Anyone NOT belong to a gym?



  • genthel
    genthel Posts: 59 Member
    No gym for me. I usually workout over the lunch hour. If it is warm - I walk outside for about 40 minutes. If it is bad weather - I do the stairs, walk inside one of the larger buildings on campus or do a exercise DVD in my office. If I workout at home - I use a DVD (Taebo, Walking Away the Pounds, etc) or a workout on Fit TV on Demand and they are great because they range from 10 minutes to an hour so you can select one based upon your schedule.
  • madC6
    madC6 Posts: 9 Member
    No gym here, the extra effort of having to go somewhere isn't worth it for me at this point. I have a pretty good set up in my baseemnt so I just sneak away when the kids aren't looking.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I use my stationary bike or DVD's at home, just because I can't afford a gym membership right now. I would prefer to use a gym because I enjoy walking/running and I don't have room in my house to put a treadmill so that's just not an option.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    No gym here. We are pretty rural, and getting to a gym would be at least a 25 minute drive one way. I am married and have four children, so it really wouldn't work for us for me to be gone 2+ hours a day to work out. I have lots of videos- Turbo Fire, Zumba, Power Strikes and all sorts of random stuff. We used to have an elliptical (broke), and now we have a treadmill. When it is reasonable I run outside and we have a weight machine in the garage (that's mostly DH's thing). I have hand weights, exercise ball, and a free step for myself. Oh- we also have a Wii and all the EA Active and Just Dance games. Plenty of choices- even without video on demand workouts from the cable company. :)
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Netflix workouts-dvds-weights/bench and push upetc-resistant bands.
    Walking my dog and making sure I move my butt doing anything active, So I can eat more:-) Love food!
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    I left my gym last spring and did the rest of the year without a membership. I park runs, Jillian Michaels dvds, Davina McCall dvds and Wii Zumba. Didn't notice any difference in overall fitness to when I was a gym member.

    The only thing I really missed was heavy weights. So for that I rejoined a gym during the last month. Still running outdoors and Zumba'ing on the Wii though!
  • mjvanommeren
    mjvanommeren Posts: 21 Member
    I do belong to a gym, but do most of my exercise at home. I buddy of mine and I meet at the gym on weekends, but need to work at home to make progress.

    I have to travel a lot on business as well and not all of the hotels have good gyms. I have used Turbulence Training (Craig B - for some motel room workouts. I like some of his exercises, but I enjoy doing cardio and his program excludes it (increases heart rate with quick motion strength exercises). So, for me - I use some of Craig's exercises and do treadmill or elliptical work at home during the week and work out with my buddy at the gym on the weekends.
  • gigiwaterloo
    gigiwaterloo Posts: 102 Member
    I just got the Wii Fit & Zumba for Christmas! LOVE using it at home! Don't have the time or money for a Gym membership that will never be used ENOUGH to my satisfaction so love having the privledge of working out whenever I want however I want @ home!
  • It's been typical for me to join a gym, and they can be costly, and drop out after a short time, using all kinds of excuses. The only thing I really enjoyed was step aerobics. With small children it can be hard fitting it into your day....
    I started out this time around using an ecliptical at home, but it was hard on my knees. We got an exercise bike about 4 months ago, at it's one of the best purchases we've ever made!!! I am one who has always hated exercise. While I still have no love for it, I have been able to committ to working out about 5 times a week. I'm down about 40 lbs and the bike has alot to do with it.
    The gym for me, just wasn't the right fit. Good luck to you in finding your perfect fit, and you will!!!
  • kblund
    kblund Posts: 17 Member
    I don't belong to a gym because I don't have the time to drive to one. Kids are in a lot of sports...I also work out with my family in our own gym. I have a treadmill, elliptical, stair climber and a recumbant bike. I have stretch bands, weighted balls, ab lounge, stepper.... I have it all, I really should have NO EXCUSES for my weight. I also have fitness coach for wii...
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    I don't belong to a gym and never have. Capoeira, 2 times a week, 90 minutes each time, plus a third workout at home for 45 minutes is what I get in a week.
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Who else works out at home? What exercises do you do? Do you use videos? I'd love some ideas so I can change it up a bit.

    I do. Recently got a Treadclimber and I have been walking 30min-1hour each day except Sunday. Hope to add other workouts soon though. No videos but music helps it along. I've read alot of people mention youtube for workout videos.
  • dls73
    dls73 Posts: 1
    I do not belong to a gym as I prefer to work out at home also. I have quite a few options I use. A great Yoga dvd with many choices of workouts and also two other dvds with choices of cardio/strength. Some workouts are only 20 minutes so they are easier to fit in. I also have a rowing machine.
  • I don't like the gym. It's just not a place for average people or fluffy people, either. The bar for normal is set so high there. Ugh. So, I take my average self on a walk with my kids in the evening. They ride scooters, I walk. Makes me walk faster. Sounds nuts, but during dinner ( I hate cooking dinner ) I do push ups off of the counter while I wait for something to cook, I do squats with a kitchen chair...anything to get movement in if I haven't moved a lot that day. Typically, I'd just stand there, so why not do a push up. When I unload the groceries, I lift the gallon of milk like a hand weight all the way into the house. I do this 4 times, because I buy 4 gallons. I have a treadmill, but I loathe it. I only use it when it's too hot outside to walk. I use a low retaining wall in my back yard to do step-ups. Get to feel the breeze and hear the birds while I do tricep dips there, too. Much better than the icky, public smell of a gym. If your kids are really little, you can lift them! I did pelvic lifts with my baby on my knees, on my abdomen. It doesn't have to be jumping up and down to the loudest music possible. Just move with intention whenever you can.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I have a free pool, one block away from my house. And I can walk and bike just about anywhere I need to go. When I want an intense workout, I go to the Bikram yoga studio up the street. If I don't feel like leaving the house, I do exercise videos. With so many options, I don't find it necessary to pay for a gym membership.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I don't.

    I started off with just a diet change and started losing, then added mild cardio.

    A few body-weight exercises next (pushups, cruches, dips etc)

    My piece of cardio equipment of choice is an elliptical, it was pretty easy on the knees. I'd do a 5-10min warmup, then HIIT (minute intervals) for 20 mins..then cool-down. Still my fave choice.

    Then I got into weight-lifting and slowly picked up equipment whenever it was on sale.

    I have nearly everything I need at home, though I'm running out of enough weight for my compound exercises.

    Either way, its more than enough.

    and I really don't like being out in public anyway. Like bigfoot.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I walk on all 3 breaks at work which totals a little over an hour.. at about 4-4.5 mph.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I hate gyms and wouldn't go if I had a free membership. I've done just fine by walking, jogging, elliptical at home, and working with hand weights.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I have 3 Jillian Michael DVDs which I rotate. I also have a pull up bar and resistance for me..I dont need to go to the gym..I also do 10 min of Tabata a week. When its warm outside..I do go for a walk.
  • november03
    november03 Posts: 205 Member
    I do not belong to a gym. I work out at home. I have a recumbent bike that I use almost daily. I started the 30 shred video and I just bought a jogging trampoline and love it. I guess it is called rebounding. I need a change. This is low impact and fun.