chronic constipation--please help!



  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    One of my friends has almost the exact sounding problem. The only thing that helps her pooping is using miralax. She can't get her body to absorb water and fiber properly, she told me.
  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    I recently had the same problem for almost 2 weeks. I know how miserable that feeling is. I urge you to go see a doctor!!! It really is a dangerous situation and could actually be a medical problem.

    I did see a doctor too. He actually suggested that I use Mirilax and Metamucil. I have used Mirilax consistently and I have increased my water intake. it worked like a charm - unlike all of the other laxatives, enemas, etc. did not!!!

    Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
  • Okay, so I didn't want to leave you all hanging...

    I did go to the doctor this morning and she told me to take magnesium citrate, get suppositories, and drink juice/clear liquids only for a few days. She ordered some blood tests at my request--celiac disease and a few others. She referred me to a GI specialist--I should be getting a colonoscopy soon. Sometime this month I'd think. she said she thinks I have irritable bowel syndrome...yeah, i could have told her that. Went to ob-gyn and the doctor was the sweetest lady ever. she was like a psychiatrist or something. she said i should do yoga. got a pap smear (TMI) and she ordered a PCOS lab, thyroid panel, and the regular pap stuff. I also have to do a stool sampling for 3 days to see if I have a parasite or anything. No immediate relief but at least I'll find out if something is wrong.

    I will not be doing the clear/liquid diet because I do not like the thought of consuming less than 1000 calories. I will keep REALLY REALLY hydrated. Eat soft/low bulk foods and try to keep my deficit REASONABLE. I will use the products she recommended.
  • old64mb
    old64mb Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to hear you got some sound medical advice.

    Just FYI, the reason your doctor didn't volunteer the tTG test is that while IBS-D and IBS-A can often be confused with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, someone with IBS-C symptoms generally shouldn't be worried about it unless other discrepancies show up. (What most MDs that aren't specialists in this don't know is that most tTG tests are only about 75% likely to catch celiac if you have it - in general the people who know the disease will order an endoscopy as it's the gold standard workup.)

    Do consider the liquid diet though - it's not that hard to get 1000 calories from it.

    Good luck getting better!
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    This thread has helped so much. Thanks everyone. I was having similar problems.

  • I will not be doing the clear/liquid diet because I do not like the thought of consuming less than 1000 calories. I will keep REALLY REALLY hydrated. Eat soft/low bulk foods and try to keep my deficit REASONABLE. I will use the products she recommended.

    If the doctor tells you to do this before a colonoscopy you really need to do it or they'll send you home :(

  • I will not be doing the clear/liquid diet because I do not like the thought of consuming less than 1000 calories. I will keep REALLY REALLY hydrated. Eat soft/low bulk foods and try to keep my deficit REASONABLE. I will use the products she recommended.

    If the doctor tells you to do this before a colonoscopy you really need to do it or they'll send you home :(

    it isn't for the colonoscopy...if it were then i'd follow the orders--it's just to get things "regular" again.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    You are going to have to do that for the prep for the colonoscopy though, I had one done not to long ago and had to do that for the 3 days prior, the last day you have to take the laxative I took pergodan, pergodan is cheaper not that it is that expensive mind you. The day you take that stuff stay at home close to a toilet and drink lots (and I do mean lots) of water if you do not you will get dehydrated pretty fast. Not fun stuff by any means of the imagination but it did clean everything out. I had more stuff done other than the colonoscopy so plan for a day post op to recover if you can.
  • You are going to have to do that for the prep for the colonoscopy though, I had one done not to long ago and had to do that for the 3 days prior, the last day you have to take the laxative I took pergodan, pergodan is cheaper not that it is that expensive mind you. The day you take that stuff stay at home close to a toilet and drink lots (and I do mean lots) of water if you do not you will get dehydrated pretty fast. Not fun stuff by any means of the imagination but it did clean everything out. I had more stuff done other than the colonoscopy so plan for a day post op to recover if you can.

    yeah I can't say that the prep for the colonoscopy will be fun but it will be worth it! cannot wait for them to actually look at it and see if everything is okay.
  • HI, I have had the same problem. My mom says that I was born constipated, and as I age, the constipation has gotten so bad that I couldn't be intimate with my husband because it hurt to bad. I finally got the nerve to go to my doctor and she told me to start taking between 200 and 500 mg of magnesium and to make sure that my colon gets cleaned out do a thirty day stretch of miralax. I didn't want to do the miralax because I have taken those fiber mixes and hated it, but it was not too bad. I am a huge hot tea drinker so I added it into my tea. I couldn't taste a difference. I had tried water but I thought I could and couldn't drink it. I stopped about a month ago with the miralax, but have kept taking the magnesium and have felt so much better! As long as I make sure I drink enough, I usually have a bowl movement everyday! I hope that helps!
  • momma2jillian07
    momma2jillian07 Posts: 33 Member
    Have you tried Probiotics? They really do work wonders to keep things going. I have IBS and this is my only "cure". Honestly.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    I've read every post--thanks everyone for all of the ideas. MY diet includes eggs, egg whites, about a scoop of protein powder each day. 2 slices of whole grain bread, may be 1 wheat tortilla, popcorn. Cottage cheese, yogurt, and maybe 1-1.5 oz cheese. 1-2 processed snacks a day. Veggies, fish, and spices.

    My suggestion, fat. Coconut butter/oil/avocado/olive oil/coconut milk

    When I'm not getting adequate amounts,I get backed up.
  • Angierae81
    Angierae81 Posts: 24 Member
    try organic smoothe move tea, it works may take a day and a cup or two but works
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Fruit and Cabege (but be careful about your cabege increase 0_O) Also you really should get checked out by the dr, you never know it may be something THEY need to fix
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Give it 24 hours and call your doctor. You could have a bowel blockage that could be very dangerous if you're not careful.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    I suffer from chronic constipation but what you are describing to me is something more serious!!!!!! Please see your doctor! Your doctor may order you a CT scan of the pelvis to look at your kidneys and colon. It is very possible you have appendicitis - which if left untreated, can be very dangerous to your health!

    Please, please see your doctor ASAP tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Hope it's nothing serious. Hope you get to feeling better soon! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Haven't read all the comments, just the ones on the first page, but saw that someone mentioned dairy/gluten sensitivity/intolerance. For the last several years I have had worsening digestive problems, with constipation as one of them ... I started noticing that when I ate wheat was when the problems were the worst and they would last up to 24 hours ... and the next time I'd eat wheat they would start up again. I tried taking wheat/gluten out of my diet (I already eat vegan so it was challenging at first), and I haven't had any problems since I stopped eating wheat! I have a doctor's appointment set up for later this month to test for celiac disease and check the health of my small intestine, because my sister and cousin have celiac disease also. Estimates are that 1 in 133 people have celiac ... and often times it is misdiagnosed as IBS because most doctor's don't screen for it.

    So my advice would be to avoid gluten and see if that helps. I have also read that those who are sensitive and/or intolerant to gluten may be sensitive and/or intolerant to dairy, too, since your intestines are inflamed/damaged. But once your intestine repairs itself (by staying off gluten) then you should be able to digest dairy fine again ... although, as a vegan, I wouldn't recommend it ;)
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    So, I have been so severely backed up and I cannot make sense of it. I'm going crazy and getting depressed because of this.

    Here's some background...

    Stopped running 60-75 minutes daily b/c gym closed, so instead did road running for 20-35 minutes a day (too hard on my shins)

    I eat enough fiber---over enough, always have

    I drink at least 60-100oz of water (I'm only 4'11 and ~100 pounds)

    My weight has gone up 5 pounds despite being at a deficit

    When I do poop it feels incomplete

    I've tried an enema and i "pooped" out the water but barely any poop.

    I am strongly against laxatives but I'm desperate so I tried smooth move tea--got it today and had a cup. I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll get relief.

    Does anyone have this problem? What works for you? Eating is incredibly uncomfortable in this state and my stomach is ALWAYS bloated lately. I go to sleep and in the middle of the night it's like it gets worse NOT better. I am at wit's end and soooo down about this. Please help!

    After my back surgery I was on pain meds and they made me very constipated! I went 5 days without pooping before....but I will tell you what...I got some of that Dieters Tea extra strength and that did the trick! The very next morning I had a bowel movement, and about twice a day for 3 days after that one cup! It was the best thing ever! It will dehydrate you so it's not a long term solution, but it does help.

    Sometimes if you eat a lot of preservatives like diet drinks, packaged foods, or artificial sweeteners, it can back people up because it sits in thier intestines and is not always absorbed correctly and backs everything up. If this is the first time it has happened to you, and you eat well, try a good colon clense just one time to get you back on track. Make sure you pick wisely though. Some are brutal on your organs.... If this becomes an epidemic and long term, you may want to see a doctor for possible IBS-C or Allergies. Those things can sometimes not show up until later in life. Mine started when I was 22. There are also supplements you can take which are natural and organic which help your bowels like LACT ENZYME. It helps digest the food, and makes you go more regularly. It's about $12.00. I use Standard Process and I get it from my chiropractor. It works great and is not bad for any of your organs.

    Good Luck and I hope you get the needed results!
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    Haven't read all the comments, just the ones on the first page, but saw that someone mentioned dairy/gluten sensitivity/intolerance. For the last several years I have had worsening digestive problems, with constipation as one of them ... I started noticing that when I ate wheat was when the problems were the worst and they would last up to 24 hours ... and the next time I'd eat wheat they would start up again. I tried taking wheat/gluten out of my diet (I already eat vegan so it was challenging at first), and I haven't had any problems since I stopped eating wheat! I have a doctor's appointment set up for later this month to test for celiac disease and check the health of my small intestine, because my sister and cousin have celiac disease also. Estimates are that 1 in 133 people have celiac ... and often times it is misdiagnosed as IBS because most doctor's don't screen for it.

    So my advice would be to avoid gluten and see if that helps. I have also read that those who are sensitive and/or intolerant to gluten may be sensitive and/or intolerant to dairy, too, since your intestines are inflamed/damaged. But once your intestine repairs itself (by staying off gluten) then you should be able to digest dairy fine again ... although, as a vegan, I wouldn't recommend it ;)

    YES! THIS TOO! I just started this type of diet! No Gluten, No Dairy and it has helped tremendously!!!! No bloat or huge amounts of stored water weight! I am so happy with what this new lifestyle has done for me!
  • SMOOTH MOVE HERBAL TEA--it always works!