January Gym Joiners....in the way!!!



  • I was a January Gym joiner just last year. I started in January, because that is the time the best deals, no joining fees, etc. are offered. When I started, I tried to go to the gym at "off" times, because I new that I was new to the machines and the unwritten "rules" of the gym. I had a few regulars that were MORE than rude, and if it had not been for a couple of very patient and helpful regulars, I probably would have been gone by February. As of today, I have lost 126 pounds (I started with MFP in November prior to starting the gym in January).

    WOW! Way to go and way to stick with it.
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    @kellybug123 - Thanks. I don't know why I wasn't one of the many that quits a month or two in, I guess I was just ready this time. It is the best thing I have done for myself, and I am never going back.
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Tourist season is upon us. I applaud all of you who joined the gym in January and stuck with it. However, you are not the people being addressed in this post. The people who don't come back after 3 weeks are the problem. I do appreciate the subsidizing of my new equipment by these people so I will put up with it by doing workouts at home or outside so that I make sure I still get my workouts in.
  • I am a little saddened by this thread and the attitudes in it...surely you were all in the situation of wanting to change something about yourself at some point..and probably most of you still are...after al thats why you started to go the gym or eat better or walk or whatever you chose to do.
    The fact is that these members that join and do not use the equipment for long and therefore were it out are subsidizing our gym use.
    How would you all feel if you could not work out when it suited you because you are a long standing member and therefore could only se the gym at certain times? it is the same if you impose so called 'beginner' time slots.

    I often find that new comers are the most polite and courteous in the gym as they are often a little unsure of the etiquette and it is the long standing, everyday crowd that are the unpleasant ones...you know the ones that have to always have the same machines at the same time in the same place, then get all shirty when its not available. TO the point of passing up a free machine and waiting.
    What a load of BS. Working out is working out. My choice of exercise fortunately doesn't include a lot of gym work, but I do a lot of classes at various gyms and the best thing about it is the atmosphere, even when you are new, most people are welcoming and helpful.
    Maybe thats the difference those that choose group exercise over individual gym work.
    For those that really want to work out on their own..go do it...run outside, cycle, walk.whatever. The fact is if you come to a gym, you have to accept other people and wake up to fact that you are not more important in the scheme of things than anyone else. everyone has the choice to move more and eat less, perhaps if the vibe in your gyms were more positive from the regulars, more people would be healthier and happier....pass on some positive energy..it will make you feel better to.

    Anyway....rant over.....

  • One of the lovely aspects of working out at home or outdoors. No crowds! I don't miss that. The only time I really liked the gym is when I was on night shift and would go at like 11pm or so on my days off.

    I totally go at that time.......love love love love being alone!