NZ but living in Melbourne :)

    I'm just throwing an update in here to keep you all motivated and going - it can be done! I posted this ^ last March. I've now lost 53.5kg in total. I'm just over 20kg from my goal, but have set an ultimate goal weight 9kg under that. Because I know I'll get there :)

    Well done!

  • I am here to lose 40kgs and reassess so it may end up about 50kgs.
    I would like to see a whopping big chunk of that gone by end of June 2014 when I go to Thailand.
    If anyone is looking for friends feel free to add me :D
  • dlpau
    dlpau Posts: 25 Member
    I've lost 63kg over the last 2 years and looking to have it all over and done with this year by losing another 30-40kgs.

    Started doing free weights at the gym at the start of December and loving it, I was doing the cable machines for about 4 months before that.

    New friends are always welcome.
  • Here I am with 30kg to loose. Finally trying to take control so here goes nothing. Would love the support
  • Fridge67
    Fridge67 Posts: 23 Member
    Looking to lose 55kg and get myself below the 100kg. Started 1.1.2014 lost 7.6kg so far , only 48kg to go. Feel free to add me I know I am going to need support during those dreaded flat spots.
  • vickiaus
    vickiaus Posts: 17 Member
    I have about 30 kg to loose I started about 10 days ago and so far is all going well
    Im living at both Airlie Beach and Cairns which means a lot of travelling but because I'm planning a lot better already.
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I started in August 2011 with more than 30 to lose. 45-53 all told, depending on whether you want to listen to the BMI scale. I've lost 33 and I am planning on losing just a few more kilos. Once there I will assess whether I want to get UNDER 60 kilos. The weight isn't coming off as fast as it did to start (2kg a week then!) but I'm ok with losing a kilo every couple of months now. I haven't updated the MFP suggested calorie intake for a while, so its sitting on 1280 a day. Any less than that and I'd starve to death! So unless I greatly reduce the calories or increase the exercise, slow is going to be the way.