So pregnant and afriad of gaining all my lost weight



  • first of all congrats!! secondly, u only need to consume something like 100 cals a day extra for ur baby. ur doc will b keeping an eye on ur weight gain so i believe he/she is the best person to talk to about this. while i was pregnant with both my kids i lost about 7 kgs in the first trimester, but i also had (and still do) weight to lose. When it comes to the cravings i always gave into mine as i'm a firm believer that its ur body telling u it needs something (i was a bit hippy like that) but i never over indulged in the cravings.
    I hope ur morn sickness goes away soon and u get to enjoy the rest of ur pregnancy!! good luck with it all!

    This is not true. Furthermore, someone that spells your with ur (just to mention one of the many grammar errors) should not be taken seriously.