Bigger Breakfast=more hungry....WHY?



  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    OK--So I tried eating more protien this morning, and it worked! I wasn't really even hungry by the time recess rolled around, but I ate anyways because I knew I wouldn't make it to lunch. I added two hard boiled eggs (whites only) to my breakfast, and I felt much better!

    Thanks for all your suggestions! It is much appreciated.

    And I have lost 8 lbs too!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I had - 2 slices sara lee light wheat bread - 1 egg pan fried with pam - 1 slice of fat free cheese and a piece of fruit and that was at 8:30, I ate on my drive to work.. and here is is noon and I am just now starting to get hungry...

    WOO HOOOOOOOOO - thanks for the advise everyone.. Lesson learned -

  • mmackie
    mmackie Posts: 93
    OOOHHH i love fried egg sandwiches, try a little grey pupoun on it-it adds flavor, but not calories!

    Yum I think I'll have that tomorrow for breakfast...:wink:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    OOOHHH i love fried egg sandwiches, try a little grey pupoun on it-it adds flavor, but not calories!

    Yum I think I'll have that tomorrow for breakfast...:wink:

    Yummy idea.. I didn't even think to put anything on it..
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    well put molsongrl!
    I was wondering about that too. I do tend to think of it as an automobile. thanks for clearing that up!!
  • laird20k
    laird20k Posts: 96 Member
    I'm so glad I read this post. I have been so hungry in my morning classes lately - and campus food isn't really what I want to fill up on. I thought I was eating so much with my 250 to dare I eat 300 calories for breakfast.. I will definitely up my breakfast calories now.. I still have that fear that I will come across something in the evening and be over my calories.. I guess I'll just have to work out a little harder for those unexpected evening treats..
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Hey there Laird,

    I find that tapering throughout the day helps many people. As in "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper." You are breaking your fast when you eat in the morning, so really, you are getting your metabolism revved up again. You need the calories in the morning...and eating small meals throughout the day helps stave off hunger. College life is killer; lots of people tend to wake up late, roll to class with their pajamas on, and of course, skip breakfast or shove a granola bar down during the walk to that 9 am. I used to skip breakfast too, and now I make sure to get up early and eat a decent meal. Therefore, I am fueled all day and don't get as hungry. I used to eat a lot at dinner too, but if you eat that much at night, you just don't have as much time to burn it off like you do breakfast throughout the day. Also, this is just me, but I try not to eat 2-3 hours before I go to bed. This is just me though, and I'm sure other people have things to add. Say NO to greasy college cafeteria food! :wink:

    PS. My breakfasts come in at 400-500 calories usually. I don't worry about it too much.
  • Also if you're wanting more info about the proteins, carbs and fat mixtures and when they should be eaten, please read Repairing your broken furnace (Metabolism) It's a lengthy read, but a good article about how your body makes insulin, how to control insulin, to the help control "weight loss". Trust me it works!!! Especially if you're on a fitness program as well as diet/nutrition I've acutally had to up my calories by @ 300-400 per day, I'm just @ 550 for breakfast now. Good luck and take a few to read the article in that post. Good info especially for you bread lovers out there like myself.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    woah... a normal breakfast for me is...
    16-20 oz water
    3/4 cup egg beaters
    3 -4 stips Turkey bacon (or turkey sausage)
    1.5 slices of 100% whole wheat bread.
    1 scoop whey protein powder in 8oz fat free A&D milk.
    = @ 500-530 calories and I don't get very hungry until @ 8:30am (I eat @ 6:00am)
    (here's a tip, not so much about calories, its more about the proteins 65 g of protein in breakfast)
    you can sub the bread for a banana, orange or another piece of larger fruit. (only throw the bread in for carbs and grains)

    That sounds like my breakfast minus the fat free milk and protein powder.....a love me some egg beaters and turkery bacon ( or sausage)
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