2nd Trimester



  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I am not logging either. I didn't really see the point because I have had food adversions and sometimes I eat whatever I can. I think I have done really well weight wise I have only gained 11lbs and am almost 24 weeks. I haven't gained any weight since July 6 so I am hoping to just stay the same till the end. I try not to stress about calories and I eat when I am hungry. I do try to make good choices but I also do not deprive myself if I want a slice of pizza I eat it or a bowl of ice cream I eat that too. I think I have done well so far.
    Very nice! I'm pretty much the same way, but I have to log otherwise I find I won't eat enough, even when I was hungry, as I'd eat normal, but since I have to eat more (maintenance + some) I wasn't eating what I should have been. Otherwise I wouldn't necessarily worry about logging either (especially since I'll do the slice of pizza or bowl of ice cream too :smile:)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I am not logging either. I didn't really see the point because I have had food adversions and sometimes I eat whatever I can. I think I have done really well weight wise I have only gained 11lbs and am almost 24 weeks. I haven't gained any weight since July 6 so I am hoping to just stay the same till the end. I try not to stress about calories and I eat when I am hungry. I do try to make good choices but I also do not deprive myself if I want a slice of pizza I eat it or a bowl of ice cream I eat that too. I think I have done well so far.

    You are doing very well! Eating like this was what I was hoping to strive for, but I haven't been able to make it work effectively. I am definitely an emotional eater, and the first 18 weeks of this pregnancy my anxiety level was extremely high. I've been reading books and searching for some "simple" ways to turn off that emotional eater side of myself, but so far, nothing has helped. I even thought about carrying a mirror around with me all day, so that when I feel the urge to eat, I can look at myself and ask, "Are you REALLY hungry??" haha My coworkers would think I was nuttier than usual!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well ladies, I'm off to the third trimester board...crazy! I'll see all of you there soon ;)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Well ladies, I'm off to the third trimester board...crazy! I'll see all of you there soon ;)

    Congrats!!! See you there in a little while!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I am not logging either. I didn't really see the point because I have had food adversions and sometimes I eat whatever I can. I think I have done really well weight wise I have only gained 11lbs and am almost 24 weeks. I haven't gained any weight since July 6 so I am hoping to just stay the same till the end. I try not to stress about calories and I eat when I am hungry. I do try to make good choices but I also do not deprive myself if I want a slice of pizza I eat it or a bowl of ice cream I eat that too. I think I have done well so far.

    You are doing very well! Eating like this was what I was hoping to strive for, but I haven't been able to make it work effectively. I am definitely an emotional eater, and the first 18 weeks of this pregnancy my anxiety level was extremely high. I've been reading books and searching for some "simple" ways to turn off that emotional eater side of myself, but so far, nothing has helped. I even thought about carrying a mirror around with me all day, so that when I feel the urge to eat, I can look at myself and ask, "Are you REALLY hungry??" haha My coworkers would think I was nuttier than usual!

    That is hilarious the guys I work with would probably think I had lost my mind, but I know the feeling I just found myself sitting at my desk looking at the bowl of peanut m&ms across the room I am not even hungry yet but I am bored and it would be so easy to just walk across the room and grab some. I usually do not even have a sweet tooth, but like I said I am bored. Actually I feel 11lbs was too much for me to gain since my dr. told me not to gain any. I really didn't need any extra weight and I am hoping to drop some if I can stay away from the m & ms. Who knows now that you are further along you may drop some of the weight since you won't have all that anxiety. Focus all your energy on getting the baby's room ready that is what I am doing now cleaning out closets and rearranging furniture. We are calling it "operation make room for baby". My son loves the name and thank god he is old enough to help me. Good luck :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well ladies, I'm off to the third trimester board...crazy! I'll see all of you there soon ;)

    See you there in 4 weeks
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    How soon did you guys feel the baby kick??? I didnt feel my baby kick until about 22 weeks, which scared the bejesus out of me. SO many girls said they felt at 16 weeks or so, i seriously thought something was wrong....WELL

    I felt Colton's first real kick on tuesday. I was like 4 kicks right in a row, like he was moving to a new spot and hit me with legs and arms.

    Now my boyfriend has a nightly ritual where he talks to Colton before we go to bed. Last night as he was talking to COlton, the baby kicked me a couplle of times. like he recognized his dads voice. Then this morning when we got up and my boyfriend told me good morning and started talking. Colton gave a few more Hello kicks. It was enough to bring me to tears.

    I really think the babys get to know our voices in the womb and are comforted by them. So moms and dads. talk to your little one as often as you can!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    How soon did you guys feel the baby kick??? I didnt feel my baby kick until about 22 weeks, which scared the bejesus out of me. SO many girls said they felt at 16 weeks or so, i seriously thought something was wrong....WELL

    I felt Colton's first real kick on tuesday. I was like 4 kicks right in a row, like he was moving to a new spot and hit me with legs and arms.

    Now my boyfriend has a nightly ritual where he talks to Colton before we go to bed. Last night as he was talking to COlton, the baby kicked me a couplle of times. like he recognized his dads voice. Then this morning when we got up and my boyfriend told me good morning and started talking. Colton gave a few more Hello kicks. It was enough to bring me to tears.

    I really think the babys get to know our voices in the womb and are comforted by them. So moms and dads. talk to your little one as often as you can!

    It all depends on how active the baby is I didn't feel anything until week 20 and then it was very faint. I will be 24 weeks tomorrow and in the past 2 weeks did I really start to feel actual kicks. They also say it has to do with the position of your placenta mine was facing my back so they told me I should feel them early (which I didn't). If your placenta is in the front it acts like a pillow and will take longer for you to feel the kicks. Thats what our ultrasound tech told us. Mine responds to the dog. I freaks my dog out and is hilarious to watch his reactions.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    How soon did you guys feel the baby kick??? I didnt feel my baby kick until about 22 weeks, which scared the bejesus out of me. SO many girls said they felt at 16 weeks or so, i seriously thought something was wrong....WELL

    I felt Colton's first real kick on tuesday. I was like 4 kicks right in a row, like he was moving to a new spot and hit me with legs and arms.

    Now my boyfriend has a nightly ritual where he talks to Colton before we go to bed. Last night as he was talking to COlton, the baby kicked me a couplle of times. like he recognized his dads voice. Then this morning when we got up and my boyfriend told me good morning and started talking. Colton gave a few more Hello kicks. It was enough to bring me to tears.

    I really think the babys get to know our voices in the womb and are comforted by them. So moms and dads. talk to your little one as often as you can!

    I'm 15 weeks now, and I can feel a kind of tickling sometimes, but it's very faint. Looking forward to feeling the kicks also! It'll let me know my little tadpole is doing okay.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    How soon did you guys feel the baby kick??? I didnt feel my baby kick until about 22 weeks, which scared the bejesus out of me. SO many girls said they felt at 16 weeks or so, i seriously thought something was wrong....WELL

    I felt Colton's first real kick on tuesday. I was like 4 kicks right in a row, like he was moving to a new spot and hit me with legs and arms.

    Now my boyfriend has a nightly ritual where he talks to Colton before we go to bed. Last night as he was talking to COlton, the baby kicked me a couplle of times. like he recognized his dads voice. Then this morning when we got up and my boyfriend told me good morning and started talking. Colton gave a few more Hello kicks. It was enough to bring me to tears.

    I really think the babys get to know our voices in the womb and are comforted by them. So moms and dads. talk to your little one as often as you can!

    So sweet :)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    How soon did you guys feel the baby kick??? I didnt feel my baby kick until about 22 weeks, which scared the bejesus out of me. SO many girls said they felt at 16 weeks or so, i seriously thought something was wrong....WELL

    I felt Colton's first real kick on tuesday. I was like 4 kicks right in a row, like he was moving to a new spot and hit me with legs and arms.

    Now my boyfriend has a nightly ritual where he talks to Colton before we go to bed. Last night as he was talking to COlton, the baby kicked me a couplle of times. like he recognized his dads voice. Then this morning when we got up and my boyfriend told me good morning and started talking. Colton gave a few more Hello kicks. It was enough to bring me to tears.

    I really think the babys get to know our voices in the womb and are comforted by them. So moms and dads. talk to your little one as often as you can!

    That is so cute! My hubby also talks to our baby girl every night, and last night she kicked him in the mouth. That was the first time he's felt her, and I'm about a little over 23 weeks. I've been feeling her since 17 weeks sporadically, and from 19 weeks consistently.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Mine responds to the dog. I freaks my dog out and is hilarious to watch his reactions.
    I haven't felt anything yet, and really don't expect to until around 20-22 weeks (trying not to get my hopes up that I'll feel it sooner since I hate waiting :laugh:), but I swear the dogs (both female) can hear the heartbeat. One in particular constantly wants to be on my lap, touching my belly. So I'm definitely waiting for that first moment when the baby kicks/moves with the dog laying on me to see her reaction!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I am 19.5wks and I feel the baby kick very strongly. I started feeling him/her very early on, around 14-15wks. It was amazing, I didn't expect any movements until later on and then BAM, I started feeling little fishy movements. Then at 15-16wks they were a lot stronger. And now its constant and very strong. I have a very active baby. I finally get to find out the gender Tuesday. Wooohoo.

    As for calories, I left them alone at maintenance. If I am hungry I will eat more, but I usually end up 1900 a day. I have been gaining weight pretty steady. Between 1/2lb to 1lb a week. Some weeks are more, some weeks are less. I am up about 12-13lbs at 19.5weeks. Yikes....
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I am going on 17 weeks pregnant and I feel the baby move, they say you feel it earlier if it's not your first baby. I mostly feel butterfly tickles and they aren't often, only when I am laying down or taking a relaxing bath. I can't wait for the real kicks, that way I wouldn't worry all the time.

    I was also wondering, I have an ultrasound at 19 weeks and was wondering how accurate is it when they tell you if it's a boy or a girl? I heard that sometimes they can make mistakes. I am going for my routine check-up ultrasound and the doctor told me I could ask the technician for the anatomy of the baby. I really want to know. A few of my family paid for the 3D ultrasound to find out the sexe of the baby but I've read that constant exposure to the sonore is not good for the baby. Any opinions on this?
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    My next u/s isn't until week 23 as they look at the health of the baby, to include heart, arteries, etc. To the techs, their main priority is that; if they have time and the baby is positioned well, they'll take a look to determine boy or girl; but if they're not extremely positive on what it is, they won't call it. Let's just say that my folks were told I'd be a boy and came out a girl, and my friend's husband was expected to be a girl. Even with u/s being better technology nowadays, there's still that possibilty that the boy could be hiding his goods or it could mistakenly be the umbilical cord. So while they may tell us what it is, I'm not going to 100% believe it until the baby's born!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    How soon did you guys feel the baby kick??? I didnt feel my baby kick until about 22 weeks, which scared the bejesus out of me. SO many girls said they felt at 16 weeks or so, i seriously thought something was wrong....WELL

    I felt Colton's first real kick on tuesday. I was like 4 kicks right in a row, like he was moving to a new spot and hit me with legs and arms.

    Now my boyfriend has a nightly ritual where he talks to Colton before we go to bed. Last night as he was talking to COlton, the baby kicked me a couplle of times. like he recognized his dads voice. Then this morning when we got up and my boyfriend told me good morning and started talking. Colton gave a few more Hello kicks. It was enough to bring me to tears.

    I really think the babys get to know our voices in the womb and are comforted by them. So moms and dads. talk to your little one as often as you can!

    It took a little longer to feel this baby girl kick me. just the last 2weeks is when I really felt her move so about 19 weeks.. With my 2nd pregnancy I felt it around 15weeks. So it definatly had me nervous for a while.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Felt my first real kick last night. I'm 15 weeks. It kinda hurt a little, and it was a little surprising. Felt great to know my tadpole is doing okay though.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Hooray for all the baby movements!! So exciting! I felt my little guy kick for the first time yesterday too. I'm officially 19 weeks!

    I apologize in advance for this little rant, but I figured if anyone would understand, you ladies will.

    Last night was a coworkers birthday and I joined them out while they had a few drinks. Drinking water at the bar hasn't bothered me even the slightest until last night. Last winter one of my coworkers asked if we could start losing weight together, but stopped going to the gym with me when she realized that even though I was bigger than her, I was in better shape. I also snapped at her for telling people she had a baby, so she had an excuse to be fat (her daughter was 16 months old at the time). Now that I'm visibly pregnant, she told me she'd be willing to hang out with me again because I was back to being "the fat friend." (but she currently weighs more than she did the day she gave birth!)

    She ended up being at the bar yesterday too and I quickly started losing my patience with her after the 20th joke about me drinking water and still having a "beer belly." Our server came around to ask about refills and I when I asked for another glass of water, my coworker told the server all my drinks could go on her tab. So when she headed back to fill our drink order, I followed her and ordered a shot for the birthday girl, our server, and all 6 bartenders. Our server grinned and goes, Oh her tab, correct?

    Hey! She offered!!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hooray for all the baby movements!! So exciting! I felt my little guy kick for the first time yesterday too. I'm officially 19 weeks!

    I apologize in advance for this little rant, but I figured if anyone would understand, you ladies will.

    Last night was a coworkers birthday and I joined them out while they had a few drinks. Drinking water at the bar hasn't bothered me even the slightest until last night. Last winter one of my coworkers asked if we could start losing weight together, but stopped going to the gym with me when she realized that even though I was bigger than her, I was in better shape. I also snapped at her for telling people she had a baby, so she had an excuse to be fat (her daughter was 16 months old at the time). Now that I'm visibly pregnant, she told me she'd be willing to hang out with me again because I was back to being "the fat friend." (but she currently weighs more than she did the day she gave birth!)

    She ended up being at the bar yesterday too and I quickly started losing my patience with her after the 20th joke about me drinking water and still having a "beer belly." Our server came around to ask about refills and I when I asked for another glass of water, my coworker told the server all my drinks could go on her tab. So when she headed back to fill our drink order, I followed her and ordered a shot for the birthday girl, our server, and all 6 bartenders. Our server grinned and goes, Oh her tab, correct?

    Hey! She offered!!

    Haha!!!!!!!!!! That's what she gets lol
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Mine responds to the dog. I freaks my dog out and is hilarious to watch his reactions.
    I haven't felt anything yet, and really don't expect to until around 20-22 weeks (trying not to get my hopes up that I'll feel it sooner since I hate waiting :laugh:), but I swear the dogs (both female) can hear the heartbeat. One in particular constantly wants to be on my lap, touching my belly. So I'm definitely waiting for that first moment when the baby kicks/moves with the dog laying on me to see her reaction!

    Haha I'm also waiting for that moment when my dog jumps up after being kicked by baby!!! I don't know if they can hear her heartbeat though, but they are always on me now!