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  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Hi LADIES!!

    What a beautiful group of women! I'm so tickled to see soo many women of color in here making strides to a better health. I struggle with my black girlfriends and their health. Very few work out and they say I motivate them but they aren't motivating themselves enough. So happy to see everyone here on a journey.

    I just realized I never introduced myself. I'm Lee short for Malicia. I am trying to tackle my last 25lbs of 100 that I gained since somewhere around 2003ish. I'll be 34 in a few weeks. No children and a boyfriend. I run races every now and then. I used to be a cardio queen but now I focus more on strength training and yoga. Efventually, I would love to teach spinning.

    And currently I'm the smallest I have been since the mid 90s lol.

    I will make it a point to come here more often!
