


  • I don't know if I'm still linked or not but I really don't see the big deal with it. Nearly everyone on my FB friends list knows I'm fat. They know that I'm fixing that. Having it linked gives them more opportunity to support me similar to my friends on here.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I have mine linked but when they updated mfp it lost my link and I can't get it to work now!!!
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    No way. Here on MFP I can say things I couldn't on Facebook. I have hyper-critical family and anything I say about my fitness immediately turns into family gossip.
    I can't even post pics of me in a bikini without getting sh it from them. Plus all you guys are way more awesome. Where else can we talk about bowel movements?
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    I don't link my account either, this is something personal and just for me. I think that I need to seperate some of my personal life from FB as everyone is your best friend on there but also a critic. I like the comfortability on here socializing with like minded people and the positive energy :)<3

    You said it BEST!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Not only did I link it, but I started a weight loss and healthy living support group from my friends list. It's been growing as they invite their friends too. It's open if anyone wants to join https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/277845202272147/

    Mary Ann
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    No way. Here on MFP I can say things I couldn't on Facebook. I have hyper-critical family and anything I say about my fitness immediately turns into family gossip.
    I can't even post pics of me in a bikini without getting sh it from them. Plus all you guys are way more awesome. Where else can we talk about bowel movements?

    Lol!! That is so funny what you said about bowel movements! I work for a nutritional company, and we talk about poop all....day....long. People describe their poop in great detail, so the bodily functions are no big deal to me now! Sooo funny!
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member

    Me too, I'm anti-fb
  • pollard775
    pollard775 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't want mine linked to fb. I joined about a week ago, on the advice of my daughter who is also a member of MFP. It is a great site, I don't feel judged so much and also, I am with "like" minded people who want to become or stay healthy. I find that some of the posts from family members, regarding diet or exercise, are completely negative and actually promote being unhealthy. I want my life journey to be a positive healthy road. Even if I do fail at times, there is always, a positive message in it somewhere, I just have to have the patience to find it and recognize the lesson. :) Have a Happy and Healthy day folks! :smile: :smile:
  • pollard775
    pollard775 Posts: 38 Member
    No way. Here on MFP I can say things I couldn't on Facebook. I have hyper-critical family and anything I say about my fitness immediately turns into family gossip.
    I can't even post pics of me in a bikini without getting sh it from them. Plus all you guys are way more awesome. Where else can we talk about bowel movements?

    Lol!! That is so funny what you said about bowel movements! I work for a nutritional company, and we talk about poop all....day....long. People describe their poop in great detail, so the bodily functions are no big deal to me now! Sooo funny!

    TOO FUNNY! I work for gastroenterologists, so I can totally relate!!! :laugh:
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    It's already been said, but I don't have my MFP linked to my Facebook. It seems that when you tell someone you're losing weight, you're tracking calories, you're working out, etc., suddenly you have gained a pack of nutritionists. Everyone has an opinion on weight loss and food, they are all different, and they are all correct. :) In all seriousness, I prefer to share this information with the people that care about weight loss and making fitness a lifestyle.
    - LEM

    Weight Lost Since 1/11: 29
    Weight Lost Since 1/12: 2
    Add me :)
  • jogdog
    jogdog Posts: 89 Member
    MFP not linked to FB at all. Infact MFP is pulling me away from FB :)

    HAHA. Same here.

    On facebook, I do not want people to know how much I used to weigh. I have already lost quite a bit, but I don't want people to do the math and be shocked or make comments about it. Nobody except close friends and family knew exactly how big I got. I might post my final results on facebook with a nice "skinny" picture, but I am not going to broadcast, "Hey, I'm fat and I want everybody to know I'm trying to lose my fat gut, hips, etc." I do post on facebook when I get a good run or bike and try to get people to join me.

    Everybody who complains about weight on facebook is just looking for sympathy and not solutions and hard work. They want the easy way out. Here on MFP, we all know there is no easy way or gimmick.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Joining the chorus of no I don't link them, don't need the crossover really, FB serves a different purpose.

    FB is like a big party with everyone you know, and last thing I want knowing some of my FB friends especially, is to be is that person at the party who keeps talking about their weight/fitness/nutrition and making them feel bad about themselves.

    But occasionally I do post a link to MFP to encourage friends to try it, a great many of them I feel would benefit hugely.. pun sort of intended. :wink:
  • bosskitty
    bosskitty Posts: 37 Member
    No i keep this private, i'd be too embarressed if people i knew could track my progress.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    No way.
    As someone who's not overweight, I used to get so much hate any time I'd post about a good workout or feeling good about getting in shape. I would get called obsessed, annoying, disordered, etc. I learned long ago that it's not safe for me to post anything health, body or fitness related on there.

    Plus, I use this as a place to vent about things that I would otherwise keep to myself -- whether it's body-related, or just related to relationships with people on my life.
  • No way.
    As someone who's not overweight, I used to get so much hate any time I'd post about a good workout or feeling good about getting in shape. I would get called obsessed, annoying, disordered, etc. I learned long ago that it's not safe for me to post anything health, body or fitness related on there.

    Plus, I use this as a place to vent about things that I would otherwise keep to myself -- whether it's body-related, or just related to relationships with people on my life.

    I totally understand about people reacting negatively about positive efforts. I actually just deactivated my FB, too much toxicity for right now. It's pretty refreshing.
  • jagpie42
    jagpie42 Posts: 43 Member
    I rarely post on facebook and in some weird way I feel closer to my friends on MFP. This is about me. Facebook is about keeping up with people I don't really care about...oh, and playing Zombie Island. :)