When did ED become cool?



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I totally thought you meant erectile dysfunction when you put ED. I learn a new acrynom on the intertoobz everyday. I feel bad for these girls/guys that feel they need to starve themselves to be their ideal body type. I just want to shake them and tell them that they are doing more harm and ruining their organs and making actual weightloss more difficult! .. if only it were that easy and as if that were a cure for ED's :P

    I saw a great quote on pintrest that I recall... "You do not have to starve yourself. You do not need those greasy fries either." I know it doesn't really have anything to do with ED, but it put HEALTHY weightloss at the front of my mind. You need to eat, eat healthy. Repeat.

    Also ... "Healthy - it's the new skinny."
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Well I didn't realise this thread was still going (given that I posted it months ago).
    Is there hulkspo? Or asbigasthorspo? I'm that.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    They will regret this someday. Like I did when I lost 4 babies after being anorexic. I still blame myself for that.
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I don't think it helps that you say it's 'stupid', maybe if you understood you would see it wasn't a helpful comment. (I'm not being mean btw, you just said you didn't understand and I hope that gives you a bit of an insight...?)

    I don't see it being any different than the opposite, the foodees, feeders, feedies or whatever they want to call themselves. Some people have an unhealthy obsession with food and weight and take it to extremes.

    For every person that is a "thinspo" there is another that likes SSBBW's.

    I can understand compulsions, I've had plenty of unhealthy addictions and habits in my life from smoking and drinking to much harder substances. I get addicted to things and form habits easily.

    Personally I obviously don't care about my weight that much, obviously or otherwise I wouldn't be so big. I was so ignorant I didn't even understand how overweight I was or how to even manage my weight. I knew nothing of carbs and protein and nutrients or serving sizes I just ate whatever. But after I got divorced I decided to quit smoking cigarettes and weed and change my life.

    I've lost quit a bit of weight fairly quickly. But it's not about weight for me so much as it is my health. Anyone that is either over or underweight is going to have health problems.
  • So I've recently joined this tumblr thing. I wanted another way to chronicle my weight gain into super awesome musclyness from my old skinny self.
    Anyway, I'm new to the site, and have only been on for about a week and what's really shocked me is how many girls are on there...seemingly *enjoying...perhaps that's not the right word...advertising their eating disorders, and not in a...I have a problem, I'm working through it kind of way, but more 'YES I ONLY ATE 200 CALORIES TODAY' or 'Finally hit 39kg :D!!!'.

    I get that for many, many people an eating disorder is extremely difficult, and having worked with young teenagers with ED's I completely sympathise, but when did it become cool to have an ED?

    Also to clarify, I am not generalising and saying all ED people think it's cool, I'm not that stupid, but there seems to be hundreds, if not thousands of girls on this site...in what seems like a 'thinspo' club.

    What's this about?
    that's crazy!!.. i don't think i've actually ever heard of this site. but it seems like it's a cult! :frown:
    sad sad

    Sadly, it's not just one site. There are thousands of teenagers on tumblr who will willingly damage their health for....attention is the only motive I can think of. Hopefully, since openly sharing that information is hardly ever seen in true sufferers of eating disorders, they will grow out of it.
    i actually know two, maybe three people with an ED and every single time i've tried to help (even in the most humble way) they have either brushed me off or denied it.. so, i have simply given up stressing out over someone i genuinely care for if they are unwilling to help themselves :frown:
    but i suppose it's just part of the "disordered" mentality to think they are actually healthy

    Please don't give up on them, though. As someone with an ED, I can tell you that change can only come from within, but having friends and family who have supported you no matter what is a wonderful thing to have.

    That said, I would also advise that you take care of yourself because it's very easy to get too drawn into their disease.
  • I don't even get why people have eating disorders.

    I know I am obese and I am working on that, and I know for some reason people hate fat people a lot and it's seen as better to be skinny. But the people with ED need to realise they aren't actually being popular or in vogue or whatever by being skinny. Infact they're the minority and nearly 70% of people are overweight or obese so being underweight or incredibly skinny is just a stupid idea all together.

    Just an FYI, there are also eating disorders for overeating, so it's possible to be obese and have an eating disorder.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I"ve always thought Ed Davenport was cool. Dude lost like 300 lbs.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Ridiculous. People that really have EDs don't sensationalize or advertise it. I should know, I've suffered from one for over 8 years. Its a phase for the people you see on those sites. People with EDs are very private about it. Either we tell no one, or we are part of a tight knit group for emotional support. Please don't generalize-- we're not all about the glamour of it. Nothing is glamorous about bending over a toilet til you're throwing up blood.

    I believe he said he wasn't saying that someone with at true ED acted like this. I also believe he didn't generalize those with true disorders into this group, only those who think it's cool and brag about it. You jumped on him for no reason. He just wanted to know why the younger people who post like this thinks it's cool
  • GabrielleZelda
    GabrielleZelda Posts: 190 Member
    I have definitely noticed this trend as well. It's really just a way for them to feel a sense of community and be positively encouraged to continue what they are doing. They are trying to push ED's as a kind of lifestyle so that they don't have to change their ways. It's very sad!

    I suffer with an EDNOS, but I would never ever promote the lifestyle. It's something to overcome, or deal with in my mind.
    If anything, at least in my offline life, I tend to hide it. I don't want to negatively influence anyone or garner that sort of attention!

    However, I think it's very important to understand the difference between not yet being ready to recover, and outright promoting EDs.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I"ve always thought Ed Davenport was cool. Dude lost like 300 lbs.

    That dude's a beast.
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    Well I didn't realise this thread was still going (given that I posted it months ago).
    Is there hulkspo? Or asbigasthorspo? I'm that.

    LMAO! I want to be strongfitsexymilfspo. :bigsmile: :tongue: :wink:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Well I didn't realise this thread was still going (given that I posted it months ago).
    Is there hulkspo? Or asbigasthorspo? I'm that.

    LMAO! I want to be strongfitsexymilfspo. :bigsmile: :tongue: :wink:

    ...or a dilfspo. :laugh:
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 175 Member
    Edited for potty mouth haha.

    Idk. B*****s Be Crazy.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Just wanted to chime in that, yes, these girls do have eating disorders. No, it's not just a "phase." Pro-ana and pro-mia is nothing new, and it's not just some silly trend set by teens. If I read another comment about "people with real or true EDs," I'm going to blow.

    Hello. I'm Emily. I'm 18-years-old, a recovering bulimic, and a member of tumblr. I actively participated in the pro-ana/pro-mia for several months last year. It's not about looking cool. It's not about bragging. It's about a community of people who find each other helpful -- whether that help is going towards eating disorder thoughts or not. It is a cry for a help, don't get me wrong.

    But it's not just a phase.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    everyone expresses their ED differently! You cant make generalizations like "people with real ED are private about it." Mental illness takes on many different forms. If someone is doing it for attention and still ends up hospitalized that doesnt mean they are less sick than someone who was private about it and ended up in the same place. And this is not a new trend, its just something people dont often confront unless they are looking for that kind of environment.

    Very well said. :)
  • Tumblr isn't a "cult" these girls that are 'pro-Ana" make up just a small percentage of the users. Yes, there are some blogs that are quite sad (like mine. But mine isn't pro-anything. It's just something I use to get out my emotions. And I have another one that I use as a happy blog....)
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    It's nothing new. It's been around since at least the 90s, when internet forums and blogs started getting more popular.

    Just like anything else, there is no one way people express or engage with their eating disorder.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I've seen that a lot lately unfortunately. I don't know how people get by on so few calories!
  • SashaMegan
    SashaMegan Posts: 110 Member
    There comes a time when we need to stop blaming the media for everything,and maybe start teaching our kids to think for themselves.
    we can cry all we want about societys impossible standards but we are society we are are responsiple for letting the modeling industry/hollywood tell us how we need to look. when in reality who gives a fVck what they think we should look like.
